Eating Blueberries has cleared up my psoriasis

Posted Wed 26 Sep 2018 13.58 by Itchy1982

I once saw a rep for a psoriasis steroid cream at my gp clinic giving my gp something. It looked like he was receiving some sort of prize or kick back. What reason would the rep be there when they don’t have the cream at the clinic? I’ve spent $2000 on this cream and it’s useless. I believe stress (divorce) triggered my psoriasis. Just before my divorce I also had a malaria vaccine to travel to Vietnam. Anyone else questioned if vaccines could be a trigger? Diet is the key to healing I think and unfortunately no alcohol. I’m still battling to heal as I can’t so no to a beer and burger.

Posted Wed 26 Sep 2018 14.01 by ateeq

Itchy1982 have you tried the blueberry diet'

Posted Wed 26 Sep 2018 14.05 by Itchy1982

Yeah I’m living on them atm. Heaps of veggies too. It’s hard as I eat really well then I give in to alcohol or junk on the weekends.

Posted Thu 27 Sep 2018 13.01 by warren1 (edited Thu 27 Sep 2018 13.51 by warren1)
widespread psoriasis for 30years

Julie hi, looks like u are heading in the direction of clear skin. Really good news. I was prescribed steriods for 35 years. Think of the money it would have saved the health service if i had eaten blueberries way back then. lol. Itchy hi, Alcohol is a known poison that causes an adverse reaction in psoriasis. Avoid. It wasn't a problem for me strictly tea-total. A key to using blueberries, as seen in the above threads, is consistancy. No breaks at weekends. to use an Ulsterism 'keep er lit' Consistancy 20 a day. Ateeq regarding diet. i have eaten porridge, biscuits, chocolate, crisps, coke, chips, sandwiches, potatoes, sodas, pies, apple tart, cream buns and BLUEBERRIES. Warren

Posted Fri 28 Sep 2018 13.43 by ateeq

Thanks Warren - my diet is terrible - ive tried to sort it out but i tend to eat pretty much what you had on your list

Posted Fri 28 Sep 2018 14.18 by Jidda

Hi ohil/Warren Its been roughly two weeks since I started the blueberries I'm finding slight improvement to my torso but not so much on my legs and not really any on my arms and had a few new spots only on my arms and hands, did any of you find parts of the body heal better than others or all at the same time? Thanks Janine

Posted Fri 28 Sep 2018 14.27 by Jidda

Also I will add in previous treatments my legs have always been the last to clear and my hands but normally my arms and torso seem to clear first... Was you all still using your moisturisers as I'm still using cetraben and 50/50 I'm hoping this will work and it's just my psoriasis being stubborn.. My hands are what makes me feel so low in confidence the most as I have customer faced job I cover the rest up.. Any tips on hand psoriasis I use gloves at night sometimes it's ok but other times it can irritate them..

Posted Fri 28 Sep 2018 15.17 by warren1
widespread psoriasis for 30years

Jidda hj, Same as youself. my torso was first to clear. It sounds as if it is going in the right direction. simply keep going. I had the same problem with my hands, even lost a job because of them, be patient my hands cleared but were slower to do so. Warren

Posted Sat 29 Sep 2018 01.20 by pdr321
A long sufferer of plaque psoriasis who found an effective treatment after 27 years (blueberries). I have now been clear more than 5 years.

Hi Janine/Warren, For me this period was easier, I didn't know that I was recovering, so I wasn't checking my progress every day. But looking back I don't recall seeing anything until about 3 weeks in. My skin was more itchy than usual and I was shedding lots of dead skin. Then I remember looking at my leg and it looked a little better with no new spots. Then around 4 weeks it just started vanishing at a truly amazing rate. It all seemed to clear up in a matter of days. I was stunned and could hardly believe it was me in the mirror. Given that skin renews every 27 days, and I realised that I had started eating blueberries about that many days before, I thought that's it! Keep going, Phil

Posted Sat 29 Sep 2018 10.01 by ateeq

did you guys have plaque psoriasis/

Posted Sat 29 Sep 2018 11.05 by pdr321
A long sufferer of plaque psoriasis who found an effective treatment after 27 years (blueberries). I have now been clear more than 5 years.

Yes, but you know that for me: purple text at top of post. All people are different, and I'm not on a diet. If you eat lots of imflammatory type foods it can't be good for psoriasis. Blueberries are anti-inflammatory so I think soak it up to a certain extent, that's what I have found. I think you need to find your right balance.

Posted Sat 29 Sep 2018 13.38 by JulieM
Plaque psoriasis 30+ years & psoriatic arthritis 20 years-started 20 Blueberries p/day & my skin is getting better, pain reduced in joints!

Hi all, Just an update. Just over a week since I started on blueberries and yes I continue to improve! Skin is NOT forming new flaky plaques on lesions. It is getting smoother every day! For me it’s a miracle. Not even moisturising them either. Feel I don’t need to and that’s crazy!!! I will eat blueberries forever!!! JulieM

Posted Sat 29 Sep 2018 14.19 by Sarahtenby
GP sufferer

I’ve been on the blueberries 8 days now I haven’t noticed any improvement as of yet but there is also nothing worse I’m Just the same I’m being optimistic though and I know most of you guys say the 4 weeks My sister and my friend both got plaque / guttate psoriasis too and I’ve got them on the blueberries too and I’m asking them to report to me about progress etc too I’m not particularly well behaved when it comes to diet,🙈 I still like a cake and a chocolate bar most days got a sweet tooth and I’m eating potatoes/chips, but I do eat fruit, veggies, fish, nuts/seeds In my meals. I do drink most Saturdays with my partner and friends we love going out I don’t drink at home though at all. So this could be holding me back, will see. I will report to you all on day 30 with my results and with my sisters n friends

Posted Sat 29 Sep 2018 18.14 by warren1
widespread psoriasis for 30years

Julie hi, Great news. Great results in such a short time. Amazing. Usually takes longer. Yes again consistancy is the key. Keep er lit till your skin is completly clear. Sarah hi, One week usually way too soon to see results. According to this thread the norm is 3 - 6 weeks to see improvement. I was exactly the same , no difference until the third week then i noticed slightly less redness and scaling then from fourth week on significant change. Interesting to see how things develop. Phil 'the blueberry treatment inventor' was the same. It takes time. I agree with Phil that it could well be linked with the skin replacement cycle. regards, Warren

Posted Sun 30 Sep 2018 12.22 by ateeq

quick update : I started eating blueberries on Tuesday (so 5 days in now) My psoriasis is showing signs improvements. There is a slowdown of the skin growing on itself. The skin feels smoother I noticed that parts of my ear, there is a cycle of psoriasis clearing up and then forming. I have been in alot of pain over the past few months due to the the skin/psorasis splitting when I get up after sitting down for a little while. I am thankful to say that after 5 days on my right leg (which was extremely painful/sore/itchy/ splitting) the skin feels so much better. It has improved my quality of life and over past couple of days and doesn't act as a constant reminder that I am living with psoriasis. I have been eating about 80 blueberries a day but around 20 is what has been recommended.. Having lived in what feels like despair for 10 years , i am addicted to blueberries at the moment hoping it is the 'magic cure'. will update on day 30 “Don't Stop Believing"

Posted Mon 1 Oct 2018 09.38 by warren1
widespread psoriasis for 30years

Ateeq hi, 80 is a lot. i dont know if u can take too many. The big thing is that u are seeing improvement. Again the signs are good that u are going in the direction of clear skin. Intresting to see how you do on such a large amount. keep posting. Warren

Posted Mon 1 Oct 2018 10.22 by ateeq

Thanks Warren I think the amount of blueberries im consuming is linked to my desperation that this works.

Posted Mon 1 Oct 2018 18.24 by Ladyred

Hi everyone.....I stumbled across your website today and have already it found it so helpful so thank you to everyone for their advice so far. I am a 51 yr old female who until last October did not have a problem with my skin. Then almost overnight I started to have problems which were made worse by a stressful period in my life which went on for some months I’ve made a number of changes to my diet etc...and have personally be trying things like goats milk soap and body lotions which I recently started using. But I still have a reasonable area of red patches on my lower legs, below the knee which just don’t seem to want to shift I live in France and whilst the health service is amazing ...and they did send me home with a bag full of lotions and potions, my preference was to try more natural remedies so.....reading your stories about blueberries has been fascinating. As there are no fresh ones in the shops now I have ordered some frozen ones online to try this method and see if it helps Thank you again inspirational

Posted Wed 3 Oct 2018 17.41 by Blossom
Istarted with psoriasis 10 months ago.Im on creams and hospital treatment.Sometimes i feel very low,and do,nt want to leave the house.

Hi ,I'm having good results with eating about 20 to 30 Blue Berries every day.My skin is not so itchy,but I'm flaking a lot more .Does anyone else have this with eating Blue Berries.Ive been on them about 2 Months.Thankyou in advance.

Posted Wed 3 Oct 2018 18.37 by pdr321
A long sufferer of plaque psoriasis who found an effective treatment after 27 years (blueberries). I have now been clear more than 5 years.

Hi Blossom, My psoriasis flaked off massively before it cleared up. How much of your skin has returned to normal so far? Phil

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