Depressed on Methotrexate

Posted Wed 9 Nov 2016 12.01 by DebbieR

Hi all, I'm new to the forum but unfortunately not new to Psoriasis. Diagnosed 17 years ago and eventually got prescribed Ciclosporin 9 years ago. Sadly my kidneys recently showed signs of distress so I've been switched to Methotrexate. Initially on 10mg a week for 8 weeks but just got upped to 25mg as 10mg had zero impact. I convinced myself that would do the trick but a week later and I'm flaring up badly. Am I expecting too much too soon? Does MTX take a few weeks to work? Any advice welcome, thanks.

Posted Tue 15 Nov 2016 20.13 by BobbyJean
I love heavy metal xx

Hello you poor lady. Ive had P for more than 40 years and never had anything like you have been prescribed. I have had nothing but ointments and light treatment. You didn't mention your age? Also what sort of Psoriasis have you been diagnosed with. xx

Posted Fri 18 Nov 2016 15.23 by DebbieR

Hi, thanks for replying. I am 41 and have both plaque and guttate. I tried ointments and light treatment, coal tar and PUVA for 8 years and nothing worked, well not for any length of time. I felt like Psoriasis had changed my entire personality, I was confident and fun before then introverted and very depressed but once Ciclosporin started working I felt like myself again but now I'm back to where I was 10 years ago and just not handling it very well. So hard to function and be happy for the kids and my husband. xx

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