Eating Blueberries has cleared up my psoriasis

Posted Sat 27 Oct 2018 18.35 by Chrissie NW

Hi I’ve just been on amazon and I can’t see it,only the one I mentioned, but if they have confirmed moisturiser & hydrating Gel it’s correct and it’s in a purple box you must have bought the last, so u r ok which is great. It’s terrific and you can use it anywhere it really does feed dry skin you skin is like silk, let me know how you get on and eat fresh blueberries as the drink and things with blueberries you have to look at the additives and sugars, they are usually flooded with them. Good Luck Chrissie NW

Posted Sun 28 Oct 2018 15.26 by mosaibjan

Hi everyone. I am male 25, recently diagnosed with psoriasis. My body and scalp is covered by psoriasis. I recently saw this discussion regarding healing power of blueberries. I rushed to my nearest supermarket as soon as I read this discussion. Its my 4th day now on blueberries. My plaques are itching more than before. Also I'm getting tingling sensation in my skin. Is it normal? However I'm willing to continue eating 20 blueberries for a month or two. I'll keep you all updated with results.

Posted Mon 29 Oct 2018 09.46 by Suzie
I have suffered for around 7 years and have it covering my back and front.

Hi Jelb3195, I'm also taking 5 MXT tablets per week so was wondering how long you have not been taking yours for? was your dermatologist ok with you swopping your meds for blueberries and did you have to be weaned off? thanks x

Posted Mon 29 Oct 2018 09.54 by Jelb3195

Hi Suzie. To be honest with you, I haven't yet told them 🙈 I have an appointment in a couple weeks, and I'm dreading telling them. I haven't taken them since July, but I did wean myself off them, by taking less each week. Wasn't sure the right way to do it so just winged it. I started eating the blueberries before stopping them. Where I stopped eating blueberries for a little while, I had a slight flare up, but eumovate ointment seems to be doing the trick :) Xx

Posted Mon 29 Oct 2018 10.34 by Suzie
I have suffered for around 7 years and have it covering my back and front.

Thanks for your quick reply! i did mention the blueberries to my derm in August and she didn't really say much about it. Please keep us updated on how your appointment goes. I'm not seeing mine again until Feb so maybe I'll mention then about coming off the MXT! x

Posted Mon 29 Oct 2018 13.31 by JulieM
Plaque psoriasis 30+ years & psoriatic arthritis 20 years-started 20 Blueberries p/day & my skin is getting better, pain reduced in joints!

Hi All, Here's my one month up date. I'm not clear yet but the plaques are not reforming. My elbows are red and sometimes itchy but I continue to see that skin is returning to normal albeit slowly. When I embarked on the blueberry 'treatment experiment' I ceased my other supplement use to see if blueberries alone would do the trick. I think I will continue the blueberries because there is definite improvement, and my psoriatic arthritis is lots better but I will reintroduce my supplements and vitamins as they helped me clear things up a couple of years ago along with a low carb diet. I'm aiming to start low carbing soon too. I really need to get back to where I was two years ago as being lighter certainly helps in everything! Thank you Phil, Warren & Chrissie for introducing me to blueberries. I will continue and keep you updated here. Also I LOVE blueberries and can have them on low carb so win win! Cheers all, JulieM xx

Posted Mon 29 Oct 2018 16.26 by warren1 (edited Mon 29 Oct 2018 17.55 by warren1)
widespread psoriasis for 30years

Hi Janepoppy, 3 weeks and progress. Great news, this is great keep going. Delreg, you can see new skin. thats like light at the end of the tunnel to me, keep going. Jelb3195 it has worked for you too. Dont like the taste. i mix them in porridge and hardly taste them Julie M your plaques are not reforming and your psoriatic arthritis is less. A lot of people have psoriatic Arthritis and this is really good news for them. All i can say is 'WOUNDERFUL' Warren

Posted Wed 31 Oct 2018 09.35 by TomHp

Hello All, I'm now part of team psoriasis. So before the start of the year I've never encountered any problems, I never used a moisturiser until this year! I first experienced a hot burning sensation on my face and a few flaky regions above my ear. I went to see a dermatologist at the end of April and was diagnosed with rosacea and eczema. I started using E45 moisturiser which calmed down the burning sensation and also reduced the redness. I used salicylic acid for my eczema and that got rid of it nearly instantaneously. I thought I was in the clear until a felt discomfort on my back 3 months ago, to my shock I had three spot like marks on my back, I was pretty surprised I hadn't noticed them sooner. Anyway, fast forward to today and I now have 6 lesions (I'm stealing terminology from this thread) on my back, 2 on my shoulder, 2 on my forearm, one elbow, one on a bum cheek, couple dotted around on a leg and my scalp is also affected. My rosacea has got worse as the redness has expanded and the skin peels. I also think I have a slight outbreak of eczema on one side of neck. My condition is definitely small and mild compared to others, but I guess going from nothing to this in about 3/4 months it could get progressively worse. I got the diagnosis last night and have been prescribed some creams and ointments. I will pick them up, but I don't plan on using them yet. I've been referred to a dermatologist and luckily I have private health so will be taking up that option to get a second opinion but mainly for a more thorough examination and diagnosis (like the type of psoriasis). The reason I don't plan on using what's been prescribed to me is I already wanted to take a natural approach first and then use the creams and medication as a last resort. I'm having blood tests later this week which should hopefully help determine if I have any intolerances/allergies (I've been noting my food consumption recently and pretty sure I'm lactose intolerant). I found the post on this thread about diet very interesting and I will be stripping my diet down and assessing what works for me and what doesn't. I feel pretty lucky to find this thread from my first stint of psoriasis googling last night. What's more interesting is I had blueberries yesterday for the first time in ages so it feels like fate. I've bought my next batch this morning and will keep you updated with the progress.

Posted Wed 31 Oct 2018 13.43 by Tim

I’m now 3 weeks into the blueberries and am starting to see some real improvement. I too felt that itchiness at the start ...that has now passed. The P on some of my nails is disappearing, my PA is almost gone. I had a locking jaw issue which I’m pretty sure was’s now gone. The P on my scalp is retreating. I’m feeling really good about this. The plaques on my skin are still there but not as raised and flaky as before. Thank you Phil

Posted Wed 31 Oct 2018 15.01 by warren1 (edited Wed 31 Oct 2018 15.04 by warren1)
widespread psoriasis for 30years

Tom hi The dermatologist has said you have Eczema and rosacea. These conditions are different from psoriasis. Eczema and dermatitis can be linked to allergies but i have not know psoriasis to be. It is important to get correct diagnosis and treat the particular condition diagnosed. There are other sites dedicated to Eczema and rosacea. Regards Warren

Posted Wed 31 Oct 2018 15.09 by warren1 (edited Wed 31 Oct 2018 15.09 by warren1)
widespread psoriasis for 30years

Tim hi, Psoriasis improving. Great news after three weeks. And as before if your lock jaw is Psoriatic Arthritis this is another example of blueberries working for this serious aspect of psoriasis. Great news. I think Phil's stats are going through the roof with the recent success stories on this thread which he originated. 🙂 Warren

Posted Wed 31 Oct 2018 15.12 by TomHp

Apologies if I wasn’t clear in my original post. I meant my skin issues started in April with eczema and rosacea. Yesterday I was also diagnosed with psoriasis by my doctor which only flared up in the last three months. This covers my scalp and have lesions on my back, shoulder, forearm, elbow and a few on one of my legs. I’m waiting to get an appointment with my dermatologist so that I can have a more thorough inspection and what type of psoriasis it is

Posted Wed 31 Oct 2018 17.02 by warren1
widespread psoriasis for 30years

Tom it is very rare for a person to have 3 skin deseases emmmmmmmm This is a bit unusual. Possibly a second opinion from a Dermatologist is the best way forward. I also think a skin sample can be analysed under a microscope to determine exact diagnosis. I have found that GPs are a bit limited when it comes to skin deseases. Whereas the Consultants are generally accurate in diagnosis as they have to be dealing with severe cases each day. Anyway, Anyway, There is nothing to stop you from trying Blueberries. If they work they work, that is all there is to it. Best wishes , Warren

Posted Thu 1 Nov 2018 21.09 by sher95 (edited Thu 1 Nov 2018 23.12 by sher95)

hi! All. I am now in my fourth week of blueberries treatment. At present, I hv 80% + body covered (including face/forehead), nail and psoriatic arthritis. I have not had much noticeable change to the skin as yet except on two occasions when I felt that may be new real natural skin was coming out on some part of the thigh region (less than 5% of the body)-but it again turned red after a day. While I remain committed to the program, I would like to understand from others more about their journey. 1) While most have mentioned about increased flaking and itching during the initial weeks, I am having bruises and cuts on the skin having increased at the same time. 2) The skin has become stretched and very inflamed/red. With the onset of winter, causing more discomfort in the process. 3) New spots are coming in regularly. 4) While do not see any change in nail psoriasis, the psoriatic arthritis is showing up in new places in the body. 5) did the skin change from red to kind of black before the new normal glowing skin finally came? It will be helpful if others can also share if they also experienced a similar pathway and how they dealt with it. Further, a) during the blueberry treatment, did you folks stop using the moisturising gels/creams etc. and b) do you have to still use it after getting cured? I am currently eating about 50-60 per day as an after dinner snack. Trust that is in order. In addition, I take all the possible dietary precautions. I do not smoke or drink either. Thanks, Sherry.

Posted Thu 1 Nov 2018 22.28 by MrsGodd90

Hi, I'm new to the forum. I suffer from plaque psoriasis. I moved from Zimbabwe to the UK in 2005, I had my first flare up on my elbows, knees and eyebrows. By 2009 I had it all over my legs and scalp. I went into hospital for a week, they did tests and tried all kids of oils, ointments but no luck. In 2014 I fell pregnant and 90% of the psoriasis disappeared! A week after having my baby I flared up again... I now had it on chest, elbows, knees, lower on top of my back, my neck from ear to ear on the back. 2017 I fell pregnant again but this time I only lost a patch on my chest and lower back. 2018 Again once baby was born it came back. Now have spots of a flare up all up my legs from my ankles to my thighs and my groin area. I am depressed and hide even from my husband, I can't wear short sleave shirts, shorts, skirts basically anything short. I can't go swimming with my kids because of the stares and kids asking "what's wrong with her", and parents not knowing how to answer properly. I saw Phil's post about blueberries. I will try them. I need something. I need hope. Also another post referring to the "itch"... I use vasaline, place it on the areas, run it in properly, scratch off the "dead" skin and reapply the vasaline it really helps. Not the scalp though still not figured that one out. After every bath/shower use vasaline to moisturise Best of luck to everyone x

Posted Fri 2 Nov 2018 20.09 by warren1 (edited Fri 2 Nov 2018 20.19 by warren1)
widespread psoriasis for 30years

Sherry hi As you are 80% covered including your face and your skin is very inflamed and red it reminds me of my skin when i was admitted to hospital. I remember from bitter experience that i was told that my psoriasis was active and unstable. From reading your symptoms as it is so widespread it does sound similar to mine when a consultant described it as erythrodermic. I feel for you, as i was in your shoes several times. It is terrable. But each time it eventually calmed down. Sometimes it raged like a volcano six weeks and then the volatile psoriasis started to calm. I used 50/50 and cetraben when i was in your condition then the hospital gave me Dermavate which was a temporary solution. There is no scientific formula for the blueberry idea. Whilst a number have seen benefit in 4-6 weeks of 20 a day. It may take a shorter period for some and a longer period for others. I personally think you should see a consultant as soon as possible, especially if you feel shivers, chills or fever. At the same time i really hope that the blueberries work for you. Kind regards, Warren

Posted Fri 2 Nov 2018 20.35 by Jelb3195 (edited Fri 2 Nov 2018 20.39 by Jelb3195)

I too was told mine was erythrodermic, after using Google to self diagnose myself. I had to go to a different doctor as my usual doctor just kept giving me different cream that weren't working. I was constantly shivering cold, even tho I wasn't. Doctors wanted to put me in hospital as was worried about my heart coping with the strain. I stupidly refused though, due to not wanting to leave my son. That's when I was sent to the dermatologist who put me on the Methotrexate. That eventually clear it up, as well as eumovate ointment. I am now off the Methotrexate, 6 years later. After finding this post back in July and instantly got eating blueberries. I was eating 1 cup a day. Almost a week ago I started taking clean blueberry extract capsules instead. So far so good 🤞🙏🏻

Posted Sat 3 Nov 2018 13.49 by sher95

Thanks Warren and Jelb3195 for your replies. I went the route of strong medicine/creams/ointments in the first 3-4 years of the problem but it did not suit me well. Since then, have mainly relied upon the alternative therapies and strict diet control to control the problem. However this year the situation has turned really worse and nothing seems to be working. I am not going to drop blueberries treatment in between, But yes may be I need to see the consultant as now it is becoming unbearable. Dear Warren, but do you still have to use any moisturising cream/ointment after you have been cured now? Thanks for your advise.

Posted Sat 3 Nov 2018 13.51 by Jayz
Inherited Psoriasis from a grandmother on each side. Life long sufferer. Been hospitalised for severe outbreaks.

2 and a bit week update. When I started with the blueberries I was in full outbreak, bright red and all over, worse than its been for years and years. I was a little sceptical but wanted to give the blueberries a try. I am definitely seeing an improvement. They aren't really breaking up or clearing yet but they are no longer bright red and have faded to a less aggressive paler pink. It's not as sore and not as itchy. I am using blueberries and aquas cream for moisture.

Posted Sat 3 Nov 2018 21.34 by Joy

Hi as you can see from note of 28th August I'm one of the lucky ones that the blueberries are working for. I take one hay fever tablet a day and have done for a number of years I find this cuts down on the redness and itching, it works for me as I have not suffered the itching many of you have complained about. I hope this information is useful to some sufferers. Regards Joy

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