Eating Blueberries has cleared up my psoriasis

Posted Sun 14 Oct 2018 12.35 by Chrissie NW

Hi Carole Hope you are Ok, Ive search for the info and sorry its taken so long, but regretfully I must have thrown it, if I come across it again I will be in touch. Im still clear and hope this continues till Christmas, it will be the first Christmas without Psoriasis, what shall I wear!!!!! not shorts away. Chrissie

Posted Sun 14 Oct 2018 12.46 by Chrissie NW

Hi Sherry Well Im clear of Psoriasis and quite a while now, I started taking Magic Blueberries in June and still taking 20 per day. My Psoriatic Arthritis has not cleared, but less painful, in fact I dont notice it unless I have done a lot of walking, which I couldnt do before the Blueberries. Hope this helps Sherry, keep taking them, Chrissie

Posted Sun 14 Oct 2018 12.59 by Cazzy27

Hi Chrissie. Thankyou for looking but not to worry. At the moment my feet are feeling quite good. I am still on Cyclosporin but have changed the moisturiser which seems to suit me much better. They are reducing my Cyclosporin dosage gradually so hopefully I shall still be ok. So glad that you are still clear. Be good to treat yourself to something nice to wear for Christmas. Have seen the floods on the news so hope they haven't affected you and you can still get your blueberries. Carole

Posted Sun 14 Oct 2018 13.27 by Chrissie NW

Hi Carolyn. So pleased your feet are better and having your Cyl reduced, which is good news. Yes something new for the festive season, I still can’t believe this my life has completely changed Carolyn I will be so grateful to Sir Phil for the rest of my life which I’m loving at the moment. We have no flooding here although the River Dee comes thro our village all the properties are elevated, so we are ok, it is South Wales where it’s bad, I’m in North Wales near Llandudno. Chrissie

Posted Sun 14 Oct 2018 14.16 by ezmo (edited Sun 14 Oct 2018 14.19 by ezmo)

Hi folks, My first post on this site - I was diagnosed with plaque psoriasis about 1 and a half years ago, been prescribed steroid creams and went through a stage of taking Acitretin but it sent my bad cholesterol levels through the roof so came off those. My p was mainly affecting my life mostly on the hands, dead skin and cracking which made the most basic things you do with your hands daily painful. I have patches on one knee and both elbows. Three weeks ago inspired by Phil's original post and the valuable contributions from others I started eating around 20 fresh blueberries a day... I have too had miraculous changes especially to my hands which are almost back to the way they were 49 years before the awful P reared it's head :) I would like to say a massive thanks to everyone especially Phil for the life changing benefits I've experienced and needless to say I will be eating those blue round magic berries now for the rest of my life. All the best to all - Eric.

Posted Sun 14 Oct 2018 15.56 by pdr321
A long sufferer of plaque psoriasis who found an effective treatment after 27 years (blueberries). I have now been clear more than 5 years.

Hi Eric and Friends, Eric, thank you for your feedback, it's great to hear that you have benefited, and it's also further confirmation than some sufferers can find relief by adding blueberries to their diet. I hope that you continue to improve. Friends, good to hear from you all, and your valuable contributions. May you all look forward to Christmas being able to wear whatever you want. Clearly psoriasis is a complicated condition and there have been some interesting if rather long discussions. What is so wonderful about blueberries, apart from the miraculous results, is the simplicity of this treatment. Granted that some sufferers may need to research diets more thoroughly though. Putting the knowledge and ideas out there is what it is all about. We don't have all the facts at a scientific level, but I believe that together we have proven that blueberries can be effective as a treatment, and also life-changing. All the best, Phil

Posted Sun 14 Oct 2018 20.54 by sher95

Thanks Chrissie for sharing your experience. Any feedback from other psoriatic arthritis sufferers who have used the blueberry treatment would be welcome. Yha, am going to continue with the blueberries... Sherry

1 Posted Sun 14 Oct 2018 21.18 by Jayz
Inherited Psoriasis from a grandmother on each side. Life long sufferer. Been hospitalised for severe outbreaks.

Lifelong sufferer of psoriasis. Inherited from both grandmothers. Rest of the fam clear. Been hospitalised before for extreme outbreaks. It's been fairly dormant for a few years, I mean I always have some but it's not been troublesome and suddenly I am in the middle of a bad outbreak, I am in an agony of soreness and could tear myself to pieces. Going to try the blueberries, I'll let you know. I get it everywhere except my face (or rather not had it there yet). Though my scalp has been fairly clear for about 10 years since I discovered Philip Kingsley itchy flaky scalp. It's pricy but worth every penny as it keeps my scalp clear. I thought I'd share that in case it helps someone else.

Posted Mon 15 Oct 2018 10.17 by TCNZ

Hi All, Is there anyone who got result from eating blueberries a smoker/drinker?

Posted Tue 16 Oct 2018 16.47 by warren1 (edited Tue 16 Oct 2018 16.51 by warren1)
widespread psoriasis for 30years

Hi Phil, Great to hear that Eric has been helped, especially his hands. This is very encouraging to the lady on this thread who was finding it difficult to clear her hands. My hands, as the rest of me, are virtually clear. This is important as the degree to which psoriasis is visable has a direct impact on how it effects people psychologically. I remember feeling so self conscience when my hands were bad for several years. It was so embarrassing when people stared at my skin, or when a child asked why i had so many sores on my hands. I took a picture when i had Pustular psoriasis on my hands and i can tell you that my hands were raw,red,bleeding,sore, etc. I would only scare people with the photo, but then again there are some on this thread and they know what i mean it is their experience too . But thanks to Phil my hands are clear, what a difference. I read the text from Jayz, When my skin flared up it was terrable/horrific, i feel you pain. Like youself i had it from my feet to my neck but never on my face, that would definately have been traumatic. Trust the blueberries work for you as they did for me. Its great to be clear, its just like being cured from leprosy, that is not an exaggeration, it is exactly how i feel to be honest. May many more be the same. Warren

Posted Tue 16 Oct 2018 21.26 by Delree9

I have so many questions for the group. I was recently diagnosed with Psorasis in May, 2018. I'm devastasted! I started eating blueberries about 3 weeks ago. I see a lot of scaling on elbows and slow on hands but not much else. I really want to give the blueberries a chance but this itching is driving me crazy. What did yall use for the itching. Also, how often did you exfoliate and with what. I am scheduled for TREMFYA injections for Oct 22nd and really don't want it but my life has been on hold for months. I literally stay inside all day ( grateful I work from home). I have it practically all over besides my face. Suggestions please. I take a benadryl daily which only helps some. I also apply pure aloe vera and vaseline. Suggestions???

Posted Tue 16 Oct 2018 23.38 by warren1 (edited Tue 16 Oct 2018 23.44 by warren1)
widespread psoriasis for 30years

Delreeg hi, My heart goes out to you as i was once in your shoes. When i was in hospital in Belfast the common practice was to plaster 50/50 over the patients 3 times a day 8am 5pm and 9pm and cover with bandages, this removed the scales.. Then patients were treated with active creams in between dependant upon the Consultants directions. I think that you should ring the psoriasis association phone number for further information. Your doctor/consultant will also have information on 50/50 which is liquid moisturiser and other creams too. I am not a dermatologist and cannot give medical advice ( i dont think anyone else has mentioned that they are qualified in Dermatology on this thread either) therefore i would suggest ringing you Doctor, Dermatologist and the Association. The P. Association are very helpful and will send you information via email. I really hope the blueberries will help you as they did for me. It is simply wounderful that so many are responding to blueberries. I am delighted and hope it will work for you too. Phil should possibly come in here as i think he had extra scaling just before he started to clear through blueberries. Best Wishes Warren

Posted Wed 17 Oct 2018 13.41 by JulieM
Plaque psoriasis 30+ years & psoriatic arthritis 20 years-started 20 Blueberries p/day & my skin is getting better, pain reduced in joints!

Hi Sherry, Yes I have noticed an improvement in my arthritis! as Chrissie says, it is less painful. My skin is well on the way to looking clear but I have noticed an improvement in pain in my extremities. Although lower back is still quite painful when I'm walking I know this would be improved if I could lose weight! Good luck to you. JulieM x

Posted Wed 17 Oct 2018 17.47 by Delree9

Hey Warren, Maybe you misunderstood my question. I only wanted to know what the group used for OTC moisturizing and also exfoliation. I was just inquiring as I know all skin types are different. Thank you for the support.

Posted Wed 17 Oct 2018 18.29 by Chrissie NW

Hi Delree9. I suffered with itching and extreme dryness where skin was hanging from my palms and I used Doublebase Gel I don’t know if you can buy it over the counter they do a 100grm tube idéal for bag and a 500grm (pump dispenser) I got it on prescription as we don’t pay for prescriptions in Wales. This gel is the best I ever used and I had P for over 50 yrs until I had the Magic Blueberries and Sir Phil and Warrens contributions. If you take the Blueberry Route you must stick to it I’m still taking 20 per day since June and it’s the best tasting medication I have ever had. It may take longer than the three/four weeks and if only slight improvement carry on with them. Chrissie

Posted Wed 17 Oct 2018 20.59 by Delree9

Chrissie, I have to admit, I do feel much better consuming blueberries daily. I will definitely continue and pray for a change. Thank you so much! This tread gives me hope.

Posted Wed 17 Oct 2018 21.28 by pdr321 (edited Wed 17 Oct 2018 21.29 by pdr321)
A long sufferer of plaque psoriasis who found an effective treatment after 27 years (blueberries). I have now been clear more than 5 years.

Hi Delree, Like Chrissie I use Doublebase Gel, when I had psoriasis, and for dry skin on my elbows now. I always found removing the scales to be a problem as I would bleed, so I tried to put up with them. I do wonder whether benadryl may be reducing the effect of the blueberries. Better to take only one form of treatment at a time if you can, otherwise you may not know what works for you. If you a suffering with itchiness and cannot bear it though, I understand. It would be good to continue with the blueberries for longer, 3 weeks was not enough to clear me, it all happened after 4 weeks. I flaked a lot before I cleared, and was also itchy. Looking back I think my new skin was forming and the scales became more irritating, but this period only lasted for a short while. Good luck, Phil

Posted Thu 18 Oct 2018 00.52 by Delree9

Phil & Chrissie.. Your words are kind and well needed in my situation. I will prolong the Tremfya for 3 more weeks allowing the blueberries to take effect. I was also able to locate the doublebase gel 100 mg on Amazon! Thanks again and please wish me luck!!!!

Posted Thu 18 Oct 2018 05.13 by warren1 (edited Thu 18 Oct 2018 05.22 by warren1)
widespread psoriasis for 30years

Delreeg hi, No I did NOT misunderstand your initial question as you did not ask in it what we used for OTC moisturiser. Please re-read your own question. I gave you the best answer from 40 years of personal experience which is 50/50 which is a mix of liquid paraffin. This in my experience was the best to remove scales. Please have some confidence to take advice from the medical profession and psoriasis association as well and not just OTC. The gel based parifin mentioned by Chrissie and Phil will help too. Personally, following long years of tar pomade, potent steriods, dithranol, TLO1 light treatment, scraping, scratching, and bleeding all I can say is .... Thanks to Phil, BLUEBERRIES have worked for me. Warren

Posted Thu 18 Oct 2018 16.03 by Tim

Update...I’m 1 week into the blueberries. My skin is still a mess but I’m having the most wonderful bowel movements. I’m guessing this is part of the gut health that was discussed earlier.

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