Uvb home treatment

Posted Sat 14 Jan 2017 08.06 by Chipper

Hello I'm a new to this site. I was diagnosed with psoriasis almost two years ago. It started very small and has gradually spread to various other areas. After lots of relatively unsuccessful lotions and potions I was recommended to have uvb light treatment. Unfortunately regular visits each week for a couple of months was really not practical with work. So I purchased a uvb lamp online and have started using that. I know they are not as powerful and take longer to be effective but I'll give it a a go. I started at 40secs and increase by 10secs every other day. I've done 13 sessions now so up to 2.30 and have a slight improvement. I know I have a lot more sessions to go yet but is there a maximum time I should reach and then just continue with that untill the end of my treatment? Thanks in advance.

Posted Sun 15 Jan 2017 23.35 by LeoM

When I got my uv light my doc set the treatment times. I started for just a few seconds every other day then worked up to the max dose in about 5 weeks. I have been at max does for about 3 months and still do treatments every other day. As far as treatment ending I don't know that it will ever end. I'm now on what my doc calls a maintenance dose. I have the problem with my hands I still have BAD days cause the weather changes have a lot to do with it. Today is a bad day for some reason. I'm not saying that it doesn't work just don't think it will cure the issue. Keep doing what you are doing and good luck. Also you need a charge to write down your days and how you are responding to the treatment. That way when you go to the doc ( I do every 4 months) they will know how you are doing.

Posted Wed 18 Jan 2017 21.30 by Sarahhh
Busy, busy, busy!

I got a home kit about a fortnight ago and the difference already is incredible. I started on 29 seconds as I am very fair with sensitive skin, and have only just increased to 36 seconds (although I will follow recommendations for a 7 second increase each time from now on). If I could find a way to upload pics I would! Sadly, I think my hair is too thick for it to be much use, but I'm still trying!

Posted Thu 19 Jan 2017 17.37 by Lynsey1989

Hi all, can someone tell me what lights they use? I am really tempted to buy one but I don't know which one to go for? Any help will be much appreciated!!

Posted Thu 19 Jan 2017 22.07 by LeoM

Hello Lynsey1989... I spent 675.00 for mine. My doc had to write a script. I know you can get one online but I don't know the cost.

Posted Sun 22 Jan 2017 11.27 by RM29536

I have had psoriasis for about 10 years, I have tried all sorts of lotions and potions, the only thing that really worked was light treatment. Can anyone tell me what type to get

Posted Sun 22 Jan 2017 13.58 by LeoM

To RM29536... send me an email to kd5ums@icloud and I will give you some info about the light box I have.

Posted Sun 22 Jan 2017 14.43 by Jackson bollock

LeoM Can you pls confirm your email address as I'm trying to send you. Message but it bounces back Thanks Andy

Posted Sun 22 Jan 2017 14.59 by LeoM


Posted Tue 15 Dec 2020 10.05 by Stephanie1990

Hi, I have just bought a home UVB unit. I have had light therapy in hospital a couple of times before and I am quite dark skinned. Can anyone advise how many seconds I should start on please? And how to gradually increase the dose? Thanks

Posted Tue 2 Feb 2021 12.41 by Becca’s mum

considering using a home UVB canopy ( hiring for 8 weeks) recently saw dermatologist privately and discussed this, she was very much against this, because of the risk of burning and skin cancer. We Have tried the hospital based service, but because of shift working patterns, can’t always get to the treatment centre, therefore can’t be consistent with treatment, is the dermatologist being over cautious? Feel really frustrated by the inflexibility of NHS services, so thought it would be better to sort it out ourselves. The company we’re using , uses nhs approved uvb tubes. Any thoughts or experiences to share please?

Posted Wed 17 Mar 2021 02.03 by cath13

Hi, i was thinking of hiring one too as the only time my skin is clear is in the sun. Have any of you looked at your diet and taken vitamin d supplements? I just started taking 500 mg in the hope that maybe that helps as the sun is high in vitamin d? Thoughts would be great, also where do you hire your lamps from and what is the cost please? Thanks x

Posted Tue 23 Mar 2021 07.35 by Becca’s mum

Hi cath13, The company we’d found is called “ my beautiful skin” or MBS , they have a base in Warrington and I think their HQ is in Kent. The hire cost was £100 for 4 weeks with a recommendation of 8 weeks. There is a returnable deposit of £1000 to find and an option to buy the unit outright at a discounted price if you want to. There is a 10 week waiting list, so might be worth putting your name down whilst you have a think. We’re not going with the light therapy currently as our new consultant wants to try medication, but not ruling it out for the future. Just be careful that the light tubes are the nhs approved tubes for safety. Good luck and let us know how you get on.

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