It's getting worse

Posted Sun 12 Feb 2017 23.22 by Coolguy123

Hi I'm a young person who is still at school and I've lived with psoriasis my whole life I have not known my life without psoriasis so it's a part of me now, but of late it keeps appering in more and more places on my body. I have severe scalp psoriasis and it is constantly flaking, making my head look like a mess and of late I have noticed people are starting to become aware of it now. I have it also on my armpits, smaller patches on my legs (but they are getting bigger), behind my ears, my belly button and in other places... I am content with having my psoriasis there because they are normally not seen by anyone but recently it has began to spread to my face more specifically my forehead and just below my eyes and as I'm a young person I can't hide I have to go to school. I've had many appointments with a dermatologist and I've had an enormous amount of creams and shampoos etc to try and help it, does anyone have any idea how I can try to stop it from spreading even more?

Posted Mon 13 Feb 2017 19.29 by Lucy (edited Mon 13 Feb 2017 19.29 by Lucy)

Oh man I feel for you. It must be so difficult having this at school. I was 'lucky' in that it didn't come out until I was 18. I wouldn't have wanted to be trying to cover it at school. There's a few things you can try, but in my experience everyone is different and remedies only last so long before your skin gets used to them. The thread about face psoriasis should be useful for you. In terms of spreading, the following are what I have tried with success: Sunbed/light treatment Getting in the sun, Swimming in sea Salt baths, get some sea salts Aqueous cream - smother yourself in it. Shower in it as well! Should be able to get a tub from any shop - costing a £1 for 500g. This has given me 80-90% clearance in the last few weeks. Am amazed. Dovobet Diprosalic ointment. Avoid alcohol (I try and fail) Avoid wools or anything that scratches a bit. Now for scalp, me and a couple of people we know say this, but it's not a general thing, when I get my hair dyed - once every 3 months she washes and massages toner in my scalp. It stings really mildly, but then I am clear for a week or so, and then it got longer. Without doing anything else it is gone from scalp. But as with everything that could just be the way it goes. Hope something helps you. I have been reading the threads on here and noting the treatment which I will take to my doc. So have a browse. Good luck!

Posted Thu 16 Feb 2017 18.15 by Bobmarch

Hi mate, truly feel for you. I've had P for 15 years, I'm now 46. A combination of stress and lifestyle - loads of alcohol and cigarettes brought my P out. I tried a couple of steroid based lotions and potions which worked for a while to suppress the P but then it would come back 10 fold. I think the key to P is through the stomach! Look up leaky gut syndrome. Salt baths and moisturiser help with dead skin. I get P on my scalp and behind my ears which is embarrassing.For my scalp I use T-Gel, I use a small bottle until it's run out and that normally holds P back for a good while. I wouldn't use it for extended periods. I've found each persons P is unique to them with different "triggers", mines stress and alcohol. Try and find yours, could be dairy, gluten, stress, beer etc Stay positive, you're not alone with this nuisance skin condition.

Posted Fri 10 Mar 2017 22.06 by andrea
have had p for too many years

Hi i feel for you. I have had psoriasis since i was 7 years old which started in my scalp then spread all over. Moisturise, moisturise every night after a soak in a bath with oilatum which you get in most good chemists. Dovobet is good on the scalp and you can wash hair in the morning if its greasy. Ask your dermatologist if you can try methotrexate as i have. It takes time to get up to the dose that works for you but i found it cleared me 95% . i have been on it for a couple of years and it is creeping back. But at least i have had some reprieve. I am now gluten , sugar and grain & dairy free and so i eat alot of veg meals and brown rice recipies to see if it helps. Oh and sadly no alchol lots of water and fruit teas!

Posted Sat 8 Apr 2017 22.00 by Joxx

Hi I'm young too and I'm the same, same scalp places , same body places and it's horrible looking for the same as you just isn't getting any better sorry I didn't comment to help as I'm looking for help too:(

Posted Mon 15 Oct 2018 00.56 by Emily16

My eczema is getting worse. Feel like I'm losing my mind - absolutely nothing works. No matter what products I use, there is never any difference. I've tried dozens and dozens of different cleansers, moisturizers and BP products. Can anyone please recommend a product I've not tried? Something new?

Posted Mon 15 Oct 2018 01.03 by Amanda0115

@Emily16 Relax, I know exactly what you’re going through. I suffer from mild to sometimes moderate eczema. But this summer it was so bad. For the last past four months, I’ve tried everything and nothing was working (just making my skin worse). So I stopped and tried this CBD oil brand It took about 3 weeks until I started seeing results. Good luck.

Posted Wed 17 Oct 2018 10.37 by badger07

Hi all I've suffered from both rosacea and psoriasis for 30 plus years. It affects legs, back hair face, ears etc, I've been taking 1/2 tablespoon of Apple Cider Vinegar twice a day in a large mug of water. This seems to be my tolerance limit as any more brings on acid reflux and acid indigestion (you don't want this as you will have to stop and then symptoms return). I take it with cold water as this numbs taste a little ( hot water seems to activate the acid and seems to attack teeth (or it feels that way)). It doesn't seem to matter if I take normal supermarket version or organic with the mother versions, both seem equally effective, I personally prefer the taste of either Sainburys or Aldi's own brands. The Result seems to be affected by skin thickness so thin skin areas like ankles cleared first, scaling sites of 72 mm by 100mm on both ankles cleared with normal skin replacing lesions. This was slowly followed by the rest of the body healing, the scalp (hair) and face are the slowest to react but even those are slowly returning to healthy skin. its taken 14 weeks so far but every day I notice improvements. Both my GP and dermatologist are dismissive and non supportive but don't lose heart remember these professionals admit they don't know what causes both rosacea and psoriasis and that their currently is no NHS cure for it. I only really care that it definitely works for me and I just pray that its effectiveness doesn't ever wear off. For those with eczema you could try Gladskin eczema cream its based on phage technology. Its a bit like a sharpshooter targeting MRSA which may be causing your eczema. Most aniti fungals or anti bacterials available from NHS are like atom bombs destroying all the helpful flora together with the bad. This product was reviewed by Trust Me I'm a Doctor and there are lots of reviews for it on the web. It seems to be a toatal fix or total fail depending if MRSA is causing your problem. So look it up ,it must be imported and so takes a couple of weeks to arrive and its pricey. Have a look and decide. Hope this helps and that it works for you Best wishes Badger07

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