Shortly after giving birth to my first child I started with scalp psoriasis

Posted Tue 22 Jan 2013 14.53 by Mrs Law
I started with scalp psoriasis shortly after giving birth to my first child, each child there after it has got worse could this be a hormone

I had scalp psoriasis for ten years til I gave birth to my second child I then started with it on my elbows and knees, I have recently give birth to my third child and psoriasis has started to take over my body and I am finding more patches every day! Has anybody else started with it this way or am I suffering from some kind of hormone inbalacement . :)

Posted Wed 23 Jan 2013 00.44 by lillystar

I had mild psoriasis for 8 years before becoming pregnant with my daughter, while pregnant it seemed to almost clear up then a few months after she was born it flared up worse that ever before! My daughters now 19 months and it seems over time my psoriasis has only got worse :( I'm led to believe it is due to changing hormones but I do kno of a friend who's psoriasis completly cleared up after the birth of her child so I guess everyones diffrent! I'm starting uv treatment soon and very much hoping it works as nothing else has helped me! Hopefully I will be able to take my little girl swimming this summer! I hope you find something that helps you :) x

Posted Tue 26 Feb 2013 11.23 by Beth (edited Mon 21 Jul 2014 13.09 by Beth)
3 years

Hi, I started with psoriasis after my first child. On my head first, and not long after, most other places. I tried many things but for me, in the end methotrexate was the thing that worked the best. I had to give that up for 6 months before we could try for a second child. When I got pregnant it improved alot. Since having our little one it has come back but it is early days yet. I am sure that there is a link with hormones, although no medical person has wanted to look at it as a cause. But also i found, and am finding again that being tired does seems to make it much worse. I can almost see new patches each day. Good luck for finding what works for you.

Posted Sat 1 Apr 2017 23.09 by Hashee

Hi i first got psoriasis after the birth of my 2nd child on my scalp then elbows and knees then slowly all over, this was 29 years ago , i went on to have 3 more children and in each pregnancy the psoriasis went but came back shortly after the birth, (ive also wondered if it is a hormonal thing) I have tried many treatments over the years and recently stopped the acitretin as it wasnt working and i couldnt cope with the long term side affects as well as the increased psoriasis. I am now having light treatment and into my second week, hoping this will clear it ( i have had this treatment several times before) my skin seems to get worse as i get older. Maybe this is due to hormones , wish they would start researching it.

Posted Sun 16 Apr 2017 09.18 by Mary

I also thought there was a hormonal link but having said that I didn't have it during or after any of my 4 pregnancies. I developed scalp psoriasis in my teens, was lucky enough to have it clear up in my early twenties and had nothing at all for 30 years. Then it reappeared when I became menopausal and is now worse than ever. Have mentioned a possible hormonal link to a few doctors but no one seemed to think anything of it.

Posted Tue 18 Apr 2017 23.18 by Laura may

I definitely think there is a hormonal link... never had psoriasis until I gave birth to my first son then I got it on my knees and elbows... after second son... got it on scalp hands arms legs and feet. I went for light treatment sadly didn't work for me but I know it does for others. I then went on to ciclosporin which changed my life... cleared it completely. .. sad part is it is only a short course of tablets... now I have been off it a month and it is slowly starting to creep back in tiny patches... oddly it is always worse when I am on my period. Would be interested to know if there is some kind of proven hormonal link. I think there is for me personally but hard to know!!

Posted Wed 19 Apr 2017 15.40 by ClearskinPls
Since 2001, tried uvb and creams

Tee tree or that honey shampoo from the body shop!

Posted Sat 22 Apr 2017 23.29 by deb28

enstilar foam has totally changed my skin i have it ears nose face scalp elbows arms full back knees and the difference after 14 years of different creams using enstilar for 3 weeks is unreal, get it! try it! it worked for me x

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