
Posted Fri 28 Dec 2012 17.24 by Jamesrshepherd
I have had psoriasis for about 25 years but in the last 5 years it is extremely extensive and severe

I have had psoriasis for c25 years but in the last 5 years it has got very extensive and severe and is now having a massive affect on my life! I haven't wore a t-shirt or shorts in public for this time and I now have 2 beautiful children whom I would love to take swimming etc. I have tried every topical treatment I have ever heard of and had a course of light treatment 2 years ago which worked but it returned within 3 months. I would welcome any suggestions as to treatments but would also like to know of any consultant who is willing to think outside the box and not suggest stuff I have already tried.

1 Posted Sun 13 Apr 2014 20.17 by MattL (edited Mon 21 Jul 2014 13.09 by TimA)

Hi Sarah81. I used oilatum shampoo on mild scalp p and found it worked well. For guttache, I've used a combination of betnovate in the mornings and dovabet in the evenings.... plenty of sunshine too... maybe able to keep it under control until June. M.

Posted Wed 23 Jul 2014 10.52 by saintsfan (edited Tue 5 Aug 2014 13.39 by saintsfan)

The easy answer is wear the shorts and t shirt and stuff the lot of them! I know, way easier said than done. It's so hard but however you're feeling, what message are you sending your own children? What are they learning about other children they might come across, or adults when they're older, who may not look like them? That they should cover up and hide themselves? Wouldn't it be better if mum, however hard it is, put on the tshirt and shorts when it's sunny and joined in with their fun. That fun is more important. Some people will stare, of course they will, we're all human. Some will make ridiculous comments, of course they will. So be it, that's their ignorance talking. It's so hard but showing your children, by example, how to deal with ignorance and bullies is one of the greatest things you can do. As for treatments, as the psoriasis returned within 3 months, it sounds as if the next stage would be systemic drugs such as methotrexate. This works well for many people but as with all serious drugs there are side effects. I'm going to state the obvious. There are no easy answers. There are no cures. To manage such serious symptoms you are probably looking at drugs. You are caught between a rock and a hard place. If you possibly, possibly can, please try to love you skin a bit more. May sound mad but after decades I started to look on it as a dear friend that needed looking after and nurturing. I wouldn't be embarrassed being seen out with a friend who others might think looked different. The sun's out, I'm in a sleeveless dress, my arms are covered in plaque and guttate psoriasis. I'm going clothes shopping. I'll be looked at. Someone might ask about it because they have it too, it's not always unkind ignorance that makes people stare. My husband loves me and has only ever known me this way. I don't need the world to love me, just him. Sorry for the length of this post. You are loved. You can do it.

Posted Sat 26 Jul 2014 10.31 by samb
14 years

My best advice to people with psoriasis is to try to keep a good diet drink water mainly and the best thing i have tried is actually dinyarrack sheep cream. Stay with natural products is my recommendation.

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