Depressed and desperate for help.

Posted Sun 5 Mar 2017 11.45 by SammieJ
Psoriasis (guttate and plague) and PSA . Struggling!

Hi all - it's a long one but I need help please. I am so depressed and I don't like feeling this way. I've had relatively moderate psoriasis for around 10 years and in the last month I have literally been attacked from many angels. I have been unwell and under Par since around June/July with various things; b12 deficiency became permanent so I need injections, painful knuckle and fingers, hot spells which have been unexplained, palpitations and then high blood pressure, weight gain, exhaustion you name it. I've had some awful ear canal infections caused by the psoriasis going into my ears from my ear lobes and scalp. I've had infections in my eyes and all these weird symptoms were so far unexplained. 3 weeks ago I awoke with an almighty painful eye following 2 weeks of headaches - put down to stress!!- turns out I had an acute anterior uveitis - caused by my immune system causing inflammation of the eye vessels which caused my pupil to stop working as it attached to the lens - yes as painful as it sounds it was awful. I had to have steroid eye drops and pupil dilation drops and although healing I have a weakness in that eye now which can be permanent. My Psoriasis has literally gone wild since / with new patches and spots daily and to top it all off it's now decided to appear on my face. It's sore, burning hot and really itchy and even painful. It's driving me insane. My hair is awful, I can't wear any make up, I feel permanently like I have flu and I'm so hot all the time it's ruining everything. I had an urgent referral to rheumatology following the eye crisis, which is on Tuesday afternoon and I am desperate for this to go away. I know it may not, but it's on my face, my hands and my chest now and I can't hide it as I do with what I already had on my legs and scalp, elbows etc I feel like my life is all about being unwell and looking awful and I can't seem to stop feeling depressed. I'm usually a happy, strong and funny person / but I'm disappearing behind this damn disease and I don't know what to do. It's affecting every aspect of my life and I'm losing control. If anyone has anything to inspire me or help me I would really appreciate it xx

Posted Sun 5 Mar 2017 12.13 by Doreen

Dear Sammi So sorry to hear how poorly you feel. Lets hope the rheumatology department can help. Psoriasis is horrible!!

Posted Mon 6 Mar 2017 16.56 by Lealta

I'm new here and your post spoke to me as have been feeling very similar. Ear infections were so bad I went deaf for a month and it took 4 weeks of antibiotics plus GP injecting me with antibiotics to start to get hearing back. Fatigue and memory so bad. I've felt so low I've been getting paranoid about my partner leaving me, so self conscious and self esteem rock bottom. I'm not due back in clinic until April now. Push your dermatologist for a treatment. It sucks feeling this way.

Posted Mon 6 Mar 2017 23.47 by Roland

I recently had a patch on my face and it just sent me into a bout of depression. Like you I have always covered up with long trousers and long sleeved shirts but there is very little that can be done to cover your face, my less sympathetic friends suggested a Burka! Luckily for me it has gone off my face so am back to normal, not sure what did it just used moisturiser regularly. I have recently come off Metharexate and my skin has settled down a bit so that could be it. I had a really bad reaction to Methatrexate, my psoriasis really flared up and became very sore, I have just started Ciclosporin so fingers crossed. Get back to your dermatologist and ask for something stronger than what you have been on.

Posted Tue 7 Mar 2017 07.27 by Lealta

I was on ciclosporin to begin with and although it helped it made me so ill that it had to be stopped, lost weight, so fatigued, had really deranged kidney function... Dermatologist told me it's rare for ciclosporin to do that so hopefully it will suit you. Methotrexate did absolutely nothing for me. I was on fumaderm for about 6 months but the side effects were horrific, at least 5 times a day had burning itchy flushes which completely wiped me out, exploding digestive issues too. Next step for me is injections. Back at clinic in April to see if funding has been approved. ..... A burka.... Lol... Friends with a good sense of humour definitely help!

Posted Tue 7 Mar 2017 16.55 by Mozeades
65 - mother of two, grandmother of two, great gran of 1 - soon to be two.

Hi, new to this! I am 65, been through the menopause so thought home and dry, then I am hit with this - vaginal psoriasis! I have been told it is age related. Been treated with Betnovate cream and Yes water based lubricant but find this sticks to underwear so now use good old Vaseline. Now GP has given me Dovobet gel, been using it for 5 nights now, some improvement. I was told in November that I would be referred to a dermatologist- am still waiting. GP told me to ring the hospital to see if an appointment with my name on it has been made. I get so sore and itchy that I just want to cry, and I am sure "things" swell up. I am wondering if it could be a cycle thing as it seems to occur as if I still had period. Sorry if this is too graphic. I find it very debilitating and it is a great effort to do anything. Thank you for "listening"

Posted Sun 12 Mar 2017 13.02 by SammieJ
Psoriasis (guttate and plague) and PSA . Struggling!

Thanks all for the replies - I don't know they were there until today. I've seen the rheumatology department and I am now starting a treatment pathway beginning with Methotrexate - I have an open mind and I hope it helps but if but at least I'm now in the right place for other treatments. I'm still struggling with the itching and current flare on my face, ears and scalp and I have also got some activity 'down there' too so I am hoping for some relief soon but in the meantime I am between positive and doom depending on how the day takes me.

Posted Thu 16 Mar 2017 12.17 by Snickers

I've had psoriasis for over 10 years. Sometimes I was afraid to go out since the patches on my arms and forehead could be noticed even from a far distance. It's not only these parts that were covered with psoriasis but my whole body and scalp were affected by redness, plaques, scales and the other psoriasis symptoms. There were moments when I saw no point in living. What was it that made me resume enjoying my life? I found a great treatment for this bloody disease called PsoEasy. This is a series of products for psoriasis, eczema and seborrhea treatment that's probably by far the best treatment that can be found among the contemporary psoriasis medications. It significantly alleviated all the symptoms I had. Of course, the disease isn't completely gone now but I can at least go for a walk without being ashamed of someone's seeing my abominable symptoms or look in the mirror and feel no disgust for myself. PsoEasy products are the most useful and needed tool created for those suffering from psoriasis.

Posted Mon 27 Mar 2017 13.14 by Metarie1985
Beauty standard ignorer, unapologetic P sufferer for 10 years, determined to stay positive!

Snickers - I'm looking at the psoeasy page and trying to get the free won't accept my postcode in the usual format - do you know if there is a work around? I've tried removing the space and only putting in the first half but no joy :-/

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