Ciclosprin Oral Solution

Posted Wed 11 Jan 2017 11.42 by EQ

Hi fellow sufferers! I'm hoping that some of you have been or are on Ciclosprin and can help let me know how you've got on with it and how quickly you saw results? I've just started Ciclosprin Oral Solution at 120mg a day. Thanks, E

Posted Thu 12 Jan 2017 22.11 by blue_manc

Hi E I'm just over 3 weeks in on 300mg per day not seen much difference yet, hopefully increasing dose up to 500 next week, so hopeful we start seeing some results then... I have previously been on this about 7-8 years or so ago it completely cleared me so hoping for the same results, no major side effects either!

Posted Sat 14 Jan 2017 10.13 by Venetia

Hi How do you get this oral treatmentioned? My daughter has really bad plague psoriasis and is covered in it, creams don't seem to work but she has never been offered oral tablets. Thanks

Posted Sat 14 Jan 2017 11.39 by blue_manc

Your GP can't prescribe it your dermatologist can, it is because it can have serious side effects and you need to be monitored, at the moment I'm having weekly blood tests and regular checks on blood pressure, to ensure everything is ok, what the drug does is suppress your immune system - all being well ill be on it for 6 months (I think that is the max).

Posted Sat 14 Jan 2017 12.33 by EQ

The max you can be ok Ciclosprin is 1 year according to online but my dermatologist has said a maximum of 2 years for me. Venita, do you mind me asking how old your daughter is and where on her body she suffers? E

Posted Sat 14 Jan 2017 17.33 by Venetia

Hi My daughter is 23 and she has it every where. She has been in Australia for two years and it almost cleared up but now she's back in uk it's flared up bad again even though it's only been a few days. I have it too but only small amount whereas she has been told it's plague psoriasis and it really hurts her. I just want to help her. Venetia

Posted Sat 14 Jan 2017 18.03 by EQ

I understand your feeling as my psoriasis is genetic from my Grandad and my Dad, I too suffer with plaque psoriasis in a lot of awkward places. It took me a while for my doctor to agree hospital referral but the best thing to do is go to the doctors with your daughter, in the end my mum had to as well and my partner to push how serious of an issue and how bad it is effecting my day to day life. They will soon provide a referral to a dermatologist who will be able to look at further treatment to help your daughter such as tablets or light therapy. I am also only 21 and understand how she feels as a girl too!

Posted Sat 14 Jan 2017 18.57 by blue_manc

Venita where about in the U.K. Do you live I would highly recommend a referral to hope hospital in Salford if you are in the encashment area... the name of the head doctor escapes me at the moment but wouldn't take look if needed.

Posted Tue 17 Jan 2017 19.27 by Natalie-Maria - 37 from Leeds
I'm 30 something year old that has suffered from psoriasis since the age of 12 but recently found something that works!

tomorrow will be my last session of UV treatment as the results i got were good, some places really good but im on the top dose now and its starting to come back, my skin is so stubborn. As the nurses knew that it would flare up when the treatments stop they have referred me back to my original dermatologist and said that i could benefit from the oral medication. i have no idea what it is called but was told a few years ago that it is used as a last resort and that it can weaken your immune system. am i right in thinking this (as i was told about 6 years ago) and are there different tablets to try? Thanks Natalie x

Posted Tue 17 Jan 2017 20.03 by EQ

There are 3 different types of tablets you can try one is Methotrexate which I've already tried, then Ciclosporin which I'm now on and Acetritine. I advise having a good read online about all of them and seeing which one you like, don't be put off by side effects as most you won't get anyway! Methotrexate is the most commonly used as it's been around for a long time. If you need any advice, I can try and help!

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