Hi everyone

Posted Tue 1 Jan 2013 20.02 by justaboutdone

Hi everyone, I was told to try going on one of these sites. I guess this is the lucky winner because purple is one of my favourite colours. Been living with this condition for a decade now. Tried cream after cream, sunlight treatment, pills and still it has covered me from head to toe like... well, a leopard. I'm reluctant to admit this, but I have let it ruin my life. I'm not giving it full responsibility. I could have been stronger. I could have scratched less. But nevertheless, I was 8-9 stone lighter before this started. My social life, sex life, love life haven't existed for 2 years now. I don't blame my partner for not coming near me since my skin got bad. They're still around, but I don't think they want to admit to they're too guilty to leave a Freddy Krueger lookalike. Too much info, but that's where I am at. I have felt alone, like many people say, for a long time. Like nobody understands. I'm not asking for magic, but I want, need for my life and the way I feel about my life to change. I was hoping one of these sites could help. Believe it or not, I'm the quiet one that never complains about their problems. Always be the listener. Which I am happy to do here, too. There should be a give and take. Anyways, hi, everyone. Hope this post hasn't put anyone off! And Happy New Year xx

Posted Fri 4 Jan 2013 15.29 by TimA (edited Wed 16 Apr 2014 14.03 by Clairep)
Plaque psoriasis over most of body: especially shins, elbows and hands.

justaboutdone. But you are not done yet, are you? I don't know if you have found the right site, or if a website is what you need. This site is a bit slow in responding to posts - maybe what you need is some kind of group where you could talk to people. Your doctor or hospital may be able to help you find one. But you are not alone. What this site does show you is that there are a lot of people with the same problems as you. We've tried the creams and sunlight too. It doesn't always work. Maybe, as it is a New Year, it is time to try a new approach. Have you thought about trying some of the diet changes some people are recommending? E.g. gluten/wheat free? I'm no expert, so I don't know what is right for you. I just hope that you find something that works for you - something that will change your life for the better. Good luck.

Posted Mon 14 Jan 2013 18.13 by sarah
I have plaque, guttate, inverse and scalp psoriasis that covers all of my body. I've had it for about 10years but on New Years Day it flared

Hi Justaboutdone. I'd be interested to know where you are from as you've just described me to a T. I've just spent New Year iin hospital on god only knows what because of my psoriasis - my GP said I looked like an overcooked christmas turkey. I too have put on about 8-9 stone over the years and let it ruin my life.

Posted Mon 28 Jan 2019 11.05 by herbertvwright - 43 from 5425 E Belmont Ave, Fresno, CA
I’m Herbert. I’m a designer living in Fresno California working https://www.lost-identification.com . I am a fan of design and arts.

Great stuff Thank you for sharing, I am also exited to join here.

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