Doing my head in now!

Posted Wed 9 Jan 2013 13.09 by WeckyBykes
I have 80% body coverage in small plaque psoriasis. I have had this long term - roughly 10 yrs. I have tried all the creams on the market, I

Hi I'm Becky, I am 26 and have had P for 10 years now, it is really starting to grind my gears.. I have been on Cyliasporin (My spelling not so great) also Methorexate for a long period of time. I consider myself as still only young and have come off all kinda of medication as I dont want problems with liver, kidney etc in later life.. (has anyone experienced this?) This means it all goes back down to the topical creams.. I feel I have tried everything. I have 80% coverage which is managable in the winter. But I am dreading summer so much I feel sick! Has anyone out there had a topical that has worked wonders? I have tried dovebet, dovenex, exourex, double base, diprobase.. The list is endless.. I have even tried Savlon. I have had two batches of the UVB treatments. (This didn't work) I dont want to sound like a moaner, I have been quite upbeat, but it is really getting the better of me now.. Thanks in advance for your help

Posted Wed 9 Jan 2013 21.21 by Lt11 (edited Wed 13 Feb 2013 01.10 by Lucyloo)

Hi Becky! I have just signed up as a member here and this is the first thing I've come across; I'm a 20 year old guy & have suffered severely with this lark for 3 years now. The best thing I can recommend to you (which I have massive faith in) is Dr.Organic Manuka Honey. There's a massive range of it from body creams to soap, it's crackin'! Give it a go, I'd love to know how it would help. Stay strong ay :) x

Posted Wed 13 Feb 2013 01.09 by billie17
I'm17 and have had psoriasis all my life, in flare has gotten in the way of my social life and has left me feeling self conscious a

Hey, I'm 17 and have had it all my life in like flare ups, I'm in one of the worst I've ever had right now... and I'm dreading summer too, it means no bikinis on holidays and no dresses... But, I know that Sun beds work as it has the same vitamins as the sun, my psoriasis always seems to be better in the sun and Sun beds have helped when I've been able to use them.(due to age restrictions) I think I'm going to try the Manuka honey stuff too, right now I'd do almost anything for it to leave...

Posted Wed 15 Apr 2015 23.01 by Ponkie252
I have had psoriasis for 24 years

Too many hen dos!! Hi Becky, I'm 26 and have had psoriasis since I was 2, but it is the worst it has ever been right now. perfect time for friend after friend to want a spa day for their hen do (getting my skin out AND subjecting it to chlorine water?! Double bonus) I tried methotrexate and hated it - made me miserable, and like you say you need to stay upbeat with this thing! I'm on this new drug now called fumaric acid esters - it is still an immunosuppressant but doesn't have as many scary side effects. Yet to see the results as it's relatively new. For my ears and face I use an immunosuppressant cream called protopic - love the stuff. At least my face is flake free on all the hen do pictures..!

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