Newbie to psoarasis at 51!!

Posted Wed 22 Feb 2017 10.58 by SarahB

Shortly after my fathers death I developed small white dots on my hands, no history of eczema or psoriasis, 8 months later It has developed into pustular psoriasis on my the palms of my hands and soles/side of my feet. After 4 courses of antibiotics, hydrocortisone, benovate and dermovate nothing seems to be working - moisturiser and cling film help my hands stay moist so I have limited but painful movement But I am wondering if its ok to keep them wrapped most of the time? The Dr sent me for bloods and now seems uninterested in my problem and far more interested in the results of my liver function (no repeat bloods and waiting for a scan). Dad was diagnosed with an 'unidentifiable autoimmune disease'and the DR has sent me for a repeat test for that too. Depression has started to sink in (partly because of losing my Dad after being his carer for 4 years but partly because I have to abandon my newly created home business of cake decorator because of the state and pain of my hands. I have just got an appointment for bereavement counselling but I fear I am staring into a dark hole in regards of my psoriasis. I understand from research that its not going away but need some advice about how to deal with it when it flares up and gets so bad I cant do anything with my hands or have trouble walking. Has anyone noticed a trigger to flare ups - think I am just to new to this to have worked it out yet!

Posted Thu 23 Feb 2017 07.40 by Sue P

Hi Sarah, My heart goes out to you, the same happened to me December 2015. I ended up seeing a Dermatologist & have been on Acitretin, Cyclosporin & Methotrexate. Although they all reduced my symptoms my hands & feet never fully recovered. The side effects ( head mixed up) eventually led me to making the decision to stop taking these medications. Over the year the big break through has been acceptance & although like you I am really struggling to walk & use my hands my head is clear. Mine has never cleared in the year so when they go on about triggers I'm not sure of the relevence of this now. I'm exploring & reading a lot about diet, it's a mind field. Some interesting stuff on this site. Take care

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