Experts by Experience Committee

The Psoriasis Association has developed an Experts by Experience Committee (EXEC), made up of people affected by psoriasis, to give a reality check on the research grant applications we receive.

Researchers and healthcare workers may be the experts in psoriasis at a scientific level, but people with psoriasis are the experts in living with psoriasis in the real world. As such, people with psoriasis have invaluable insight into the practicalities of research and can comment on how likely a project is to recruit participants, or whether the research could benefit their day-to-day lives.

How can I join the EXEC?

If you are interested in joining the EXEC or have any questions, please email us via

I don't have a science background, can I still be part of the EXEC?

Yes. You do not need to understand the scientific basis of psoriasis or have a particular level of scientific knowledge to take part in EXEC, just your own experiences of psoriasis.

What will I be asked to do if I join the EXEC?

After receiving a training pack in the summer, you will be sent the research grant applications we have received in early December. Each application contains a plain English version of the proposed project, discussing the research area, the methods the researchers will use, how they will communicate the results and how the project will benefit people with psoriasis. This will have as little jargon as possible, so no prior knowledge of the scientific area should be needed.

We will ask the members of the EXEC to review all the applications, rank them individually out of 5, with 1 being poor and 5 being excellent, and add comments as they see fit. You would be asked to use your personal experience to judge the projects using questions such as: ‘Is the project relevant for people with psoriasis?’, ‘Are the proposed methods of recruiting or involving participants realistic?’ and ‘Is this project likely to make a difference to people living with psoriasis?’

Will there be any training for the EXEC?

Yes, training will be provided by the Psoriasis Association so that all members of the EXEC feel confident in their ability to review the grant applications.

Will there be any support for the EXEC?

Yes. There will be a dedicated member of staff available to answer questions and support the EXEC through the grant review process.

How much time will I need to give to the EXEC?

The research grant applications will be sent to you as soon as possible after the application deadline in December. You will then have around two months to read and review the applications at your own pace. Over the last seven years we have received on average ten applications per year. It is up to you how much time you spend on each application, though we would ask all our EXEC members to review as many of the applications we send over as possible.

Can I take part in the EXEC from home?

Yes, the applications will be sent to you for you to assess at home in your own time.

If you have any questions about the EXEC or would like to learn more, please do get in touch with us via