Dovobet help

1 Posted Tue 9 Oct 2018 19.24 by OhNo_NotAgain? (edited Tue 9 Oct 2018 21.25 by OhNo_NotAgain?)

ASH: from what I have observed, Enstilar foam is being prescribed as the main steroid form of choice for the scalp, at least where patients have hair. But Dovobet seems to still be widely prescribed for general use on the body. As you mention, there is risk of a "steroid rebound" from many steroid preparations. I think part of the development of Dovobet was that the inclusion of calcipotriol and the particular steroid formulation would reduce the rebound effect as compared to older corticosteroids. I have ben quite fortunate that i do not seem to get a rapid rebound. On my elbows for example I can clear the psoriasis with Dovobet, and once I stop using it, the psoriasis returns gradually over a few weeks, and no worse than before.

Posted Wed 10 Oct 2018 17.21 by OhNo_NotAgain? (edited Thu 11 Oct 2018 09.38 by OhNo_NotAgain?)

bigcat: if you are trying to HELP people - which is why most of us post on here, then it would be HELPFUL to post links to the places that warn about this product and the ongoing investigations that you say are happening. That is an effective way to HELP people to be informed and have up-to-date information. That is why I politely asked you to PLEASE do that. Whether or not your friend has Aspergers is largely irrelevant to a discussion about psoriasis and certainly irrelevant to a discussion about Dovobet or other treatments for psoriasis. Also, Dovobet has NOT been withdrawn in the US even though you claim it has been. If you have new information to impart then that is of course to be welcomed, Ranting and using bad language and potentially scaring people away from an effective treatment is not.

Posted Tue 16 Oct 2018 13.34 by Tooterz_22

Hey, I am new to both the website and Psoriasis (although I suspect that I have maybe had it for a while, but only sought advice from my doctor recently). I have been prescribed Dovobet gel for my scalp, which I am quite hopeful about, based on other people's experiences. As I am about to use this for the first time, I am a little concerned about how to wash the product out in the morning after it being in my hair all night. I would really appreciate any advice on the best products or technique for washing out the Dovobet in the morning, to avoid very oily hair! Thanks! :)

Posted Tue 16 Oct 2018 13.54 by Sbpie123

I just massage in some shampoo on the patches I have used it on before I get it wet, wash that out then shampoo my whole head again. I have very thick hair though so don’t see the greasiness easily. I am using it for the second time now. Has cleared it all up within a week again, and now I am using every other day to wean off. Fingers crossed this keeps it cleared up for longer!

Posted Tue 16 Oct 2018 17.55 by Tooterz_22

Thank you, I really appreciate the advice, I shall give it a go and see how I get on. Fingers crossed it works longer term for you! :)

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