Help!!! Guttate psoriasis

Posted Thu 8 Dec 2016 18.46 by Alison

I had a throat infection a couple of weeks ago and now have a severe outbreak of guttate psoriasis. I am covered from the back of my scalp, all over my body right down to my ankles, front and back all,over. Very itchy, very red after one week, emollients from the doctor and tablets to help reduce irritation of my skin which make me very tired. I am in despair, will it get better and when. Has anyone experienced this at all. I already suffer mild plaque psoriasis but can manage it, but this guttate psoriasis is a whole new ball game and not pleasant. Can anyone out there reassure me about this please.

Posted Fri 9 Dec 2016 11.58 by EQ

Hello Alison! This happened to me after I had severe gastrointestinal infection for 2 weeks and was bed ridden. I only suffered with plaque psoriasis on my elbows at the time and about a month afterwards my whole body from head to toe was covered, there wasn't a single spot on my body without psoriasis. It then turned into plaque as well and with great arguments with my GP I was referred to the Dermatology department at Stoke Mandeville who put me on Methotrexate. Unfortunately, no cream would help when I had the flare up and I was suffering much like you. I would go and see your GP as soon as you can get in and ask them to refer you to the closest hospital for further treatment if no cream is helping. P.S -- keep your chin up and try do as many things you enjoy to keep your mind off the psoriasis as hard as it is, a little self therapy can help!! Best of luck.

Posted Fri 9 Dec 2016 18.47 by Alison

Thanks EQ for your reply. I am hopeful that it might clear on its own as since I posted my original post I have been looking at Google for more info in greater detail. My GP said on Monday that by the time he has referred me to a dermatologist it would have cleared up, famous last words huh!!! I will give it until early next week I think and then head back to my GP. The guttate psoriasis I have now is no worse today than it was last week but it isn't any better either. Covered and spotty!!!!!!

Posted Fri 9 Dec 2016 20.05 by EQ

I had to see my GP 3 times before he would refer me, I remember June/July last year he specifically told me to 'just put a pair of shorts on' in the height of summer with my skin the way it was. My guttate psoriasis eventually formed in to plaque and was there and getting worse for 5 months. They do say everybody is different and yours might clear up but if it is honestly getting you down, hassle them. That's all I done and I think he got fed up in the end!

1 Posted Tue 13 Dec 2016 10.05 by serj123 (edited Tue 13 Dec 2016 10.08 by serj123)

My psoriasis appeared very unusual. I could be wrong but as far as I traced the cause, the reason is that I quit smoking. After I asked this bad habit after about six months, there were the first plaque. Treatment and other issues, I usually look for information. Maybe you can help. Good luck to all of us. Thank you!

Posted Wed 18 Jan 2017 22.05 by Jackson bollock

Funnily enough when I gave up smoking my psoriasis also started. That was 27 years ago and now at 57 have just experienced my first bout of gutttte psoriasis.. Following a Christmas throat infection my trunk is covered in spots. My gp prescribed antibiotics for the throat infection and seemed surprised as he thought only children get guttate. I'm considering increasing my methotrexate from 10mg and perhaps having UV ( will buy a lamp ) Any ideas?

Posted Wed 18 Jan 2017 22.56 by Russell

Hi Alison I to have had the full body psoriasis not pleasent at all go back to your GP and insist that they refer you the demonology department at your local hospital. They should be able to find the best treatment to minimise your symptoms, it will take time but eventually it can be reduced to have a minimum impact on your daily life.

Posted Sun 22 Jan 2017 17.29 by RM29536

They put me on Methotrexate for about 4 years, didn't clear it, be careful read the side effects, I had undiagnosed COPD, didn't help my lungs

Posted Wed 25 Jan 2017 17.33 by puddykat

Hello hello Please do not despair!Guttate psoriasis can and does clear up. I get terrible flare ups. You need to be referred for uvb light or if necessary a drug like methotrexate(both cleared mine up). In the mean time I would recommend aveeno moisturiser/ bath stuff, anti-histamines for the itch and trying to avoid alcohol. Good luck!

Posted Sun 5 Feb 2017 16.47 by Alison

Hooray!!!!! Going, going and almost gone. My GP said the guttate psoriasis would go when i went to see him in Dec last year, brought on by a severe throat infection, I did not believe him. I went back last month after feelings of deep anxiety attributed to my condition and feeling really sorry for myself!!! It had improved and he assured me again it would get better and offered me a referral if I still wanted it. After lots of emollient, steroid cream, Aveeno and sun beds (I know they aren't good for you but hey works for me), the guttate psoriasis is almost gone and hopefully a holiday in the sun at Easter will do,the trick too!!! Yes, it made me really miserable, love going to the gym but was reluctant to go, declined going to,the works Xmas Party and had a bad time over Xmas because of my condition.. Anyone out there with an episode of what I have had should be encouraged that it will get better no matter how bad it presents at the beginning, be hopeful and time will heal. I really appreciate all the positive comments and feedback and realise I am very lucky compared to many other psoriasis sufferers. 🌺

Posted Sat 11 Feb 2017 12.26 by dannikendall

I'm suffering with the same problem, accept I couldn't get a doctors appointment for 2 weeks so I went to my local walk-in centre as I thought I had chickenpox. I have psoriasis on my scalp pretty bad but at this point the guttate hadn't scabbed over, it was just red lumps. They didn't give me any medication or anything, and as far as I'm aware I didn't have an infection that caused it either. It's seriously messed with my self confidence, as during the last week it's spread everywhere. If I didn't have a restaurant to run then I'd never leave my house. Managed to get a doctors appointment for March so I'm going to mention all of these to her. The dovobet gel I have for my scalp isn't doing anything. It's so nice to have like minded people to talk about this with!

Posted Tue 24 Apr 2018 17.21 by gemmajones

Hi Alison, I am currently suffering from my first bout of guttate p, which I got after what I think was a throat infection. It is covering me from head to toe. Just wondered how long you used steroid cream for, whether you used it everyday or intermittently, and how many places you used it? I know putting it everywhere is very bad for your skin. Also, how many times did you use sunbeds until you noticed it was clearing up? Thanks

Posted Wed 25 Apr 2018 16.11 by lynno

Hi @gemmajones I got my second round of guttate p after a throat infection like you. Also covered, except face. They gave me steroid cream, but I barely use it. I don't like the idea of it and don't feel it helps. I do use my dovonex however at night when I think of it. I get UVB treatments at the hospital three times a week. I am coming up on a month and there has been some improvement. I also get in the sun on my own a few times a week, My cheetah spots are less angry now and appear more flat, while some are melting away. Get in the sun if you can is my advice. It's the only thing that has been helping in my opinion and keeping a positive attitude. @Alison great news you have cleared. Al

Posted Wed 25 Apr 2018 18.02 by gemmajones

Hi @lynno I'm using betnovate at the moment and it really clears it up on my chest after a few days (only use it on the worst parts) but as soon as i stop using it, it gradually comes back. Doesn't really solve the problem, just masks it. I wonder whether i have to use it for at least a week to maybe get rid of it? Ive been 'urgently referred' to dermatology but I called them last week and they said I was on a routine 3 month waiting list for UVB so really at my wits end. I was out in the sun for about 4 days while it was hot last week but still didn't seem to make a difference :( Trying to keep as positive an attitude as possible! Just feeling constantly uncomfortable

Posted Wed 25 Apr 2018 18.22 by lynno

@gemmajones I know this sucks. Not going to lie. I didn't sleep for two weeks. I keep saying I want my nice skin back. I am also never taking shaving my legs for granted again! Really three month waiting list? Ugh. I got in within two days. I forced it and made it happen. Wasn't waiting. It will take more than 4 days in sun. I have been medically tanning for three weeks (3x a week), and in the sun on my own here and there. Finally seeing a slow improvement and I feel better mentally b/c I stopped caring what others thought of me. Short dress today-- no tights!

Posted Wed 25 Apr 2018 18.48 by OhNo_NotAgain?

@gemmajones: I discussed my treatment this week with my GP, who seems pretty knowlegable. When I first had psoriasis 40 years ago, steroids such as Betnovate were commonly prescribed. These days, thinking has changed. They have discovered that with a preparation that is only steroid, the psoriais can be treated quite effectively, but as soon as the treatment is stopped, the psoriasis often returns, They refer to this as a rebound effect., and seems to be what you are experiencing. (google: steroid rebound psoriasis if you want to read more about this) Current thinking (and I have read the same online on various official websites) is to use an ointment that combines a dose of steroid, with another ingredient. For example Dovobet is a combination treatment containing Calcipotriol (a vitamin D derivative) and Betamethasone (Betnovate). Apparently the "rebound" response with this approach is much reduced compared to treatment with simply a steroid. There may well be other reasons and benefits to this treatment approach. I would suggest you ask your GP about this.

Posted Wed 25 Apr 2018 22.46 by lou

I have been suffering for about 5 months now. I visited my docs several times, covered all over except my face. I have finally been referred to a dermatologist and have now been given new treatment, it's like a foam, it's early days but I'm hopeful it will fade. It's hard not to let it get you down and feel tired all the time as it was waking me up itching, fingers crossed this new treatment will help.

Posted Thu 26 Apr 2018 15.18 by lynno

Hey all, come on over to our facebook group (newly formed) for support!

Posted Tue 1 May 2018 19.23 by LC

Hi@gemmajones. How are you getting on is it getting any better? I too have an urgent referral however GP said it could be a month wait. Does anyone know if it starts drying out whether that means it's getting better?

Posted Wed 2 May 2018 20.49 by gemmajones

@LC it's not any better but it's not any worse either! It's kind of just settled. Not that itchy and not as red but still very much there. I think the key is to keep it moisturized at all times as if it gets dry I think it's more likely to spread? That's what I've heard, not sure if it's true but I'd say definitely necessary to keep it moisturized.

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