Hello I'm new

Posted Tue 27 Dec 2016 23.48 by Charlotte

Does anyone find that antihistamines help? X

Posted Wed 28 Dec 2016 01.36 by Dawnadamson1984
32 years old and suffered with psoriasis since sitting my exams in school

Hi charlotte, I've recently started taking fexofenadine (I think that's what they are called) I would say they help me a little during the night. I only take 1 about 9pm but I don't itch AS much but I do still itch.

Posted Wed 28 Dec 2016 07.41 by Charlotte

Thank you for getting back to me. Also I love lush and everyone got me bath bombs for Christmas. Does it mean I can't use them now x

Posted Thu 12 Jan 2017 16.13 by olivermorgan
I have had psoriasis since I was 9.

Hi... I sometimes use bubble bath or bath salts etc... I don't have any trouble - as long as I use lots of moisturiser after I bathe (I just use Boots aqueous cream).

Posted Thu 12 Jan 2017 18.09 by Charlotte

Thank you :-)

Posted Thu 12 Jan 2017 18.46 by David

My specialist said to have antihistamines.

Posted Wed 18 Jan 2017 19.08 by Mancunian-exile
New to all this and diagnosed in 2017 - working out how to cope with all this currently

Newbie here too - diagnosed this Tuesday and reading as much as I can. Only ever had a slight skin problem on one leg that's hung around for 15 years, joint swelling recently as well as feeling shattered and other symptoms for the last few years. I work full time so hoping to carry on with this as I love my work. Been taking naproxen for a month but being moved into methotrexine (sp) next Tuesday and not looking forward to the side effects - but I want my get up and go back to old energy levels so hoping once it's settled I will be back to normal - just saying hi everyone

Posted Wed 18 Jan 2017 21.52 by Russell

Hi all also a newbie here, but have been living/coping with psoriasis for over 10 years now and know how you all feel I've had many different treatments ranging from creams and bath lotions, various tablets,phototherapy and now on a regular dose of injections. If I can give any advise or help please ask

Posted Thu 19 Jan 2017 10.48 by Amber4paxton

Hey just seen this on NHS I'm 16 and thankful there's a site which I can get support. I have psoriasis on my scalp and sometimes on my face. I can't really wear makeup and when I do it seems to flare up. Past week I've noticed tiny bits on my tummy. I have a scalp solution prescribed and a hydration cream. If there's any tricks I should know or diet changes please tell me.

Posted Thu 19 Jan 2017 11.30 by David

Hi new people...i'm on enstilar now and results have been amazing...could'nt kneel for 3 months now im starting to get use back...I'm willing to show the photos of the difference 4 days has made...Amber i use t-gel and it seems to be improving.

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