Positive Impact of Dopamine & Serotonin?

Posted Mon 31 Dec 2012 05.01 by Herakles
Severe, and on stump of right leg prevents me from wearing a prosthesis. becoming wheelchair bound and dependent on carers.

Just read this article - Combined use of dopamine and serotonin agonists in the treatment of allergic disorders - http://www.patentstorm.us/patents/5502080/description.html Yes I know it's full of science and the case studies do not include P but the message I think is clear, increase the levels of dopamine and serotonin in the body and the immune system is much better placed to deal with P.. I've had chronic P for just over a year now to the extent it stops me wearing my artificial leg and has me confined to a wheelchair.. Some nights when the P got so bad I couldn't sleep I'd get up and go for a fast wheelchair ride in the park. Always felt better after that, guess it's the feel good chemicals generated by the exercise. Would be interested to hear of the experiences of others relative to this and whether anyone has tried or had fenfluramine & phentermine suggested to them?

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