
Posted Tue 17 Jan 2017 23.01 by Roland

The only time that my psoriasis has really been under control is when I was taking Acetretin and using Carbodome (think that is how it is spelt) but since Carbodome has been unavailable my psoriasis has spread out of control no matter what I take (I am on Methotrexate and Dovobet at the moment) Has anyone had any success with a similar product to Carbodome? I have tried Exorex but that doesn't seem to work for me.

Posted Tue 17 Jan 2017 23.58 by Tony

Hi Roland, Carbo dome is coal tar based I believe? In the UK the one available through the NHS is called Sebco, thick brown tar based cream. Really good at battering scales but really odorous, and onerous to apply all over! Dovabet I find makes my skin flare more aggressively when it's already active, but it does clear redness and scales if my skin is already on the way down again thanks to UVB or whatever. Works best on my scalp. Exorex is really thin and watery, didn't work for me though quicker to apply than Sebco, I felt the then delivery medium didn't give the active ingredients time to have an impact. Sebco works great with my acetretin (started 2 months ago) can I ask why you stopped with the acetretin? Was it just not very effective? The creams never clear my skin which is why I've gone for a systemic/topical combo this time round. Methotrexate almost ruined my life but did clear my skin pretty well, would struggle psychologically to go back to it. Another Sebco alternative is Kartalin, which I found online. More expensive but same core active ingredients, it smells much nicer so great to apply before social occasions, reduced redness much more than Sebco for me and felt less itchy when applying if that makes sense. Hope this helps!

Posted Wed 18 Jan 2017 10.21 by Roland

Thanks for your reply it is very helpful. I have been on Acitretin twice, the first time with Carbodome which was so successful the Dermatologist took me off it. My psoriasis then flared up and he put me back on it together with Dovobet which had no effect and my psoriasis is got worse. Because the Acitretin wasn't working he has now switched me to Methotrexate which I have been on for about four months. The has been no improvement whatsoever in fact my psoriasis has got considerably worse and is still spreading, it is now by far the worse it has ever been and has just appeared on my face for the first time. I have had two appointments to see the Dermatologist cancelled and have been out of Methotrexate for three weeks and the Tories say there is no crisis in the NHS!

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