New here guttate psoriasis worse after having first baby ????

Posted Thu 2 Feb 2017 12.30 by Nlscott

Hi everybody Here is my story ........... I started with guttate psoriasis following strep throats infection when I was 9, I then as far as I can remember had a bad flare up between 13-14. Then again around 20ish but have been clear ever since. I had my first baby 16 months ago when I was 27. Had her in the October and by the following June I began with a flare up for no reason I am aware of. I wasn't ill, stress and had just come back from a week in the sun. I am still suffering 9 months later and it seems to get worse around the same time every month ( you all know what I mean) I'm just wondering if after having thr baby my hormones are imbalanced and that's why my psoriasis won't go ???? Anyone had anything similar and any advice for treatments

Posted Tue 14 Feb 2017 19.25 by Bee

Hi I read your story with interest. Psoriasis is in my family, 21 years ago my sibling and grandmother had it. I thought I had escaped it until I had my 3rd child at age 28, not long after having my son my psoriasis came........and has never left. I always blamed hormones, rightly or wrongly.......I definately think stress causes a flare up........5 years ago I had a very stress full time at work, and my scalp psoriasis appeared! I manage my psoriasis with dovonex ointment and gel for my scalp, I have to be very focused and never forget to treat it 2x a day. I definitely think the sun is the answer for clearing it. So much better after a holiday abroad.

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