Eating Blueberries has cleared up my psoriasis

Posted Wed 3 Oct 2018 20.58 by Blossom
Istarted with psoriasis 10 months ago.Im on creams and hospital treatment.Sometimes i feel very low,and do,nt want to leave the house.

Hi, Not a lot, it's just my skin is not so sore and the patches have gone flatter and paler.Im seeing the Dermatologist in 3 weeks and she wants me on the Humari injections.I don,t want that, so hopefully I will do well like yourself.On the Blueberries.Thankyou Phil for replying.

Posted Wed 3 Oct 2018 23.40 by pdr321
A long sufferer of plaque psoriasis who found an effective treatment after 27 years (blueberries). I have now been clear more than 5 years.

Hi Blossom, It's a difficult call, you have nothing to lose at least by continuing with the blueberries, Do you have plaque psoriasis? If you haven't already I would suggest that you should avoid too much sugar in your diet, and not drink alcohol too often. In fact Just have a good healthy diet overall. I find that I can eat anything in moderation, but certainly my psoriasis loves my Christmas diet. Presently I remain clear. Good luck, Phil

Posted Fri 5 Oct 2018 04.45 by TCNZ

Hi Phil, Do you think blackberry (besides blueberry) also played a role in your healing?

Posted Sat 6 Oct 2018 00.23 by pdr321
A long sufferer of plaque psoriasis who found an effective treatment after 27 years (blueberries). I have now been clear more than 5 years.

Possibly to a lesser degree, blueberries pack a bigger antioxidant punch than blackberries though. I did compare the properties of the two. People have only reported on blueberries in this forum, so they do seem to work on their own.

Posted Mon 8 Oct 2018 11.01 by ateeq

A quick update - 13 days in - eating around 120 blueberries a day My quality of life has improved over the past week. The crustation seems to have dramatically slowed down . I am experiencing amazingly smoothe skin in areas such as my elbows and back. I feel more 'itchy ' - incredibly more itchy it seems at times. On my elbows I have noticed clear skin trying to breaking through a psoriasis patch - this ends up reddening and cycles but it is heartening. The psoriasis on exposed places of my body - ears in particular have calmed down - this has really helped with self esteem. My ears have been looking really bad but now not so much. My scalp has probably had the least reaction from the blueberries but there has been a small changes I have been able to walk around the house wearing shorts and t-shirts in front of other family members and do not feel self conscious - there is no thick plaque psoriasis instead i i resemble an attack acid vicitim (apologies if thats not PC) I hope that i am able to update in couple of weeks time and have the successes achieved by others within a month but if not then will continue with blueberries regardless (at a lesser frequency ) I read an article which highlighted foods with high anti oxident levels - blueberries/ PECANS/ kale/spinach/ rasperberries. Pecans apparently have the highest of any food for a/o levels - with blueberries in the top 3. (I will add pecans to my non existant diet)

Posted Mon 8 Oct 2018 14.23 by sher95

Hi! Folks, New to the forum although having severe psoriasis for last 20 years now. Stumbled upon the forum while doing regular research to find solution to this dreadful problem- for I have had virtually all 6-7 types of psoriasis over all this years. Always willing to try a new strategy/cure!!! First of all, congratulations to pdr321, Chrissie NW, Warren, JulieM, Blossom, Ateeq and many others who have benefited from the wonderful blueberries and sharing their experiences. I have started the blueberries treatment from today. The tesco checkout person was curious as to why I was buying 7 packs of blueberries for at £3/- per pack, it is quite a spend. Anyways, few things I wanted to check. 1) Should one take just 20 blueberries per day or go upto 80-120 per day? How many grams should it be? Like the £3/pack I bought from Tesco has 250 gm weightage while the size and weight of the individual blueberries varies from one to another. 2) what is a good time to eat them- during the day or as an after dinner snack. All at one go or spread it over the day? 3) While taking blueberries, did you also notice any change in your digestion pattern such as changes in terms of passing motion in terms of number of times a day etc. - did you get a feeling that it was kind of cleaning the body much faster. Thank you for for your feedback...

Posted Mon 8 Oct 2018 19.00 by pdr321
A long sufferer of plaque psoriasis who found an effective treatment after 27 years (blueberries). I have now been clear more than 5 years.

1. I was cleared originally by eating around 60 to 80 odd a week. Eating that much per day seems a lot to me. Certainly I don't need such a high number. I probably eat around 30/day now. 2. As far as I know it doesn't matter when you eat them. 3. Noticed nothing new in the digestion department. But if you eat bucket loads of them I dare say you might. I didn't have any feeling that my body was being cleaned. Summary: I eat them in moderation and that has been sufficient for me. Give it around a month. Good luck, Phil

Posted Mon 8 Oct 2018 20.31 by sher95

Dear Phil, Hi! Thanks for your quick are the inspiration!!! Am certainly going to try this for a month or longer as it takes and will keep updating the progress on the forum...

Posted Mon 8 Oct 2018 23.36 by pdr321
A long sufferer of plaque psoriasis who found an effective treatment after 27 years (blueberries). I have now been clear more than 5 years.

Hi Ateeq/Sher, Thanks for both of your reports, this is all great feedback for other sufferers to hear. I hope that you will be able to have the same success that I and others have experienced. Phil

Posted Tue 9 Oct 2018 11.26 by blodyn

Many thanks for suggesting this solution. It has been a very tasty and healthy treat over the last few weeks. My month is up - and I’m much better. There are still some patches on my body, but they are paler and much less itchy. I have also been to a herbalist who has prescribed a herb mix for me - I’m very pleased with the results up to now. My scalp psoriasis is still there and that is most uncomfortable, but also better. If I do have a stressful day, the patches do turn redder, but again less red than a month ago. Btw - daily dose/treat for me is a small punnet. My digestive system is not affected. Many thanks again.

Posted Wed 10 Oct 2018 14.50 by Jidda

Hi all This is just an update I have been on the blueberries for just over four weeks and I have noticed a difference in my skin on my torso and legs, unfortunately my arms feet and hands are still bad with no change my arms have got worse :( I have a dermatology appointment on Friday and I know they are going to put me on ciclosporin again.. I so desperately wanted the blueberries to work before my appointment so I could avoid the ciclosporin.. I'm very pleased to see the blueberries worked for some of you.. I will continue to eat blueberries as I enjoy them but won't see the effects of them. Janine

Posted Wed 10 Oct 2018 17.03 by blodyn

Jidda - I'm so sorry to hear you have not seen an overall improvement. I am just starting on a gluten, dairy and sugar free diet - it feels extreme at present, but hopefully the scalp psoriasis will disappear as result. Best wishes with future treatment.

Posted Wed 10 Oct 2018 17.13 by warren1 (edited Thu 11 Oct 2018 11.44 by warren1)
widespread psoriasis for 30years

Jidda hi, since your torso is clearing, is that not an indication that u are going in the right direction. A top consltant in ireland once told me that psoriasis clears out from the torso to the extremities and away. i have been in your shoes many a time and, whilst things are going in the right direction if it was me i would delay the cyclosporine and wait to see if the blueberries will complete the job. My psoriasis cleared from the torso out through the extremities. I started on 1st of August, after 5 weeks 95%clear, still clearing slowly but surely toward 100%. My life is completly changed. I dont want to go back to creams and injections and light units EVER again. Warren

Posted Wed 10 Oct 2018 17.20 by warren1
widespread psoriasis for 30years

Blodyn hi, Well pleased that u have seen such great improvement. As you read down this remarkable thread you will find that each one that has succeeded using blueberries has been left with a little reminder of their skin condition. i have massively improved and am soooo happy but my skin is not absolutely perfect. Warren

Posted Wed 10 Oct 2018 17.26 by warren1
widespread psoriasis for 30years

Ateeq hi, I replied to your message after you had been on blueberries for just a fiew days. Thankfully you have continued and are now starting to see great results it took 20 a day for about 5 weeks fof me to completly clear, well very very nearlly.

Posted Wed 10 Oct 2018 18.28 by blodyn

Warren - thanks. I've read your response to Jidda, and intend to carry on with the blueberries. Hopefully theimprovement from the torso out will reach my scalp - that would be beyond amazing. Thanks for tge time you spend on this forum aiming to help others - you probably dont realise how much this means to sufferers like me.

Posted Wed 10 Oct 2018 23.25 by pdr321
A long sufferer of plaque psoriasis who found an effective treatment after 27 years (blueberries). I have now been clear more than 5 years.

Hi Janine, As Warren says it would be better to persevere a bit longer if you can bear it, especially because you have seen an improvement in some areas. Regarding your arms, are you currently on any other medication/creams? Some medications can end up making the situation worse if used for too long. If you are flaking more than usual then that is a good sign, not a bad one. Fingers crossed that you will further improve. Phil

Posted Wed 10 Oct 2018 23.39 by Jidda (edited Wed 10 Oct 2018 23.47 by Jidda)

Hi phill and Warren Its such an awful situation to be in I have noticed improvement to my torso and legs but not anywhere else in fact it's got worse.. I'd love to continue with the blueberries but I'm having to wait 3 months for an appointment and my hands are so bad I struggle to put my daughters hair up.. I just don't know what to do for the best... Thanks guys for your support

Posted Wed 10 Oct 2018 23.43 by Jidda

Hi phill Not on any other medication other than the contraception pill and 50/50 that's it..

Posted Thu 11 Oct 2018 09.47 by Affi
Long term psoriasis

Thanks to all who have contributed. I started the 20 a day regime two weeks ago, so far no improvement but I will persevere. I’m so encouraged by people’s successes and comments. My Dermatlogist has prescribed Otezla which I haven’t started yet. The side effects are pretty worrying- diarrhoea and depression. I have been taken off Methotrexate because it upsets my liver. I know the best plan is to be off medication whilst trying the blueberry option, but I’m wondering if anyone has any experience of Otezla, known also as Apremilast.

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