Scalp flare -up

Posted Fri 18 Nov 2016 12.10 by gracious910

Hi All, I'm new to this site but had psoriasis for 18 years since I was about 9. Various small patches on my arms and trunk and oncholysis (I think) but main bug bear is my scalp and forehead which has gone mental in the past few months!! Always managed to keep it at bay with Capasal and Dovobet gel but not now. Having read some comments on here, I'm looking forward to trying some new (hopefully successful) things out. Nice to chat to like-minded people :)

Posted Fri 18 Nov 2016 12.35 by Val Hearn

Hi All I have had scalp psoriasis for about 15 years which has been controlled with Cocois and more recently Sebco. However, the irritation is now out of control and I am looking for something to abate the irritation which is driving me mad. I also have irriatation on my arms and legs but certainly no scaly patches - could this be connected? Val

Posted Fri 18 Nov 2016 22.46 by gracious910

Hi Val, I have the same as you mention on my legs and lower back round to my stomach. Basically where I wear tights! I'm not convinced myself this is psoriasis. Maybe try regular moisturising with an emollient and see if that helps? I recently changed my washing powder (that's the last time I'm swayed by an offer in the supermarket haha) so I'm going to change back and see what happens. I have to keep my nails short as I scratch so much in my sleep I make myself bleed! Good luck!

Posted Fri 9 Dec 2016 11.54 by Karl
Former chef,and a long sufferer of psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis

Hi all, i have used many many lotions and potions and now have found a great shampoo and body wash from holland and barrett called dr organic manuka honey shampoo which for me has calmed my scalp down, my scalp and forehead can get really bad especially in winter and i use a combination of e45 cream and dead sea skin lotion for the rest of body, i find these to calm my skin down and stop the embarrassing flaking skin. All the best Karl.

Posted Mon 12 Dec 2016 12.27 by Launa UK

Hi Karl I have suffered for the past 10years and find that around December I am at my worst when it covers my full scalp and shows around my hairline. Although I am prescribed Dovobet ointment from my GP and this can work I don't like using it all the time. What I have found as alternative is if I apply coconut oil overnight for a few nights it clears. It is a bit messy but the relief from itching and results are more than worth it. Hope this helps? Best wishes Launa

Posted Mon 19 Dec 2016 18.57 by Eileen

I have used a priduct called Soratinex just. launched in the UK. Non steroid based . And found it brilliant. Google it E

Posted Tue 20 Dec 2016 16.53 by Launa UK

Hi Eileen I have had a look at this product and think it is far too expensive. £133.00 for 200ml each of the 3 products they say you must use together. Or did you get it on prescription?

Posted Tue 20 Dec 2016 17.15 by Eileen

Did not get it on prescription. Just to clarify. You get all 3 products for that price. You could go for the smaller set which is cheaper. It is expensive but for me it has been worth it. I have now been psoriasis free for 5 weeks since completing the 8 week treatment.

Posted Tue 20 Dec 2016 21.05 by Ian mckay
Hi all

Hi all I have had psoriasis for 2 years now I have tried all kinds of lotsions and cream to stop the itching which is severe at night I can't sleep with it I will try anything to stop the itching I joined this site tonight it looks good thank you

Posted Wed 21 Dec 2016 10.45 by Launa UK

Hi Eileen I am confused. If you have to use all 3 product together and yet in the smaller set at £84 you only get 50ml of the cream and 200ml of the other 2 products what's the point? Then to purchase each additional 50ml ml of the cream it is £33, that would work out more expensive? I am also desperate to stop the itching and embarrassing flaking all over my head and around my hairline but seriously cannot afford those prices. If it definitely works do you think the doctors might start prescribing it? Thanks

Posted Wed 21 Dec 2016 10.52 by Eileen

Hi Launa You are right- it us definitely more economical to buy the larger set. I bought the smaller set to start because l didn't know if it would work. I hope that it will eventually go on prescription. The e mail service on the website is brilliant. They also suggest the gel is great for sorting out the scalp. But you do have to follow the guidelines and be patient with it. E

Posted Wed 21 Dec 2016 19.06 by serj123 (edited Wed 21 Dec 2016 19.07 by serj123)

I have also quite serious problems with the scalp. Psoriasis Scalp I have not been held for 3 years and I have no idea what to do. I tried already, and hormonal ointments (after using them the situation has worsened) and various natural creams which read here While I did not help. Toxins I deduce only by those products that can be bought in a

Posted Thu 22 Dec 2016 13.58 by Rob5813

karl, Ive been using the below and its slowly working for me organic manuka honey shampoo Thanks ill update you further Rob

Posted Thu 22 Dec 2016 18.24 by Karl
Former chef,and a long sufferer of psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis

Hi Rob, Thats great news,hopefully it will continue to improve your scalp. All the best Karl.

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