Developing Face Psoriasis for the First Time

Posted Mon 6 Feb 2017 13.46 by Hayley

Hello, So I've only just found not only this charity, but also this forum, so I'm a newbie on here! I've been suffering from plaque psoriasis, and scalp psoriasis for pretty much all my life. however in the last year its gone from bad to worse! My main point of starting this forum though is that in the last 3 weeks its started to develop on my face! As you can imagine for a 22 year old girl, this is causing my so much upset and extra stress! Its actually making me avoid people, even my family. and stopping my social life! I know stress is probably causing this flare up, but i can't instantly make stress disappear! I've been trying to cover it up with make up, but as you can imagine it just sits on top of it, making it look horrendous! Does anyone have any tips to help treat face psoriasis, especially any make up tips such as brands of foundation etc. I desperately need to try something, so any suggestions are more than welcomed! Thank you!

Posted Mon 6 Feb 2017 16.20 by Nlscott

I have just started to develop some on my face also ! I have guttate ! All I have done is cry! I am trying sunbeds to clear it as this helps the spots on my body x

Posted Mon 6 Feb 2017 20.27 by Hayley

How do you find the sunbeds? I haven't given them a real go because I've never been able to hear how well they work or if they're a waste of time.

Posted Mon 6 Feb 2017 23.46 by Lucy

Hi, I am new on here as well. I have been having sunbeds for psoriasis for years. I am not happy about doing this for my wider health and skin health, so trying other methods all the time. But they do really help. I had the light therapy as well, but to be honest it was just as good as normal sunbeds but a lot more hassle. It's such a shock when it arrives on your face. I had that a few years ago. I was given some face cream, but it did little. To be honest - and I am not recommending it - but I reached the end of my tether and used a tiny bit of my dovobet/diprisalic body cream (I flit between them) on my face and it worked. But it is NOT good for you! I also use aveeno body cream on my face, that has helped me. Different for everyone though. It's so horrid. Good luck with it, it will subside - I have fits and starts with it on my face.

Posted Tue 7 Feb 2017 08.09 by Nlscott

I just personally go on local sunbeds ! I also use some of my steroid cream on my face !! It's the only thing that helps !! Xx

Posted Tue 7 Feb 2017 10.21 by Shakil

I have also suffered from severe facial psoriasis. It was covering my whole face and neck area, which made me feel depressed for a while. The most important thing with treating facial psoriasis is to understand your skin and what treatments/products work the best for your face. First thing you have to do is to see your dermatologist and talk to him/her about your issue. Now the bad thing here is that most dermatologists (if not all) will prescribe you cortisone and steroid creams/ointments to treat your face!!! Which can do miracles in healing your facial psoriasis within just few days. BUT cortisone is not a long term solution and you obviously have to stop applying these ointments after days/weeks depending on cortisone potency. So you must discuss that with your dermatologist and don't accept short term solutions since they will not help you for the long run. It's been about half a year since I was diagnosed with plaque psoriasis and I used cortisone few times in my face. I use creams when my face is so inflamed and itchy. But other than that, I just use a face moisturizer to reduce redness (Cetaphil. Aveeno, Avene, CeraVe, Nivea are good choices). I also tried photo-therapy treatment which is really good for reducing itchiness and flare ups. I don't use soap or shampoo since they dry my skin and make my psoriasis worse. The only thing I use to wash my scalp/face/body is the Ducray ketoconazole shampoo and it works fine with me. Don't apply make-up to your face while it's inflamed. You don't want psoriasis to spread more. Before Bedtime, use the shampoo I mentioned before to wash your face, keep it for few minutes before you wash it off. Then apply a cortisone cream prescribed by your dermatologist thinly into your face (I use Mid-strength Elecon cream). Do this once every night until your face is fine. At mornings, wash your face with the shampoo and then apply a good moisturizer. Adapting a healthy life style is also important (No smoking/No alcohol/No junk, Spicy, Oily, Sugary food/No stress-Exercising is good/No chemical products such as, detergents, perfumes, beauty products, make-up). Hope this helped you.

Posted Sat 11 Feb 2017 16.37 by Mark

Using very small amounts of Dovobet for a few days works for me. Sorion cream takes a bit longer to work but at least it doesn't contain steroids.

Posted Sat 11 Feb 2017 16.46 by Shakil

Mark NEVER use Dovobet on your face......It will cause permenant damage as it's too strong.......Use Elocon cream its much better with amazing results in 2 to 3 days only.

Posted Mon 13 Feb 2017 13.28 by Metarie1985
Beauty standard ignorer, unapologetic P sufferer for 10 years, determined to stay positive!

Aww you guys, I was 22 when I first got P and I sympathise so hard with you, I looked like I had a portwine stain on my face for months, it was horrible. I had some success with HC45 (mild over the counter cortisone cream - you aren't supposed to use it on your face unless prescribed but meh, I did it anyway) followed by Oilatum Natural repair cream. A thin layer of HC45 followed by Oilatum to stop it drying out really helped me smooth my skin down and that made it easier to cover with makeup. Although I would say in general you might be better to just try without makeup for a while if you can. Also start using a cleansing oil rather than soap, facial wash or face wipes to remove your makeup, its amazing the difference it'll make. Also worth a shot is Dream Cream by Lush - it really took the redness out my skin and it's all natural. A little pricey but my skin loves it. In fact the folk in Lush are pretty great if you have P, lots of mild natural products to sooth your skin and make you feel girly, search 'psoriasis' on the website and you'll find reviews for products that might help. I hope you see some results soon!

Posted Wed 17 May 2017 21.51 by straightouttaafg

I've had plaque psoriasis on parts of my body as well as scalp psoriasis but then recently I developed mild psoriasis on my face. Disaster right? The creams the doctors gave me only seemed to make it worse for me - it made my face so much more red and patchy. So I used E45 cream and it honestly did wonders for me. The dry flakyness disappeared (thank god) however there was some redness left. I used tiny amount of dobovet on top of the E45 (so it wasn't too direct on my face) and thank god it has cleared up completely. Personally the E45 did nothing good for my scalp psoriasis. For that I used dobovet first and then on top I would apply Epiderm cream and that worked so much (the dobovet got rid of redness and the epiderm got rid of the dry scaly scalp). I am still trying to work out what's best for the rest of my body, I used dobovet on my armpit and then applied cetemacrogol on top which cleared it up completely (again thank god). Hopefully I'll find something that works for my thighs and chest soon... hopefully this helps because I remember when mine was bad I was so depressed and stressed which only made it worse tbh...

Posted Thu 18 May 2017 11.14 by ClearskinPls
Since 2001, tried uvb and creams

The only thing I can suggest is 20 mins max on the face in direct for me. The sun is strong now so it may work for you. Good luck

Posted Tue 11 Jul 2017 19.26 by CathyCat
Flaky, breaky head, manky hands, don't you just love psoriasis!

Hello, I've had psoriasis for 17 years now (it started a few months after my father died) and hasn't gone away. It started as PPP on one hand, is now on both (luckily not my soles-yet). Has gradually spread over the years to my scalp, arms, legs, back, bottom and most recently my face. By far the worst is my scalp. ITCH ITCH and more ITCH! It drives me crazy! Have tried everything but nothing seems to help, and reading the forums informs me that nothing will. Am fed up with the constant snowfall too. Sorry to sound so gloomy.

Posted Mon 12 Mar 2018 17.09 by ethel

well Hayley thanks for sharing your story with us

Posted Mon 12 Mar 2018 18.10 by ethel

there are hundred of fake make up brands in market i always prefer brand i used nyc bb creme makeup foundation almost 8 months my skin is sensitive but i am totally satisfied with it i recommend you to try this is the list of best makeup branded foundation hope you like it

Posted Wed 14 Mar 2018 07.20 by Apple

Cannot be cured but can be controlled.... :) I am currently living in Riyadh,KSA were climates are too much for my skin. It gets irritated if the climate is too hot or too cold plus obviously the stress and never ending personal issues and problems. But that is Life, right? And praise God, He is always in control. My psoriasis started appearing when i turned 18 years old last 2005 and magically appeard (i just dont mind them anymore) my face last 2013, months after I gave birth to my son. I got a on- off medication(only ointments and solutions) which changes everytime i see a dermatologist. So last year, i stopped going to doctors and search for home remedy treatments which until now i am still using it... Facial or body skin toner ( morning and night) - wash and dry the skin - dab with a cotton ball that was soaked in a ACV solution ( mix 1/4 c ACV + 1/4 distilled water + 1/4 c rose water in a glass container) - let it dry and apply a water-based moisturizer - then apply your preffered mosturizer or lotion * it will take days or weeks but you will see improvement and you can apply the make up you always wanted.... :) :) ;)

Posted Wed 14 Mar 2018 21.59 by new to it

arghhhh , me too ' never had anything on my face, and woke up this morning with two new patches on my cheeks, scaling on my eyebrows and very itchy scalp . and this is while i am on Arava ! how come ???

Posted Sat 23 Jan 2021 11.43 by Natalie Roberts (edited Mon 1 Feb 2021 08.41 by Natalie Roberts)

When it comes to dealing with psoriasis on the face, the fewer harsh ingredients you use, the better. Always go for formulations that have little to no potentially irritating ingredients. Some ingredients to avoid include parabens, sulfates, mineral oils, and lanolin. That’s why it’s important to make sure your daily face wash includes ingredients with effective soothing properties. And you can use CeraVe Psoriasis Cleanser. CeraVe prides itself on being one of the most-recommended skincare brands by dermatologists, and for a good reason. This psoriasis cleanser is medicated with 2% salicylic acid, which helps relieve inflammation and irritation in psoriasis plaques. It is paired with lactic acid, an AHA that gently exfoliates the dry, scaly skin off so that you can renew your skin and make it smooth and clear again.

Posted Sat 23 Jan 2021 13.24 by Shakil

I've just recently started using this product called Psoriasin Gel, it completely healed my facial psoriasis, it's really effective at least it was in my case!

Posted Thu 4 Feb 2021 00.26 by Marina

Hi , this is my first time posting . I only had mild psoriasis on my body over last few years but this year got so much worse as I am an ITU nurse and sweating all the time in full PPE for 12.5 hr shifts. Dr would only give me steroid creams . It spread to my neck ,face and eye lids and had me worried . Tried a natural product range called tropic which saved my sanity . Its 100% natural and made in UK . I use the age defying omega oil elixer (orange) and add a few sprays onto my aveeno moisturizer or whatever you use and apply morning and night . It is intense moisturizer and has cleared it up despite me still working in PPE . I use it on my body too and works well but my face was the best . The big bottle was £40 for 75 ml but can trial the smaller one for less . Now the only steroid related item I use is Enstilar spray foam for flare ups on my body but rarely need it . I hope this helps someone as changed my life. having skin issues on your face really is a huge deal and totally affects your confidence.

Posted Wed 17 Mar 2021 01.58 by cath13

Hi shakil, where did you get the gel from please? Ive had psoriosis since i was 17( now 34) started after ny friend died. But have been researchinv alot about viruses and gut health. Wondered if any of you had had strep throat virus or hpv virus? Just seen on another post that others had , had genital warts then got genital psoriosis. I have severe genital psoriosis and nothing works other than sunbeds and reducing stress. Has any one come of a biological drug? I just came off it and are worse than when i went on it, the skin is so red and hot and its makinv me feel so depressed. I use aromatherapy oils, mainly lavender oil and frankinsence oil, and coconut oil as i find they dont irritate. I bath in epsom salts and oils. Worth looking up hannah stillitoes book how to heal psoriosis naturally. Ive found dairy triggers it hugly and alcohol. Only time i ever get relief is on holiday. I had light therapy which worked.. then came back after a few weeks. Ive started back havinv a 3 min sunbed once a week. Any tips would be helpfull, just feel so done and deflated with it all now x Thabks for reading x

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