
Posted Sun 6 Nov 2016 22.48 by kpp2409

Hi Everyone, I was just wondering if anyone would be willing to share their experiences with Otezla (Apremilast). Just started treatment (4 weeks) and i'm concerned that it's going to be unsuccessful. I've been unlucky with other treatments in the past. Thanks, Kyle

Posted Wed 9 Nov 2016 17.44 by Dawnadamson1984
32 years old and suffered with psoriasis since sitting my exams in school

I've currently been using otezla for 2 weeks but also in conjunction with instelar foam and elecon ointment. My skin has improved 100%! I couldn't bend my arms or legs 2 weeks ago and now I would be confident in wearing a tshirt. My dermatologist did mention that it can be quite slow to start so give it another couple of weeks and then go back to Derm if not happy. Good luck

Posted Wed 9 Nov 2016 18.00 by Jason M

Hi Kyle This is my very first post. I have had Psoriasis for 1 year so compared to some only a newbie ! It doesn't feel like it though. I started a year ago and was prescribed the usual lotions and potions, nothing even came close. What started as best described covering where you would have a pair of long shorts started to spread after treatment of UVB to 80% of my body. I was then prescribed Aprelimast, started great big improvements, I thought I had cracked it only until very recently when I have had a number of flair ups. I have been told by the consultant that it is down to the individual, so fingers cross d for you Kyle, I sincerely hope it works for you. I start on Thursday with Methotrexate injections anyone got any advise ?? Like I said I am a newbie but I still can't get my head a round Psoriasis! A condition that people don't always appreciate that it plays with your head, one day you feel like it is going and you feel top of the world and the next day it seems to laugh at you on springs back up ? No pattern or visible reason. We have to keep battling on and not let it get the better of us. As always thinking of you all. Good luck. Jason X

Posted Wed 9 Nov 2016 19.01 by EQ

Hello Jason, I was on Methotrexate tablets 10mg once a week and was brilliant - changed my life completely until they started messing with my liver and now I'm back to square one with creams but I'm an unfortunate user so if it agrees with you it will work brilliantly and improve your life! Good luck!

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