Eating Blueberries has cleared up my psoriasis

Posted Mon 5 Nov 2018 03.05 by Delree9

Hey group, I have a question. What did any of you do about cracked hands (palms)?. My hands seem raw, hard and cracked. On another note, no new lesions, no itching and my doublebase gel arrived. Suggestions anyone and thanks! Blueberries for life!!!

Posted Mon 5 Nov 2018 08.51 by Chrissie NW

Hi Delree9 I have cleared with the Magic Blueberries and Sir Phil’s great help 50 yrs I had serious P in fact my Doctor wanted me in hospital and I said no, then he said I am telling you now at the stage you are at this is life threatening, but sometimes I am dreadfully awkward regarding my P and said I’m not going, I’m going on Blueberries and only Doublebase Emollient which I shower in as well watch as it can be slippery, you don’t need a lot as it. doesn’t foam up, so don’t go mad with it, I’m lucky I get it on prescription as we don’t pay in Wales, which is good for the younger sufferers oh I also used Protopic in my hands, but is is Ointment and therefore is greasy, also it is a steroid, but only 1%. I don’t know whether you can purchase it over the counter. Hope this helps and I agree Blueberries for Life I also buy Phil’s recommendation which is Tesco Berry Medley in a good size pot and I have 1/2 a pot and some blueberries for sweet, but it’s a nice change. Keep it up, but don’t mad with the Doublebase a little goes a long way. Chrissie NW

Posted Mon 5 Nov 2018 19.33 by warren1 (edited Tue 6 Nov 2018 09.51 by warren1)
widespread psoriasis for 30years

Hi Jelb great to hear that you are one of the success stories. you were obviously an extreme case. Your comment was very helpful for Sherry. Please keep an eye on this site. We all need to try and help each other beat this plague. Delreeg hi, I have an idea about your hands. Buy cotton gloves cut the finger ends off to wear at night. easier to wear. Plaster your hands with 50/50 or Vaseline before bed and take off in the morning. do for several nights. Sherry hi, Good to hear you are going to a consultant. Erythrodermic psoriasis can endanger your health. i used cetraben emmoliant to cream my skin on a daily basis. i use none now. keep at the blueberries. Zayz hi, 2 weeks on blueberries and your skin is paler, great news. sounds like mine before it cleared. Joy hi Blueberries are working for you. Good news. Your hayfever tablet is an intresting one. If it works it works. Lets keep communicating on this. I am soooooo glad that blueberries have helped me. Trust they help as many as possible. I hated psoriasis. I love clear skin and more energy. A helpful reply on this thread from Chrissie helped me to continue on 9th August and i am ever so greatful i did. Phils stats must be through the roof lol. God bless, Warren

Posted Tue 6 Nov 2018 00.55 by Delree9

Warren, such a great idea about the gloves. Will try tonight. I LOVE THIS POST ❤❤❤❤

Posted Tue 6 Nov 2018 19.16 by D1974

Hello, what a great forum which I've just discovered recently. I had my first psoriasis diagnosis just over a year ago following a major run of stress in my life, it was patches on my chest, under my arms, and my eyelids and forehead were covered, perhaps 5 % of my body in total....I managed to clear it through a combination of reducing stress, changing some things in my diet and using natural skincare products. Clear from January until about 3 weeks ago, when I was gutted (no pun intended) to see telltale patches appearing again on my chest, and very rapidly they spread around my torso. I was so worried with the speed and spread that I got a doctor's appointment to confirm it was a variant of psoriasis and nothing contagious. Currently I would say I'm at least 40 % almost completely covered from my neck, to upper arms and upper legs, torso front and back, so it's a far worse outbreak...... From my very avid research so far I am convinced that stress plays a huge role in my outbreaks (the doctor said that now that my body has had a reaction to stress it won't take as much of a trigger again to set it off), as well as gut health/diet. So since finding this thread I have been incorporating blueberries into my daily diet, and I'm taking a photo each day of my back to chart progress. I'm not known for being the most patient person but I know about the skin taking 3 to 4 weeks to renew normally, so I'll keep at this for as long as it takes. Good luck to all the others doing their best to clear their skin. Thanks, Denene

Posted Wed 7 Nov 2018 13.35 by HelloSaucy

Hello Comrades, I am in the midst of trying out the 20 blueberry ritual and today marks the 3rd day. I can quite certainly say that it appears to be working for me because my skin is flaking away - the same way my skin normally flakes after application of steroid cream onto it for a couple of days. Usually after the skin flakes off for the most part, my skin will become "brand new" for a few weeks before the plagues start coming back again to haunt me again. So yes, I will continue to update if my skin turns brand new after all the flakes are gone. Will be back soon! My greatest appreciation to Phil and thank you everyone else who has contributed in this thread. Really happy to have found this potential miracle treatment!

Posted Thu 8 Nov 2018 05.20 by Tim

Some studies have shown that if you eat blueberries with dairy it reduces their health benefits ...esp the anti oxidants in the berries. I’ve been eating them with cereal and milk and in yogurt. Although they have been helping the improvements have been very slow. I think I’m going to try eating them as snack between meals and see if that makes a difference.

Posted Fri 9 Nov 2018 15.00 by Delree9

Another question(s) for the group. Has ANYONE ever been on a biologic? How did you titrate What has the group done for their scars? I have soooo many I just want them gone. Also, why do I get so many emails that someone has posted on the group but when I look, it's only one or two? Am I missing something....*Still eating my new plaques but scarring still!!

Posted Fri 9 Nov 2018 16.12 by warren1 (edited Fri 9 Nov 2018 16.13 by warren1)
widespread psoriasis for 30years

Denene hi, Trust you get relief through blueberries. Dr Corbett , Consultant told me that psosiasis is often triggered by Major stress. but rarely from every day stress and strains. HelloSaucy hi, Glad to hear it is working. Please let us know how you progress. Tim hi, Intresting to see if Blueberries are more potent when taken alone. Delreeg hi, Scares?? These are the marks of brand new skin. Great news. As the skin heals and returns to normal it does not immediately return to worn skin but to new skin. Given time it will surely blend in, i can assure you. The big thing is that hopefully it stays away regards, Warren

Posted Fri 9 Nov 2018 16.19 by warren1
widespread psoriasis for 30years

A point i would like to make is this. The blueberries from Tescos are larger than some other places. In other places they are much smaller. Why raise this? Well obviously if you take 20 small ones they give you a lower dose. Which may not be as effective. I followed Phils advice and went to Tesco and they worked. best wishes, Warren

Posted Fri 9 Nov 2018 17.11 by Delree9

Warren, Is Tesco's a store or brand? I looked it up online and saw what appeared to be a medley mix of berries?

Posted Fri 9 Nov 2018 17.55 by warren1
widespread psoriasis for 30years

Both. i was talking about the Tesco Blueberries purchased at the Tesco store/superstore. £2 for 150 gramms to be precise.

Posted Fri 9 Nov 2018 17.57 by Stevie
Alright there! I'm Steve I'm 36 and have suffered with psoriasis since I was 18.

Alright there....... I have been suffering serve psoriasis since I was 18 and im now 36 been on a few different things but am jumping on the blueberry train 💪

Posted Thu 15 Nov 2018 02.31 by Tungaa

Hi everybody, after coming across this forum I decided to try it on my husband who has recently had an outbreak covering from neck to toes. He had been hospitalized and treated however didnt help much. We live in Mongolia, and fortunately we get tons of wild blueberries in the mountains, I just went to our local market and bought 10kg of fresh wild blueberries and put them in the freezer. I was reading how expensive they are but here they only cost $3/kg. Wild ones are much smaller than the grown ones so he was eating around one cup a day. He kept it up for about 2,3 weeks on and off he missed some days and just stopped eating after that. But even after he had stopped eating his spots cleared up and faded. He has very faint spots now but his skin is smooth with no rough itchy patches. We are lucky to have come across this thread! Oh and he only managed to eat 2,3 kgs, the rest i made jam with. :)

Posted Thu 15 Nov 2018 09.32 by Charlotte7438

I am a 32 year old female and have never experienced any skin conditions throughout by life until I fell pregnant aged 30. I developed pustular psoriasis on my hands and niavely thought that as soon as i’d given birth and my hormones had settled down that the condition would get better. After two years of awful dry hands, puss filled blisters, cracked painful open wounds and trying every available cream from the doctor, pharmacy and dermatologist including steroid creams I was resigning myself to a life of psoriasis and was just about to start Methotrexate and then I stumbled across this thread and started eating half a punnet of blueberries per day (about 30). That was only one week ago and my psoriasis has 99% cleared up for the first time in 2 years. I have full use of my hands again, I cannot believe how quickly my body responded to eating the blueberries and I after day 3 of eating blueberries I ditched all prescription creams and only moisturise my hands after washing. Unbelievable and I will definitely not be following my dermatologists advice and starting Methotrexate treatment!

Posted Thu 15 Nov 2018 16.16 by warren1
widespread psoriasis for 30years

Great to read of two more success stories. Tungaa I really think that persistence is the key. Every day using the blueberries to remove the psoriasis. Charlotte hi It appears to have worked and that within a very short time. Amazing that a severe case like yourself should clear so quickly. Most take 4 to 6 weeks. I loathed the thought of ever taking Methotrexate. I suffered for years even though the hospital wanted me to go on it and finally like yourself took blueberries and cleared, Snap. Wounderful news Warren

Posted Sat 17 Nov 2018 11.25 by pdr321
A long sufferer of plaque psoriasis who found an effective treatment after 27 years (blueberries). I have now been clear more than 5 years.

Really great to hear about the amazing progress made by many sufferers on this forum, congratulations to those finding relief and avoiding medications. Phil

Posted Sat 17 Nov 2018 11.37 by pdr321
A long sufferer of plaque psoriasis who found an effective treatment after 27 years (blueberries). I have now been clear more than 5 years.

Here are the results so far, since this forum started on 17th March 2017: Sufferers that have commented: 61 Sufferers who have not reported on progress, or are still trying blueberries: 32 Sufferers who have reported significant improvement : 21 Sufferers who have not been helped: 8 Bottom line, 72% of sufferers who have reported have been helped :-) 21 people (including myself) no longer need methotrexate, cyclosporin, steroid creams and medical appointments etc.

Posted Sat 17 Nov 2018 14.22 by Chrissie NW

Hi Phil, well those figures are fantastic and without you we would still be on the meds, you are a very special person for all of us who are well after the miracle blueberries, I can’t believe the percentage it’s so high, it’s a shame it didn’t suit all, if only there was one type of Psoriasis, we would all be happy, but at least everyone tried. I have stay cleared and after my 50 yrs of suffering mentally and physically it now is a wonderful place to be, even my Arthritis as settled I feel 20yrs younger and this is all down to you and your patience and dedication to this Forum. Thank you so much . Chrissie NW

Posted Sat 17 Nov 2018 18.02 by Bonnie_Staffs

Hi all. I've just joined this forum. I began reading about the blueberries about 10 days ago and have been eating some every day since then, but no noticeable effect so far. I must say that I was rather sceptical to begin with, but anything is worth a try. My skin flared up quite badly over the last couple of months, perhaps because of the stress of moving house. The skin on my lower legs is particularly sore. As it's not really blueberry season right now I stocked up on frozen blueberries, but I haven't been counting how many I've been eating each day. I put them in porridge or have them with yoghurt. I'll start counting (20 blueberries a day) from today and report back in one month. It would be amazing if the blueberries helped!

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