
Posted Tue 31 Jan 2017 12.10 by Southernbel45
I have had psoriasis for 65 years

Hi Everyone, I have just been to see my dermatology specialist nurse this morning and she suggested that I write my experience on this site. I have had psoriasis since childhood and have had most treatments over the last 60 years trying everything from tar treatments, creams, PUVA, cyclosporin and methotrexate and a whole load of others in between. Although they had some effect at the beginning none of them really lasted UNTIL Humira injections came along. I started them on the 14 th February 2011 and five days after the first injection they (the psoriasis) had all gone and I haven't seen one spot since. My injections are delivered to me at home and are stored in the fridge and I inject myself once a fortnight after I was first shown how to do this by a nurse who also visited my home. I have had no side effects or injection site reactions. Best of all is my skin is clear, my nails grow normally and I can now wear whatever clothes I wish. This was life changing believe me after spending all those years hiding away the body with hairdressers not wanting to do my hair, shops not allowing me to try on clothes and hotels not wanting me to swim in their pools. I feel very lucky at being offered this medication and can only say once again that it was totally life changing. I feel as if I joined the human race at long last. I wish everyone the best.

Posted Tue 31 Jan 2017 16.11 by thin-skinned
Irascible septuagenarian fed up with the psoriasis constantly at me :wink:

WOW, that made exceedingly good reading and I hope this success continues for you. I hope many more discover this treatment and like you find the same success.

Posted Tue 31 Jan 2017 17.02 by oz

Thanks so much for sharing Southernbel45, hope all is well. I am due to take Humira end of march. Its nice to see something positive about it on this site. I must admit I am still apprehensive about the treatment because of side effects and can only hope it will work for me. Do you mind if I could stay in contact and discuss here for further advice as I go through the same treatment?

Posted Tue 31 Jan 2017 19.59 by Southernbel45
I have had psoriasis for 65 years

Hi thin-skinned and oz and thank you. I too hope many more are given the opportunity to have this treatment and are eligible for it. i.e. not about to get pregnant and having tried most other things. oz - only natural that you are apprehensive - so was I at the beginning but the thought of only spending five seconds a fortnight to administer the drug certainly outweighed anything else. Once you start it then you will be well monitored. The injections are painless and are a bit like an epipen so you don't ever see the needle you just push the end and it does it all by itself. I would be delighted to stay in contact with you and help in any way that I can. I really wish you every success with it.

Posted Thu 2 Feb 2017 17.19 by Blossom
Istarted with psoriasis 10 months ago.Im on creams and hospital treatment.Sometimes i feel very low,and do,nt want to leave the house.

thankyou for telling us about Humira injections.Im due to go to the hospital for my 3 monthly checkup,i will be asking about it.I have guttate psoriasis and on cyclosporin which upsets my stomach and gives me bad headaches.Thankyou for sharing your good news,and i hope it continues.

Posted Thu 2 Feb 2017 19.10 by Southernbel45
I have had psoriasis for 65 years

Hi Blossom and thank you for your good wishes, I empathise with you and know how low you can get. You are doing the best thing by asking about it and I wish you all the very best with your check up. Please come back and let us know how you got on won't you.

Posted Sun 5 Feb 2017 19.49 by Ausum

This Humira sounds amazing!!!!! I would love to have that feeling of loving my body once more. Did ps affect your nails too? I am away to research this some more for any interactions with Tegretol. ☺☺

Posted Sun 5 Feb 2017 21.13 by Southernbel45
I have had psoriasis for 65 years

Hi Ausum, there wasn't one part of my body that it didn't affect at some time or another and finger and toenails were included. Please stick with it, find out as much as you can and talk to whoever you need to. I really wish you all the best and don't give up. :-)

Posted Sun 18 Jun 2017 11.59 by Roofire

Thank you for your insight. After seven years of exhausting every other treatment, I've been lucky enough to be signed up for Humira. The biggest problem was not the Dermatologist, but getting the funding approved by the CCG. Counting down the weeks.

Posted Mon 19 Jun 2017 11.58 by Southernbel45
I have had psoriasis for 65 years

Hi Roofire, my Humira comes out of the hospital budget and not my local GP as they would not have been able to afford o spend so much money on one patient. You sound as excited as I was when I first got told. They have recently changed the injections and I can now say with all honesty that they do not hurt. Actually, coming from the old injections to the new, when I first used the new I thought it hadn't worked as the old ones you could feel go in but these new ones are absolutely painless. I hope they work as well on you as they did (and still do) on me. It is this time of the year when I most appreciate Humira as I can now wear what I want. I also do yoga now which I would never have considered before. Baring my skin? That was a no no. Life changing. I really do wish you all the very best and please come back if you want anymore info but I'm sure you will be well versed in what to do and will get the hang of it very quickly. Take care.

Posted Fri 11 May 2018 15.24 by klive1

Im soooooooo Happy to read this My Humira should be delivered tomorrow and the nurse visits Wednesday!!!!! fingers crossed i get the same result

Posted Thu 17 May 2018 20.02 by Blossom
Istarted with psoriasis 10 months ago.Im on creams and hospital treatment.Sometimes i feel very low,and do,nt want to leave the house.

I'm due to go to my Dermatologist in 2 weeks.I know she wants me to go on Humira injections,but I've been quite reluctant ,I'm so used to the methotrexate.But suffer a lot of sickness.Has anyone had any problems with Humira.Thankyou in advance.

Posted Mon 9 Jul 2018 00.31 by Debs

Hi, I have had psoriasis since I was 4 and am now 59. Also on humira same as you for last 3 years and been 100% clear. Until a week ago that is, I got a strep throat infection and now have a severe guttate attack. Because of a looming hernia op at the end of July I have stopped injections as instructed. Do you think this will stop me continuing with humira after op? Sooo frustrating, itchy too 😫

Posted Mon 30 Jul 2018 06.08 by Blossom
Istarted with psoriasis 10 months ago.Im on creams and hospital treatment.Sometimes i feel very low,and do,nt want to leave the house.

Hi ,I'm due to start the Humira,once all the tests to see if it's suitable for me is all done.Im very nervous of it at this time.What side affects has anyone had and does it last for long,I,d be happy with any information or experiences anyone has had.Thankyou in advance.

Posted Mon 20 Jun 2022 15.57 by Paul95

Hi, I’ve had psoriasis since I was 9 and I’m now 27. I have used all the creams, steroids, UV sunlight in the hospital and been on ancetretin and none of these worked. My whole body is covered head to toe and it’s seriously affecting my work and relationships with friends and family. I’m wondering why my dermatologist won’t let me try humira injections. Any reason?

Posted Tue 21 Jun 2022 13.36 by JamesFoster

How much of your body is covered in Ps? Do you have plaques on your scalp, face, hands or feet? Have you tried Methotrexate? MTX is nearly always the first line systemic drug (DMARD). Read the reviews. MTX is a good place to start. Then if it isn't effective enough or you get bad side effects you will go on Humira. By the way Humira is not the best treatment. Only 20% of patients achieve PASI100 which is total clearance of Ps. With Skyrizi and Taltz 60% of patients achieve PASI100.

Posted Tue 21 Jun 2022 13.59 by Paul95

Hi, thanks for getting back to me! I have psoriasis on my scalp all the way down to my toes.. it covers most of my legs/back/chest/arms. I haven’t been on MTX.. last time they mentioned it to me but they put me on ancitretin which unfortunately didn’t work. I have not heard of Skyrizi or Taltz.. only reason I’m aiming for humira is because two people I know had similar psoriasis to me and were put on Humira and they’ve been clear ever since they’ve started using them. But I will look into Skyrizi & Taltz now. From what I’ve heard MTX has bad side effects for most people and they’d recommend staying away but I’m in a situation where I need any relief.. dovobet gel or enstiler spray don’t even help my psoriasis anymore

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