Treatment for Children

Posted Mon 30 Jan 2017 17.01 by Haynes71

Hello this is my first time on here but I was hoping that you may be able to share some advice. My daughter now 11 years old has had P since she was 2. We have tried topical steroids over the years but we are now in a position where we are struggling to control it and the only thing that works is frequent use of dovobet but I've been told by the GP to only use if really bad. If we don't use it the P is really bad. She has it everywhere on her body (except hands and feet), face and scalp. We are seeing the specialist at end of Feb I'd like her to have UVB treatment,they have mentioned this in the past but said you can only have a limited number of sessions in your life time. Had anyone else had success with treatments that provide a remission. She is really starting to get down about it. Thanks

Posted Mon 30 Jan 2017 17.31 by thin-skinned
Irascible septuagenarian fed up with the psoriasis constantly at me :wink:

I can certainly understand how a girl of only 11 would feel after 9yrs of the infernal P. Yes Dovobet does contain powerful steroids, but did you know that the non steroid part of Dovobet (Calcipotriol) is available in ointment form. I have been using Calcipotriol for the past month and has given me remission again on my hands and upper trunk. Perhaps it might be worth trying on her because sometimes those steroids can have a rebound effect. Please return and let us all know how she gest on and good luck at the specialists.

Posted Fri 3 Feb 2017 06.33 by MH#psoriasissucks

I have a 10 year old daughter who is covered head-to-toe in psoriasis. We switched to enbrel (from methotrexate) and added light therapy to her treatment. We have been going 3 times per week for the past 4 months. It has helped although it has its challenges too. It is time consuming and she does feel a bit of sun stroke at times. I do worry about long term effects but also have to consider quality of life easy solution. Good luck and I hope your daughter finds some relief soon.

Posted Thu 18 Jul 2019 10.27 by Miggy

Hi, I realise that this thread was from a couple of years ago, but I just wondered if @Haynes71 or @MH#psoriasissucks were still around on the forum and how your daughters conditions are? My daughter, aged 11, has just been diagnosed with Guttate Psoriasis. It's all over her body, worse parts are her scalp / forehead and her back.We are currently using a steroid ointment - Diprosone (betamethasone) and Locoid scalp emulsion. We are about 8 weeks in. When we first started to use the Diprosone there was a definite improvement but now her forehead looks really red & dry. I've started to just use a moisturiser on her forehead but still use the steroid cream on her body. We saw a paediatric dermatologist about a month ago. She said she will see us again in a few months so I presume we just keep going until then. I feel so sorry for my daughter and so helpless. The redness on her forehead is very visible and she is very conscious of it. She is due to start high school later in the year so I hope we can get it under control by then, if not all of it, at least the bits on her face. Thanks for reading :-) Any advice or recommendations will be greatly received

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