Hi! New and recently diagnosed with guttate psoriasis!

Posted Wed 25 Jan 2017 03.17 by vickie

Hi all! After a fever over New Years Eve, I started getting a rash a couple weeks later! It spread all over my body (scalp to foot! Even some on my face!) and finally after a few doctors visits, I got diagnosed with guttate psoriasis! The dermatologist prescribed antibiotics and steroid cream. I'm also trying an anti-inflammatory diet and using positive affirmations. I'd love to know if anyone has any tips! So far, it seems like my chest (the first place I got the rash) is starting to clear up a little! I've been unsure as to whether I should say I have it on social media, but since I'm a YouTuber I decided to just go public with it through a YouTube video and I've been really encouraged by the response! If you'd like to see the video, it's here: https://youtu.be/ER-PQic-ZgE Nice to meet you all! Happy to learn I'm not alone!

Posted Fri 24 Feb 2017 16.29 by Metarie1985
Beauty standard ignorer, unapologetic P sufferer for 10 years, determined to stay positive!

Hi Vickie! Just wanted to say I think it's brilliant that you've gone public with the P! The more we normalise our skin the better we will feel and the better people will understand us. And you know what, nothing makes me feel more comfortable than seeing a fellow sufferer getting their skin out, you never know who you're helping. We get to be such experts at hiding our skin it's hard to remember that we're everywhere, haha! Last night my guy friend and I were talking about our skin (he has it too) and someone else walked in with his arms bare and all patched up. We had a proper bonding moment with him, it was great. The good news is that guttate does often clear up by itself with time and hopefully you'll be over the worst of it. I'm in the middle of a flare up just now and I feel like I can see the new patches appearing if I look at my skin long enough. Keep your head up, you're not alone!

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