Help!!! Guttate psoriasis

Posted Thu 3 May 2018 06.59 by LC

Thanks Gemma I just want to see some kind of light at the end of the tunnel. The way it is now I can't get married in Aug. Am still just feeling miserable. I have days when I feel a bit more positive then I look in the mirror after a bath and just can't believe it.

Posted Thu 3 May 2018 09.58 by OhNo_NotAgain?

LC : it would be such a shame to defer your wedding because of psoriaisis. Have you looked into camouflage at all?

Posted Thu 3 May 2018 18.38 by LC

Thank you I have never heard of skin camouflage thats brilliant. I will definitely look at this.

Posted Thu 3 May 2018 19.30 by OhNo_NotAgain?

I found it in the FAQs section under the question about hair-dye and fake tan: There is a lot of good info on this site, eg under the "Psoriasis and Treatments" sub heading, not only the forums.

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