Covered from head to toe please help!

Posted Tue 28 Feb 2017 06.55 by Julie

Hi, I have had psoriasis for about 25 years, it started when I was pregnant. My psoriasis varies from a few scales on my knees and elbows but currently it is the worst it has ever been with scales all over my body. I have probably tried every cream there is from the doctor, I have had light treatment in the past but really struggling at the moment. Following a referral from my doctor, I saw a dermatologist just over one week ago. He prescribed Enstilar foam and I have been using it for one week. I can't believe the difference it has already made. My skin feels so much smoother, it is still red but it has made a huge difference. I know it is early days and I worry about it coming back when I stop using it but for now I am starting to feel confident again . Ask your doctor for a referral to a dermatologist, I believe the specialist will help more than your GP . Hope this helps and good luck

Posted Tue 28 Feb 2017 22.13 by ruhi94544

Hi, I know you've tried out Epsom salts, but have you tried Minera Dead Sea Salt? Its really rich in mineral content and has properties that can disinfect, moisturize, and re balance your skin. A lot of people actually visit the Dead Sea for relief but you can take in the benefits through a bath!

Posted Tue 28 Feb 2017 23.33 by Lougilbert

Hi I've had it for 6 years now and it hasn't once gone away yet but I have been using dream cream from lush and it does seem to be improving. Its not itchy anymore which is a huge improvement

Posted Sun 5 Mar 2017 16.48 by Nelly

Hello everyone, Psoriasis became part of me almost 34 years ago; it started on my knees and elbows, today it covers the majority of my body. I have had various treatments - UVA, coal tar preparations and moisturisers, sun beds and emollients, holidays in the sun. Over the years I have accepted that the condition I have is dependent upon my attitude towards it, for 10 of these years I just lived with this condition, then I had a change of thinking and I gained the opportunity to take methotrexate, this had limited impact and now I am about to commence with Stelara. Yes this condition has made me feel restricted regarding participating in swimming and wearing shorts and summer tops, but I am me and it is the attitudes of others that I can allow to make me feel 'not me'. so to everyone who is sitting scratching, itching, and feeling miserable - you have a life, live it and stand up for yourself to gain some treatment to help you live your life, we have a long term condition that we can gain some respite from - I am now going to have some respite by taking Stelara, I will keep in touch with the forum as to my progress with this treatment.

Posted Fri 10 Mar 2017 17.37 by lisascot

Hi Mrsbluesky Nothing you have listed is to actually treat the psoriasis. Steroids don't treat it they just treat the symptoms. You need to get a tar cream. Put the steroid on in the morning and put the tar cream on at 6pm then sleep in old pajamas. Just put it all over. "Psoriderm" is a good one.. it stinks but you will notice a difference doing this in 6 weeks. The Psoriasis should become paler and flatter. The tar takes the scale off and encourages normal cell development. Then once it's all much flatter and paler a few uv sessions or getting some sun will help. If you can't do this then take a vitamin d3 higher dose along with vitamin k2 and magnesium aswell. This will make a difference if used along with the tar regime. I have had guttate 5 times after a throat infection and it's always cleared up. I have it just now and when I say covered that means not much normal skin left to see. It's starting to get better after 5 weeks doing this and the patches are getting paler. Good luck

Posted Fri 10 Mar 2017 17.41 by lisascot

And also get checked by your doctor to make sure your throat infection is still not active. Ask for a throats culture to be taken and you will get the results back in 2 days. Then if you do get some antibiotics.

Posted Fri 10 Mar 2017 20.08 by Mrsbluesky

Thanks Lisa, i am covered head to toe too but as the dermatologist i saw today said she understands the sheer volume is too much for creams and it's very 'aggressive'. (Side note she nearly didn't see me due to nurses cock up but i ran over nearly in tears saying 'look at me i need this appointment' and was seen..) I was prescribed cyclosporine. Said it would start clearing in two weeks. She did originally suggest putting an urgent referral in for phototherapy but would be difficult to manage with two kids and three school runs a day.

Posted Fri 10 Mar 2017 20.24 by lisascot

Well I hope the cyclosporine works for you. I have never had this before. Tar & Phototherapy has always worked for me. I have had 3 lots of tonsillitis in 6 weeks.. I have just had a tonsillectomy because of this as I have so far had two flares and awaiting a 3rd flare and I am going to be gutted as it's just starting to clear and I'll have to start all over. My skin was bad already and then the 2nd flare has covered every single part of me too so I can't imagine how it could get any worse with a 3rd flare. . I always get it really extensive when I do.. it's shocking to look at, all joined together and covering everywhere apart from face and hands thankfully. Phototherapy can clear it up quite quickly so if you don't have luck with the drugs then see if you can manage to fit it in. Try not to panic, it looks awful but it will go away if it was triggered by an infection.... until you get that infection again.

Posted Fri 10 Mar 2017 20.44 by Nicola

Tar I've had a few times but there has been times when I haven't been able to use it and in fact once made things a lot worse . Each flare up is individual . I have had many decades thinking about this and my personal thoughts are psoriasis is a symptom not the problem and it all hinges on immunity issues . No matter how often skin treated the underlying cause still lurks . A "cure" can only be found if more research put into it and there is sadly very little is done . The skin is our biggest organ which is a fact many forget . I have taken cyclosporin for about 6 months in the past and yes it works ............

Posted Sat 11 Mar 2017 09.47 by lisascot

Can someone tell me... when you take cyclosporine or methotrexate.. if it clears your skin do you have to continue to take it to remain clear, when you stop taking it does it flare back up again? Does anyone know if in the case of guttate that was brought on ny strep whether it will flare once cleared with one of these drugs when the drug is stopped? Many thanks

Posted Sat 11 Mar 2017 10.00 by Nicola

I took cyclosporin for about 6 months and stayed clear for about a month if I remember rightly . I decided for a variety of reasons to never use oral treatments again . There is truly permenant cure unless you take something . I m not sure you can stay on cyclosporin permanently but it was a long time ago and things change

Posted Fri 17 Mar 2017 20.17 by clarky1252

Try Clearfree. An earlier post I sent explains my success with this herbal capsule treatment. I have had psoriasis for 50 years. Tried everything from Coal tar, to dead sea salt, UV treatment in hospital twice etc etc. I have use Dovobet for the last 10 years with not much success. Clearfree works for me so far. Not cheap. 6 month supply and spray clear ointment about £150. Shipped from USA. Takes about 10 days to deliver. I am told psoriasis is a fault in your genes. So until medicine can change that faulty gene then a permanent cure is a long way off. Clearfree claim to clear psoriasis and exzema with this treatment. So far I am optimistic.

Posted Fri 17 Mar 2017 21.07 by Nicola


Posted Wed 22 Mar 2017 14.08 by Jo Jo

Hi All, My psoriasis flared up two days before Christmas. I would like reassurance that it is improving. It is still over my legs and still itchy but now flatter and smoother. It is on my back and trunk but my chest and arms are clearing. We are near to end of march and it is really getting to me now. I am currently using a steroid cream in morning, I also have exorex which is a tar liquid I put on and doublebase get to moisturise with. I am taking d3 also to boost my system. I am also waiting to have light treatment but it isn't till May, which if I am honest I am angry about. How bad do u need it to be to get an emergency appt. I also found a company in asbourne hire out psoriasis purpose beds, that you can hire and use over your own bed. You need doc approval, I have enquired as well as trying to push my hospital appt. It has nearly been two weeks since then?! Starting to get down about it now and I have two kids which means mum hasn't took them swimming for a while! If anyone can give advice, I would appreciate it. Just want it to go now!!

Posted Wed 22 Mar 2017 20.02 by Cazcant

Hey I'm Carrie and have lived with psoriasis since I was 3 it cleared once which was really nice because I was normal for a bit. Its really hard being a teenager with psoriasis. I obviously don't show my skin because of what people might say or think I just want to be normal and have clear skin. My boyfriend says he don't care about it but I know he does and I'm scared its going to affect our relationship does anyone know how to get rid of it please!?

Posted Thu 23 Mar 2017 11.06 by clarky1252

CLEAR FREE herbal worked for me after 50 years of suffering. I take 2 capsules per day and within weeks it was almost gone. No itching, no flaking and the patches are very pail and shrinking. They claim a 98% success rate. It is working for me and I feel great. I was so excited about this herbal treatment, I wanted to tell everyone. Back in 1983 I went to Romania on holiday. A skin specialist prescribed a drug and some cream. All paid for with Marlborough cigarettes. Communist country at the time and the currency was worthless. The doctor told me I would have young skin for a long time because I suffered from psoriasis. I tried in my younger days to holiday in sunny climates and swim in salty water. This always worked until winter came again. I am now 64 and still no wrinkles. So, some good points. This disease put me off swimming which I enjoyed. Now I am looking good. I have said in earlier correspondences that I could write a book about my experiences over the 50 years. Some funny others sad.

Posted Wed 29 Mar 2017 13.54 by Slipit1

I came on this forum to seek some feedback to my newly diagnosed P (at 54) and my jaw has been in my lap readying all of your history w/this horrible skin issue. I should be thankful I have it as lightly as I do compared to all of you. God bless, I cannot imagine the pain, itch and self conscientiousness you all feel especially teenagers with it! Mine started like most when our immune system was working overtime from being sick and a steroid did the damage and started the flare. I am curious, I have read a lot about this SORION Cream working wonders. Have any of you tried this? Check out this link I picked up from someone on this site in another forum string. I look forward to offering any suggestions that work for me.

Posted Fri 21 Apr 2017 22.39 by Kirsty

Hi Mrsbluesky, This is the first time I am posting on here, but your story was very similar to mine. I have suffered from plaque psoriasis since I was 8. I have gone through all the creams, steroid base and moisturisers, none seemed to work, so I accepted there was not much I could do, then last year my psoriasis to a nasty turn after I got tonsillitis, I then found myself with plaque and guttate psoriasis. In a space of 3 weeks I went from being 35% covered (my average over a year) to being 80% covered. This resulted in my body unable to control the body temperature which then led to chest infections. So not only did my health deteriorate rapidly I became mental and emotional broken. This was not helped by the fact my local GP, despite seeing them weekly over a month did not stop the patronising comment such as 'you need to moistures and keep hydrate' only then did they refer me to a specialist. This was the best thing that happen to me, within one appointment it was suggested to go on cyclosporine. Despite my reservation like so many other after reading the side effects, I was willing to take this regardless of the side effects as anything was better than how I was then. After 2 weeks on cyclosporine my psoriasis was near clear, all I had was red patches from where they were. 6 months in completely cleared and remained so from a year. For me this was the first time I had been cleared of my psoriasis since the age of 8. The only side effect I had was cold burning sensations with fingers and toes when there is a change of temperature, so I was lucky it worked for me. Now I have to change as cannot be on longer than a year so have now started methotrexate. Results are slow, and not as confident it will clear like the cyclosporine. But I will be hoping. One moisturiser I will say has been the most effective for me during and post serve flare up is Aveena. They do bath oil as well as regulat cream which helps moistures the whole body. I hope you are having some luck with your dermatologist Mrsbluesky as I understand how debilitating it can be.

Posted Sat 22 Apr 2017 23.25 by deb28

i have it really bad or should i say had!! it effected me in my job and confidence then a friend let me try her enstilar foam i have never looked back! the nurse give me it at my gp surgery as she rang derma to sort out prescription im assuming. the dryness just peeled within 3days my back was covered as was my face my confidence is back and i would highly reccomend you try i have been trying different creams for 14year hope you get sorted x

Posted Mon 1 May 2017 08.32 by Mrsbluesky

Hi just wanted to update, I've been on 75mg cyclosporin since 10/03/17. While my psoriasis has not disappeared, it has greatly reduced in the worst areas. My face back and arms it is still there but barely visible compared to how red thick and angry it was previously. Turns out it was erythmodermic. On my legs the Guttate is still visible but again greatly reduced. Will have another derm app in June where she will likely up the dosage.. she did say I was on the lowest dose and room for it to double. Feeling much better in myself now. Thank you all for your wonderful advice x

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