Tablet/Injection treatments

Posted Mon 7 Nov 2016 16.05 by EQ

Hello, I've recently been taken off Methotrexate due to abnormal liver function and have been asked to use creams again. Unfortunately my psoriasis doesn't like this and is quickly getting worse! I have a hospital appointment in December and would like an idea of other systemic and biological treatments people have used and worked so I have an idea and can take it with me to the hospital?

Posted Tue 8 Nov 2016 09.09 by Andy
Psoriasis for 35 years and Psoriatic Arthritis for 15 years.

Hello I've taken virtually every systemic treatments over the last 30 years. I've also taken three biological treatments. The most effective treatment for me has been the biologicals. The use of these can depend on NICE approval and regional funding. They are also normally only given when most systemic treatments have been used and no longer work well. I can relate to your liver issues with Methotrexate. I suffered liver damage after several years of Methotrexate use. I would ask your consultant about the possibility of using biological treatments. I've used Enbrel for two years followed by Humira for six years. I've just started Stelara. So any questions on treatments please ask awa.

Posted Wed 9 Nov 2016 17.41 by Dawnadamson1984
32 years old and suffered with psoriasis since sitting my exams in school

Hi there, I've just started on tablets called otezla/apremilast. These tablets differ from methotrexate etc as you don't need to get your bloods done regularly. I'm sure they pin point one part of your immune system so not as much harm to liver etc. I've been on these 2 weeks now and also using instelar foam and elecon cream. My skin is in the best shape it has ever been. Good luck.

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