Hi! I'm new - Anyone else with palmoplantar psoriasis?

Posted Wed 26 Oct 2016 09.38 by Palazzo2011

Hi All, My palmoplantar psoriasis appeared in spring 2015 and after suffering with dry, cracking and peeling skin for a year, I finally saw a dermatologist who diagnosed me in spring 2016. My main issue is my hands that have now developed obvious plaques and very painful cracks. It makes most daily activities very painful and sometimes impossible, and I spend most of the winter with multiple plasters on my fingers. I have received the usual treatment of steroids and have been advised to keep my hand moisturised, but nothing really helps. I have been told that UV therapy is ineffective on the hands. Has anyone benefited from it? Any general advice/miracles out there? Thank you

Posted Sun 12 Mar 2017 03.48 by kipling

just been diagnosed with ppp after 6 months . I have been having the same problems with daily activities and i am having puva treatment i cannot say if it is helping yet as i have only had two treatments so far. have they mentioned methextrate as a treatment?

Posted Tue 14 Mar 2017 19.43 by Oatcake

Hi there, I have ppp too, predominantly on my hands. I am currently using diprosalic cream and hydrocollid dressings on the cracks/fissures. I find wearing nitrile gloves as much as possible in the day and cotton gloves with an emollient under overnight do help but nothing has cleared it yet :(. I am due to see my dermatologist again in 2 weeks so will see if there is anything else I can try but am cautious about trying the oral drugs available. You have my sympathies, it is a total nightmare xxx

Posted Sun 12 Nov 2017 20.06 by Dougal1962

I have also been diagnosed with palmoplantar psoriasis. It appeared in May 2017 on my feet and in the last few weeks my hands are just as bad. None of the emollients or creams prescribed have helped. Waiting for hospital appointment to see if I can get the oral drug, Anyone tried them with success?

Posted Tue 19 Feb 2019 21.35 by Kellyanne76

Hi everyone I’m new here. I’ve had Palmoplantar for 2 years on both hands and feet. I’m sure you’ll all agree it’s excrutinatley painful all the time and feel that nobody knows much about it. I’ve been passed from one person to another and given so many creams ointments cortisones etc. They all burn my skin! I have tried everything!!! From natural to doctors rubbish. But I swear I’ve found something that is AMAZING!! It’s a company called URIAGE...... I now have 1 totally clear hand, 1 almost clear hand and 2 totally different feet!!!!! Seriously guys, it’s been the best thing I’ve used. I started off with the blue bottle spray, it’s meang to be for the scalp but I used it anyway. After 2 weeks I noticed a massive difference.

Posted Tue 19 Feb 2019 22.24 by OhNo_NotAgain?

Kellyanne: is the product you are referring to the Uriage Keratosane? If not, which exact product are you using please?

Posted Wed 20 Feb 2019 12.29 by kipling

I am currently on methotrexate and so far it is working .I have had very few problems since the puva treatment and methotrexate treatment . Although have now developed small areas in my scalp and under my arms for which I have been given creams for and they seem to be keeping it in check for now. It is very important to keep your skin well moisturiser which I know is a pain sometimes, but it is better than a serious flare up. I know this condition is very painful and distressing l had snowfall of and bandaged hands most of the time when it was bad. There is hope it took nearly two years to get it under control so don't give up hope.

Posted Sat 2 Mar 2019 15.29 by Alex N

I too have just been diagnosed with Palmoplantar Psoriasis. Have tried all the usual steroid creams and emollients to no avail. The dermatologist suggested superglue for the splits on my feet and fingertips - helped my hands somewhat, but the feet just split again after walking on them for a while! Now my hands are worse than ever, and I can hardly hold a knife/fork. Currently having UVB treatment, but don't think it's going to work. Also using a Chelsea Night Mix ointment (contains coal tar) on my feet, which seems to be helping a little, and Diprosalic on my hands, which isn't making any difference, Also using Doublebase gel and Epaderm instead of soap and to moisturise, and also Dovobet on my body, where I have some irritation.. Seeing the dermatologist again in a month, and suspect I will start Methotrexate then. Not keen, but have decided it's worth a go as I feel so disabled at the moment.

Posted Sun 7 Apr 2019 16.46 by Alex N

Further to my previous post, I have now seen my dermatologist again. The UVB treatment calmed down the psoriasis on my body substantially, but my feet and hands, which had started improving slightly, have worsened again and have been excruciatingly painful again for the last two weeks. The dermatologist took one look at them and recommended I try Acitretin, which I’m going to start next week. Not keen on the side effects I’ve read about, but want my life back (ie to be able to walk on my feet and use my hands again), so will give it a go. Have to have frequent blood tests to check liver function, and will see how I get on. Anyone had success with Acitretin for palms and soles?

Posted Sun 7 Apr 2019 20.53 by Lindsay

I was put on Acitretin which really did help however, I could not cope with the side effects Ilost most of my body hair ( not a bad thing) but I also lot about 70% of my head hair lost my eye brows and lashes it was really bad, 6 months on after taking it my hair is eventually coming back, I would not recommend this medication. I’m now on cyclosporine with no side effects, and clear hands/feet with only the occasional little patch flare up.

Posted Sun 7 Apr 2019 22.41 by Kellyanne76

In regards to my previous post in this thread someone asked about URIAGE ( the absolutely BEST cream and lotion I have used) The name of the spray which i use everyday is URIAGE D.S LOTION, if I have an outbreak or have any fissures/cracks I use URIAGE BARIEDERM. Since using these my hands have totally cleared up and my feet are only dry! Honestly I can’t recommend this brand enough.

Posted Mon 8 Apr 2019 10.36 by Alex N

OMG Lindsay - sounds horrible and you've put me right off! However, I know everyone reacts differently to the drugs and what works for some, doesn't for others. How long were you on the drug before your hair loss started, and was it gradual? They might not want me to take cyclosporine because I have blood pressure problems - I don't know. Think the dermatologist said I'd try a biologic if this doesn't work. I'll let you know how I get on. Might also try the Uriage lotion and ointment recommended by Kellyanne76 in the meantime, to try and give me some relief from my painful hands and feet.

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