What works for your psoriasis?

Posted Fri 22 Feb 2013 19.14 by Sammy27
Have had psoriasis since I was a baby

I want to know what creams, lotions, soaps or shampoos work for you?

Posted Mon 4 Mar 2013 22.01 by Maria3
I have guttate psorasis

Hi it's my first post hear I have had p for a year now I am 26, started off as guttatte p then become plaque p, this last year has been awfull I have had steroid creams and a 35 UVB light treatments which faded but not completely gone I went back to my dermatologist an now starting puva treatment he gave me eucerin urea cream( u can buy over the counter or on prescription) and think its great I apply it on twice a day and over night I put it on and wrap my self in cling film and wow I cannot believe the difference so far I have never seen my p look so faint an less aggressive I hope this helps someone :)

Posted Fri 11 Dec 2015 21.16 by apatel1 (edited Tue 3 May 2016 15.03 by gillfeb77@aol.co.uk)
I have psoriasis for about 15 years. Very mild thankfully, small plaques and scales at ears and elbows. More recently though I have foot pai

I've had psoriasis for around 15 years. Sometimes the plaques just go for no reason after some years. Others just never go. I've mostly used dovonex or silkis. Both keep the psoriasis under control but don't get rid of it. I noticed on my summer holidays in a hot country my psoriasis almost goes. So I thought UV must help, and I bought a handheld narrowband UVB light on amazon. I've used this for 4-5 mins per plaque 3 times a week and they are going. After a month some plaques which have been here for years went, and once its gone I don't need to treat the area anymore. Some have completely cleared and others mostly cleared.

1 Posted Thu 17 Dec 2015 15.04 by hopecnvn (edited Tue 3 May 2016 15.03 by richarddraek1983)
Can cure psoriasis.

Dear take my challenge your psoriasis will get cleared in two weeks. In almost 4 weeks you wil be normal man this is my open challenge.

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