Fake tan !!!

1 Posted Thu 23 Jan 2020 07.33 by Mary1968 (edited Thu 23 Jan 2020 07.35 by Mary1968)

Hello Amybx I would be extremely wary of using fake tan on a regular basis. Anything you apply to your skin is absorbed into your body, and fake tan is a cocktail of chemicals Pale skin is beautiful you know :) P.S. Not trying to scare you, just pre-warn you. Maybe if you want to use it, save it for special occasions only.

Posted Thu 4 Aug 2022 20.19 by spyvolg

Here is an article for you to choose skinny tan wonder serum express - https://georgiaphelpsbeautyblog.com/2020/05/01/skinny-tan-wonder-serum-express-first-impressions/

Posted Wed 12 Oct 2022 18.43 by Roisin

Omg I love cocoa brown!!

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