Psoriasis and beta blockers

Posted Thu 15 Dec 2016 20.54 by Anndo

Since taking beta blockers for. High blood pressure my psoriasis is very much worse, has any one else had any experience of this.

Posted Thu 22 Nov 2018 06.51 by Amybx

I have just started beta blockers & can see it affecting my psoriasis all ready. Are you still on the beta blockers now?

Posted Sun 25 Nov 2018 12.46 by Naman

Hi Amybx, I have severe psoriasis which started four months ago. I have not had a skin condition previously apart from dry skin. I am on a beta blocker and the literature which comes with it does list Psoriasis as being a possible side affect. My GP has agreed that I can be weaned off it and I start new treatment for heart problem and high blood pressure in a weeks time. I shall let you know if I get any relief. I am apprehensive about changing the beta. Blocker but I am very uncomfortable and distressed with the Psoriasis which is covering 3/4 of my body. Eileen

Posted Sun 24 Feb 2019 03.35 by candida

Good Evening, i had just signed up yesterday and left an account of my experience of the psoriasis on hands and feet with openings and bleeding ... feels like walking on glass, palms of hands bleed and its difficult doing certain functions. Trying to figure out how this all started and then i remembered, when my mother was in her 70s she had to have Metoparol for her heart and she had high blood pressure. I then thought thats exactly whats happening to me.. 5 years ago all of a sudden the skin started cracking, bleeding etc., and realized only recently that i too was put on Metoparol about three weeks before the so called psoriasis started. not for high blood pressure but due to a thickening of the wall of the heart and a leaky valve. Although all the dermatologist said no way, one did say its very rare and probably not the case, i explained but the two of us getting the same condition after being on a beta blocker,,,,just saw a new dermatologist yesterday and she explained that people who have heart problems probably shouldnt take any of the medications that are injected and becoming popular today as it puts one at a very high risk of heart attack . My cardiologist feels that probably all beta blockers could cause this problem whereas they do the same thing, although rare, it has already happened to me so a new one isnt probably going to solve the problem and cant get off of them. So it seems topical creams etc are my only alternative and today they said one of them was 450 dollars, cant afford that every month, or even one i may just try the mashed asparagas someone said...anything at this point, Hoping to hear what anyone else says about beta blockers and if they had any problems with the new meds. thanks Candida

Posted Tue 26 Feb 2019 20.58 by Sarah

Hi,yes beta blockers do make your psoriasis worse. I was on them for anxiety and my psoriasis was so inflamed I had to stop taking them. I’m now taking herbal tablets for my anxiety and also my psoriasis calmed down.

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