Eating Blueberries has cleared up my psoriasis

Posted Thu 20 Sep 2018 15.58 by demonicale

What is everyone having their blueberries with?.

Posted Thu 20 Sep 2018 17.13 by Summer

Hi JulieM Just buy pain fresh blueberries No additives. I have mine with porridge Or I just pick

Posted Fri 21 Sep 2018 08.01 by demonicale

Hello Summer, I buy the frozen blueberries as they're cheaper, larger packet and they last longer than the fresh ones. In my local Tesco the fresh blueberries are £3, small and go off too quickly.

Posted Fri 21 Sep 2018 09.03 by Summer (edited Fri 21 Sep 2018 09.05 by Summer)

Hi demonicale Not the cheapest fruit I get mine from Aldi I normally would go through 2 large punnets a week, a small price to pay if I can keep P at bay, A definite now the winter is kicking in with less sun. Hope you get on with the blueberries and see some good results I’m just going to shops to get mine :-) All the best Summer

Posted Fri 21 Sep 2018 11.32 by demonicale

Hi Summer, I might take a look at Aldi over the weekend and see what they have. Have a great weekend.

Posted Fri 21 Sep 2018 18.27 by Jidda

Hi Warren/ pill or anyone that the blueberries have helped... I've suffered with psoriasis for around 5 years now with a short spell of freedom whilst on ciclosporin (not a lover of medication) anyway I'm having a bad flare up I would say I'm 80% covered anyway I started eating blueberries just over a week ago and I started to snow with skin and the patches looked more pinker however the last two days my skin has become angry again but I've stayed on the blueberries I've eaten that many I'm going to look like the girl from willy wonker soon... When did you start to notice a change? and what was the changes to the skin how soon did you notice it was helping? I understand it may not help everyone but I'm willing to try anything before going back on the ciclosporin.. Thank you Janine

Posted Fri 21 Sep 2018 18.52 by warren1 (edited Fri 21 Sep 2018 19.17 by warren1)
widespread psoriasis for 30years

Janine hi, If you look down this thread you will find that 20 blueberries a day for about a month to six weeks is the formula. I had No change after one week. I started to see definate change in my skin after 3-4 weeks. Firstly after 15 days it stopped flaking, then after 20 days it started to break up and i saw signs of normal skin breaking through, then about 30 days 90% clear. The fact that there was a change in your skin after taking blueberries could be promising long term. However from my knoledge you are the only one who has tried to use blueberries in the midst of a full blown flare up. It sounds really nasty. You may have to weather the flare up in the hope that when it calms down that the blueberries will take effect. I have been in your shoes with nasty flare ups and i feel your pain. When i had a flare up it was a case of.. i know this will last for about 4-6weeks then tale off and then i can treat the mess that it has left. So i had it in my mind .. hold on this raging flare up will eventually pass. it wasnt easy. in a flare up all i could think about was my skin. So stressful and depressing. The best thing to do if you can is... treat it, put your mind on other things and know that it will come and go. Having said that blueberries could well be a long term solution for you. Hope i have been helpful Warren

Posted Fri 21 Sep 2018 20.48 by pdr321
A long sufferer of plaque psoriasis who found an effective treatment after 27 years (blueberries). I have now been clear more than 5 years.

Hi Janine, I second what Warren has said, and I hope you will have success. What type of psoriasis do you have? It is helpful to all to find out what types of psoriasis blueberries are effective with. Certainly blueberries were the answer for me, and at the end of September I will have been clear for two years :-) That is with the exception of a few spots when I've been excessive with food and drink, around Christmas for example. For me diet isn't really a factor usually. My impression is that a highly inflammatory diet should be avoided. In other words try not to live off cake and spirits. Let us know how you get on and good luck. Phil

Posted Sat 22 Sep 2018 06.30 by NotHavingIt

I've had this for 5 years now. I happened to find this forum by chance on a Google search. I am also a member of a Facebook group that shares their ideas, experiences, and supports others called "Living with Palmar Plantar Psoriasis." I'd like to encourage you to join the page and share your stories. I've never heard about the blueberry success until I read these posts, so sharing with others on the Facebook page would be great. I was diagnosed by some doctors as having eczema others as having Palmar Plantar Psoriasis and they wanted to prescribe Methotrexate, biologics, etc and I said I wouldn't take any of those medications. So, basically, I had the thought that didn't have it before, so maybe I could get rid of it. I quit taking all vitamins and supplements. I continued taking my cholesterol medication. I had tried the creams and ointments the doctors prescribe, but found that the steroid creams made the cracks in my feet worse it may have slowed the growth of skin build up, but also slowed the skin repairing the cracks, so made it worse. I live 70 miles from the dermatologist, so light treatments weren't a viable option. Around this time I started having smoothies everyday for breakfast made with frozen blueberries, blackberries, and raspberries. I added milk and also Ceylon cinnamon. I also drank green tea with a 1/4 teaspoon of Ceylon cinnamon in it. My hands cleared up and have stayed that way, most of my foot cracks went away. I actually thought it was the Ceylon cinnamon that caused the improvement, now I think it was the blueberries. The rest of the build up of dead skin on my feet I remove with an Amope Pedi Perfect. I'm a believer of using them, just remove all the dead skin. The build up of dead skin creates cracks and creams can't penetrate it. I found the best cream is Gold Bond foot healing cream and Gold Bond hand healing cream. The hand cream does not come off every time you wash your hands. I stopped using any of those antibacterial gel hand cleaners. Now, that I've read this forum I'm going to do the blueberries again and see if the last of the stubborn cracks go away. Thanks, to everyone for sharing their stories. I totally believe this condition is diet or environmentally caused. We have so many additives it our foods, hormones, pesticides, etc, it would be hard to find a common factor, but a remedy may be something we can do together. I really think the doctors are unsure also, they just prescribe medications. One doctor saw me for less than 5 minutes and wanted me to take Methotrexate, she was surprised when I said, well that's not happening. I see this thread is from the UK, I'm from America from a northern state, so the amount of sunshine we get is probably similar. One doctor told me if she could give me a prescription for a trip to Hawaii, it would clear up, but then it would come back later, so not sure if she meant the combination of ocean salt water and sunshine. So, I'm wondering does this condition just occur in people of European ancestry and more in people who live in the middle and upper latitudes? I'm determined to not have this condition, a positive attitude couldn't hurt I figure.

Posted Sat 22 Sep 2018 08.57 by warren1 (edited Sat 22 Sep 2018 09.03 by warren1)
widespread psoriasis for 30years

To Janine in readind the text from PDR i really think you should continue with blueberries. I could easily have given up after one week. Great to hear from SIr Phil too. I am sooo glad that i ever read his text. Warren

Posted Sat 22 Sep 2018 11.40 by Linda D

Hi Cazzy, thank you for ur reply, am using the Hydrocholloid dressing plasters on the open sores on soles of feet, they are like clingfilm & make it much more comfortable to have to so am & dry feet thoroughly b4 applying dressings though, as they won't stick...however you can leave them on 4 several days...have also discovered elastoplast healing cream which have found quite good on my heals....hectic time 4 me, viewings on rented property, trying 2 sort stuff to move & finishing work & hsndovers.....have found this site when ur think you are the only one!.... thanks everyone x

Posted Sat 22 Sep 2018 11.54 by Cazzy27

Hi Linda. Thankyou for that. I haven't heard of those dressing plasters so I shall look into that. I agree, this site is great. So good for asking for recommendations etc. Hopefully things will ease up a bit for you soon. Carole

Posted Sat 22 Sep 2018 16.59 by Jidda

Thank you for replying Warren and phill I have plaque psoriasis... I will continue with the blueberries, I have noticed my skin is alot more itchier than normal is this anything you guys experienced? Thank you

Posted Sat 22 Sep 2018 21.39 by pdr321 (edited Sun 23 Sep 2018 00.37 by pdr321)
A long sufferer of plaque psoriasis who found an effective treatment after 27 years (blueberries). I have now been clear more than 5 years.

Hi Janine, My skin did get itchier in the final weeks of my psoriasis, I see this as a promising sign. The real breakthrough came when I noticed that no new spots were forming. Keep us posted, Phil

Posted Sat 22 Sep 2018 22.01 by pdr321 (edited Sat 22 Sep 2018 22.05 by pdr321)
A long sufferer of plaque psoriasis who found an effective treatment after 27 years (blueberries). I have now been clear more than 5 years.

Next week it will be 2 years since my skin became normal, and clear from plaque psoriasis. This was achieved by eating Tesco's £2 berry medley fruit pot 4 times a week for a month. I still buy the medley quite often, and I usually have blueberries sprinkled on my morning cereal too. I became convinced it was the blueberry component of the medley that had helped me. I've had the odd spot since when over-indulging on food and drink, but they never lasted long. As I type this I can tell you that I am clear :-) It has been great to see the effect this forum has had on other sufferers, though I guess it's getting quite long to read. I took the trouble to look it through and summarise the results so far: 38 sufferers have commented of which 23 haven't reported back, or are still trying the blueberries. 7 sufferers (including me) report success - like me, and another 3 cite an improvement. 5 sufferers say that blueberries did not work for them, and it does not seem to be effective with PPP. So 2/3 of sufferers who have reported back have been cleared, or have seen benefit :-) Conclusion: if you have non-PPP psoriasis, it looks like there is a high probability of experiencing a positive result with blueberries. Eat them for a month give or take, and then please report back.

Posted Sat 22 Sep 2018 22.07 by demonicale

I've seen improvements in the first week, long way to go but remain convinced you're right... Blueberries rock!

Posted Sun 23 Sep 2018 13.47 by warren1 (edited Mon 24 Sep 2018 07.28 by warren1)
widespread psoriasis for 30years

Intresting and encouraging stats Phil. like yourself my skin isn't perfect, but 95%improvement and improving after 7 weeks. I will be the first to read your book, that is if Chrissie doesn't get to the shop first. Warren

Posted Sun 23 Sep 2018 15.06 by Chrissie NW

Hi Warren, yes I will be at the front the queue, well before you, glad your skin is still ok, I'm the same. I do wish they would put a up and down arrow on this site I've been scrolling up and down it's finger aching!!! Glad Sir Phil is ok, I've been quiet as I've been on holiday celebrating a lot of girlies and all friends over 50yrs, I've just come home for a rest!!!! I have also been flashing my beautiful skin, the girlies can't believe it. Chrissie

Posted Mon 24 Sep 2018 08.37 by blodyn

An update from me - I have been taking blueberries religiously for the last couple of weeks and the red patches have toned down on my torso and legs. I also think there as been a little less hair loss from my scalp psoriasis. I must note that I have been taking the blueberries at the same time as I have also started taking a concoction from my herbalist. My herbalist is aware of my blueberry consumption and the reasoning behind it. On Saturday, due to a chaotically busy day I did not take blueberries nor the herbal concoction; it was also a stressfully if not unpleasant day. Today, the psoriasis patches are red again, and are itching. My scalp is also itching badly. Thanks very much for this thread - an invaluable lifeline methinks.

Posted Mon 24 Sep 2018 10.49 by JulieM
Plaque psoriasis 30+ years & psoriatic arthritis 20 years-started 20 Blueberries p/day & my skin is getting better, pain reduced in joints!

Hi all, I started the blueberries Thursday evening and have taken 20 a day since. Elated to report that my psoriasis patches are starting to change! No new plaque build up and they are starting to feel smoother!!!! Additionally my arthritis pain is not as bad! Hallelujah! It’s not even been a week and I know this is going to work for me. Thank you all who have tried this, been cured and contributed to this post! I will keep letting you know my progress. It’s looking very positive as it stands! JulieM

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