Psoriasis Diets London Discussion Group

Posted Sun 4 Dec 2016 11.18 by listenfriend

Hello everyone, I have started a group in London for people with psoriasis. We meet once a month in Starbucks to swap our experiences and share ideas about how best to treat this condition. Most people who have psoriasis have noticed that certain foods cause flare-ups, but there seem to be a lot of contradictory ideas about what those foods are. I thought it would be helpful to have a group where we could compare notes about what has or hasn't worked for us. Everyone with an interest in psoriasis, whether alternative health practitioner, family member, or fellow sufferer is welcome. Although I have had psoriasis for more than twenty years now, other members of the group have already given me a lot of new information and ideas to try. The next meeting is on January 8th, so if you are based in or near London, then come along and contribute your advice. David

Posted Tue 27 Dec 2016 10.47 by Los

Hi! Great idea David. I have had fairly mild psoriasis for 20 years but recently it has developed in to PsA. I have been taking methotrexate for about 3 months, but really don't want to be completely reliant on drugs for the rest of my life so I would like to try some dietary improvements that might help. I am just slightly overwhelmed by all the suggestions out there and I don't know where to start! So I would love to talk about it with others and get some practical ideas on what to try (and what you're left with - I don't think I can survive on a diet of lettuce and kale - or is kale not allowed?!) See you all on the 8th!

Posted Tue 27 Dec 2016 17.58 by listenfriend

Hi Los, Thanks for your message. I have found an interesting interview online with an American doctor who has cleared her own psoriasis through changing her diet. I think that what she has to say is just as applicable to arthritis and I found it really clear and helpful. Another doctor has posted a message on our Meetup page, listing the nutritional supplements he takes to manage his psoriasis. If you want to see his suggestions, it's the post from Dr Rohen Kapur towards the bottom of the page on the link below. I like that the people giving this dietary advice have medical qualifications as well as personal experience. I'm always a bit sceptical about people, who don't have either psoriasis or medical qualifications, giving advice about how to cure it. Anyway, looking forward to meeting you on the 8th and getting to hear what ways you use to deal with psoriasis. David

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