Exorex and itching

Posted Thu 16 Feb 2017 10.25 by Metarie1985
Beauty standard ignorer, unapologetic P sufferer for 10 years, determined to stay positive!

Hi all, New to the forum, not to the dreaded P - nearly 10 years in and it's been pretty chilled out after getting UVB 9 years ago - just patches on my elbows, back and knees which gave me no grief but suddenly I'm getting wee patches popping up everywhere. I'm attributing this to either a) stress and not looking after myself or b) having to take the morning after pill and the heavy dose of hormones has caused a flare. Ergh. Bad just compounds bad, doesn't it? Anyway, I'm trying Exorex along with my usual Dovonex to try and blast the new bits away and I have literally never been itchier. Within a week my patches have gone quite smooth and very red which I'm taking as a good sign but goddamn! I can't sit still. I'm using Aveeno and Dream Cream by Lush (both oatmeal based) to moisturise but I'm wondering if the Exorex moisturiser has any additional properties that might help me stop itching? Or is it just a bog standard moisturiser?

Posted Thu 16 Feb 2017 10.39 by Toodlesoodles

I was just discussing Exorex on here the other day. My psoriasis very rarely itches but after trying Exorex on two different occasions (stopped after about 11 days cause it was just making my psoriasis look and feel much worse) it made the patches I applied it to itch like crazy no matter how much I moisturised them. I stopped using Exorex more than a week ago and my the patches are still itchy, last night being one of the worst examples. So yes I think it's normal. If you think it's improving your P then continue to use it. Can't comment on the Exorex moisturiser but have you tried coconut oil?

Posted Thu 16 Feb 2017 10.52 by Metarie1985
Beauty standard ignorer, unapologetic P sufferer for 10 years, determined to stay positive!

Hey :) I've tried coconut oil on my scalp but it was so messy and greasy I gave up, I've got a jar at home so I'll give it a go but I think I might need an itch inhibiter of some kind. I've been slathering myself in moisturiser in the loos at work half way through the day but it doesn't seem to be helping much. I'm working on the theory that it's itching because it's doing something, and I'd rather be smooth and red than pinkish and scaly (the flakes...gah the flakes!) but I'm conscious I'm turning into that person who unconsciously scratches away at themselves without realising. So attractive!

Posted Sun 21 Nov 2021 23.58 by DawsonUk

Been using Exorex lotion. Yep leaves my skin itchy. After I’ve applied it and it’s dried I then apply Doublebase moisturiser. Doublebase is for eczema and psoriasis. The combination of the two works for me. I also nip to tanning salon once a week for vitamin D.

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