psoriasis for 40 years

Posted Thu 2 Feb 2017 15.07 by bill

It has sometimes nearly cleared but reappears as soon as i stop using it. I have been using dovobet for 7 years and that has never cleared it. I have it on about 8% of my body. Should i change my dovobet for another treatment. My Doctor is useless so no use speaking to her even if i could get an appointment. Thanks.

Posted Thu 2 Feb 2017 16.06 by thin-skinned
Irascible septuagenarian fed up with the psoriasis constantly at me :wink:

I am trying one active component of Dovobet, the Calcipotriol and find it is now helping me more that the Dovobet combination. Without the steroid the Calcipotriol can be use twice daily therefore more is absorbed in 24hrs without the steroid thinning the skin. I am not saying it will definitely work for you but unless you try it you will never know. It comes in a thickish ointment form and I leave it on for an hour morning and evening before wiping it off ready for applying the emollient cream. So far it is a definite improvement over the Dovobet and my hands + arms are almost free of the P which has to be a great improvement.

Posted Sat 29 Jul 2017 13.29 by MonicaChortle

I have had psoriasis for 40 years. I have tried pretty much every type of treatment there is. I finally decided I was done with expensive treatments that have bad side affects and usually only help for a short time. Before I got dermalmd psoriasis serum my arms were completely broken out, red, painful and flaking. After 2 weeks of use my psoriasis is not gone, however, it is no longer red and hurting. This serum is unscented and immediately disappears into my skin giving me relief without the greasiness the coal tar compound, ointments and creams i have been prescribed left. I cannot wait to see how longer use of this serum helps

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