Eating Blueberries has cleared up my psoriasis

Posted Sat 17 Nov 2018 21.44 by pdr321
A long sufferer of plaque psoriasis who found an effective treatment after 27 years (blueberries). I have now been clear more than 5 years.

Thank You Chrissie, This forum would have still been worth it if only you had been helped. I am so glad that you are feeling well. It is a wonderful place to be in, to have clear skin. There are too many people with this dreadful condition, and for a lot of them I believe there is a way out. I hope the word will continue to spread. We can read some heart-rending stories on this site, and I often think many more could benefit if they opened their minds to this. I must say that hearing about your recovery, and also that of Warren has been particularly rewarding. Good to hear from you, all the best, Phil

Posted Sat 17 Nov 2018 21.48 by pdr321
A long sufferer of plaque psoriasis who found an effective treatment after 27 years (blueberries). I have now been clear more than 5 years.

Hi Bonnie, It's always fresh blueberry season in Tesco thanks to imports, and I have always eaten them fresh. You should notice an improvement in about a month, that's how long it took for me. Good luck, Phil

Posted Sat 17 Nov 2018 23.44 by Chrissie NW

Hi I would agree with Phil about the Blueberries I buy mine from Aldi as it’s the nearest supermarket to me and the large box is £2.30 smaller ones £1.49 they are now coming from Argentina together with Peru they are the best and if I go to Tesco I buy the Berry Medley I never buy frozen as the goodness is not there like fresh. I taken 20 blueberries since June and I’m still taking 20 every day, it’s far better than the horrible medications your Consultant gives us, so I will continue to take them as long as I’m on the planet, it’s the best medication I have taken, but you have to persevere, not taken them for ten days and say there is no change in my skin, we are all different, one person can be covered from head to foot another patches on the joints and a bit here and there, so the person who clears quickly would be the one with the least patches, so please , if you see the slightest change, CONTINUE, don’t give up. Chrissie NW P.S. I’ve been clear since the end of August it took approx 11weeks thanks to Sir Phil the Magic Blueberry Man.

Posted Mon 19 Nov 2018 08.07 by Salty Backpack

I have been taking blueberries for 3 weeks now and i am starting to see marked results. Skin creation is slowing down and redness is going down. I am sure I read about blueberries a long time ago but never persevered, so glad i found this post! as a side note i am having acupuncture which i believe to also be working. (i have 3 noticeable patches down my spine, after 2 sessions the middles are now flattening out)

2 Posted Thu 22 Nov 2018 17.12 by Flake

Hello all, I just finished reading this thread in its entirety and felt inspired to join the discussion. Firstly thanks for everyone’s contribution it’s been great to read everyone’s experiences with treating their psoriasis with blueberries. I’ve just started eating blueberries as of yesterday, and hope to get some success with my psoriasis, and possibly also with my psoriatic arthritis. Back story - 36 years old, had P for 18 years, arthritis for 6 years, tried PUVA for 2 courses (works great but it just comes back) and every moisturiser going, several different creams... steroid and tar based etc and nothing really worked. Been prescribed Methotrexate but I’ve never taken it, it’s pure junk and the potential side effects don’t appeal to me at all. I did have some really good success from making a cannabis balm and rubbing it on affected areas, and constantly get relief by eating cannabis oil capsules and vaporising dried cannabis flower, which really helps with movement, inflammation and the depression that comes with this whole thing. Sunshine seems to be the very best thing, I went on a long holiday at the end of a PUVA course and was left clear for a long time. Unfortunately living in the uk it always comes back though :( I’ve hired sunbeds for home use but they’re not strong enough. So my swollen, arthritic fingers are crossed for the Blueberry treatment, I’ll give it my best shot and leave it a good 6 weeks eating at least 100g-200g every day before putting it in the massive pile of things that don’t work, a pile which Blueberries hopefully don’t belong. We will see. Good luck everyone! And thanks.

2 Posted Thu 22 Nov 2018 19.01 by OhNo_NotAgain?

Methotrexate has been a massive success for many - and not just for PA. The potential side-effects are just that, potential. Not everyone gets side effects and not everyone gets the same side effects.

Posted Fri 23 Nov 2018 13.20 by Leigh

I wanted to let the forum know that eating about a half cup (maybe more) of blueberries every day for about a week has really caused a great improvement. I suddenly was stricken with psoriasis at a late age, after getting very sick (walking pneumonia). The first clearing happened after 2 years when I started taking specific "parent essential oil" supplements. Under stress--a few years later--it started to return, with a lot of inflammation (redness, "itchiness", and more thickness). I visited this forum a week ago, and I must say this is quite a relief. The redness is rapidly disappearing, normal skin is growing in and around the psoriatic areas. In addition, blueberries are great foods anyway! Thank you very much. I was amazed how Doctors (here in the States, at least) were so willing to push drugs like methotrexate and cortisone-based creams which are toxic by their very nature, and none of them have a clue as to ways to solve the basic problems. I applaud this forum!

Posted Fri 23 Nov 2018 21.23 by andrea
have had p for too many years

I have had psoriasis for 47 years and been on Methotrexate for 3 years up to 17.5 mg. At the beginning of this year it started coming back on my body so I bought a UVB unit from MBS. It did the job and before my holiday in the sun I was almost clear. This lasted for 10 weeks then it started to come back. Not wanting to use UVB too often only when really needed I started eating 20 blueberries a day with breakfast and 5 weeks on my body is completely clear. So I have reduced the Methotrexate to 12mg. and it has still not returned. My aim is to come off this drug completely. There were some small patches all over my legs so I have used UVB for up to 4 minutes twice a week and only because I have xmas parties to go to and I would like to wear a dress and tights, but not thick ones. The patches became white marks so the aim is to clear them and so far so good. Thank you Phil for sharing your success. It may not work for everyone but you may have helped so many as we are all different and do not all react the same to the same products.

Posted Sat 24 Nov 2018 13.09 by pdr321
A long sufferer of plaque psoriasis who found an effective treatment after 27 years (blueberries). I have now been clear more than 5 years.

Hi Andrea/Leigh, Great to have your feedback, and I'm really pleased that you are seeing benefit, hopefully you will not require toxic medications in future. My new white skin needed a sunny summer holiday, to get it to blend in with my usual skin colour, but now you would never know that I was a psoriasis sufferer. Phil

Posted Thu 29 Nov 2018 05.31 by NotHavingIt

Since reading this forum, I've been eating a half cup to a cup of blueberries a day since October 9. My feet are better than they have been in the past three years. I feel this is working well and would recommend that people try it. It can't hurt to try and it is healthy. I also have been applying Vaseline (petroleum jelly) to my feet each morning and night. I have not had the skin build up like I did before, the cracks, and the redness has almost gone away, also. Thanks for posting in the forum, I believe it has helped many people. I also see in researching that other berries and figs are also anti-inflammatory foods. I am very glad I happened on to this forum!! Thank you!

Posted Thu 29 Nov 2018 11.46 by Jayz
Inherited Psoriasis from a grandmother on each side. Life long sufferer. Been hospitalised for severe outbreaks.

I started on the blueberries on 14 October and it's now 29 November. When I started I was in the middle of a very bad outbreak. My psoriasis has not cleared up yet BUT it has improved a great deal. This outbreak is very aggressive and I can almost feel it fighting me on improving but it is. The plaques have gone from bright red to pale pink, even the one that covers my whole hip. They are getting patchy and are no longer sore though still itchy. I've only used 20 blueberries a day and aquas cream since 14 October and I am impressed even though it's not gone completely. I'm going to continue with the blueberries in the hope that over a little more time it will clear up like the original poster, if I don't achieve that goal all I can say is thank you for making it more bearable.

Posted Thu 29 Nov 2018 21.10 by TCNZ (edited Thu 29 Nov 2018 21.11 by TCNZ)

Hi Jayz, How did you use Aqueous Cream...… you leave it on your skin or wash it out after a certain time? Thanks. (Sorry it may be a bit off topic)

Posted Thu 29 Nov 2018 22.33 by Jayz (edited Thu 29 Nov 2018 22.35 by Jayz)
Inherited Psoriasis from a grandmother on each side. Life long sufferer. Been hospitalised for severe outbreaks.

I put the aqueous cream on after an evening bath. It's to moisturise, why wash it out? It helps a lot with the soreness if you have a lot of plaque coverage and it soothes the itching for a short time. I don't find it especially greasy after you've rubbed it in so it shouldn't be annoying in that way.

1 Posted Fri 30 Nov 2018 09.35 by TCNZ

Hi Jayz, Aqueous cream contains 0.9% Sodium Lauryl Sulfate. SLS is broadly used as detergent and surfactant. It is also widely used as a skin irritant when testing products used to heal skin conditions.... The intended/preferred method of using AC is to apply generously on your body, rub through so that the 0.9% SLS fully emulsify with part of the grease content in the cream. Then take a thorough rinse to wash away the emulsification. This will leave a thin and even layer of grease over your body without the SLS remaining. AC is particularly beneficial for eczema sufferers, but applied in the way as mentioned it is still good as a body moisturizer for us. I wonder if the SLS hinders your result with blueberry.

Posted Fri 30 Nov 2018 11.44 by Jayz (edited Fri 30 Nov 2018 11.51 by Jayz)
Inherited Psoriasis from a grandmother on each side. Life long sufferer. Been hospitalised for severe outbreaks.

TCNZ I wasn't aware of that with regard the Aqueous cream though I can say I've never found it irritating in any way. I could probably stop using it now as my skin isn't really sore at this point but I wouldn't imagine it is hampering the improvement with the blueberries since it has improved but I suppose its possible. I like it as a moisturiser because it isn't too greasy and feels cool and soothing when applied.

Posted Fri 30 Nov 2018 19.53 by warren1
widespread psoriasis for 30years

Hi Nothavingit If you have found Vaseline helpful to your feet you would probably find 50/50 which is liquid parifin/soft white parifin even better. Jayz I found that Aqueous cream irritating but cetraben cream very soothing to the skin. As a matter of interest, you mentioned using Aqueous after an evening bath. I found in recent years, before i discovered blueberries that when i had fewer baths / showers that my skin was easier controlled. i have found blueberries a revelation and would recommend it to everyone to try. Warren

Posted Fri 30 Nov 2018 21.45 by TCNZ

Hi Jayz, If you apply aqueous cream to your face, you will definitely verify whether it is irritating or not.

Posted Fri 30 Nov 2018 22.34 by warren1
widespread psoriasis for 30years

The psoriasis association list the many creams and ointments that can be used to moisturize. They repeatedly say try various ones and find the one that works best for you as an individual. That is the best advice. best wishes to all blueberry eaters out there in cyberspace lol Warren

Posted Mon 10 Dec 2018 16.21 by Grey-Beard-Bray

Hi all, I have had plaque Psoriasis for 25 years plus and the creams don't seem to be working anymore. So I'm going to try the 20 blueberries a day for 2 months, hopefully I will see some great results like the one's I have read in this forum, I will report progress in a months time.

Posted Mon 10 Dec 2018 20.38 by TomHp

Hi all, it’s 6 weeks since I first posted so I thought I’d post an update. To give you some background on my psoriasis I first really noticed it end of last year where my face would become really flush in places, however, it would disappear as quickly as it would appear. It was at the end of April this year when I had to see the dermatologist as the face redness had become more permanent and had a constant hot sensation. I also had a very small mark above one ear which was constantly flaky. I was wrongly diagnosed with rosacea, but by July my condition was clear as I developed plaque psoriasis on one elbow, my back, few marks dotted around the rest of my body and my scalp had quite a bit of coverage and my face with two marks on my cheek and about five around my chin. I decided I didn’t want to use the steroid creams I was prescribed and luckily I stumbled upon this thread and plenty of Instagram pages and YouTube videos. I have eaten blueberries daily for 6 weeks now but I can’t put my progress solely down to them as I have made some other big lifestyle changes. I have stripped out meat, caffeine, dairy and gluten from my diet. I start my day with celery juice as soon as I wake up, I also will have one green juice a day and homemade soup that is packed with plenty of vegetables. I’ve basically been living vegan and gluten free in this period. I take daily supplements that include zinc, vitamin d3, selenium and probiotic. I’ve had a holiday during this period and eaten out a few times so I have had gluten at times and in these past 42 days I have had alcohol on 4 of the days. As for skin...well my face has now been clear for 2 weeks and my scalp for a week. I have 8 patches on my back and all these are now showing clear skin coming through, some of them are about 80% clear with the others around 50%. My elbow which was very flaky/scaly now has no flakiness and has clear skin coming through. I would advise that people have patience with the process. If someone else clears in 4 weeks then it doesn’t mean you will to. I saw examples on YouTube videos and Instagram posts where people with much worse psoriasis than me had clear skin in 4weeks. In my 4th week, my skin was at its absolute worse, my scalp was so flaky and my face more red than ever and covering a larger part of my face, it was embarrassing to leave my flat! But I knew this was part of the process and the toxins were finding a way to leave my body. In my first four weeks I had seen clear skin start showing on two of my patches on my back which did give me hope to push through the hard times. I was also putting coconut oil in my hair and leaving it overnight for the first four weeks as it was soothing and also reduced the flakiness. In the last two weeks I haven’t had to do this once. Weeks 5 and 6 is where I have really seen faster progress of my skin clearing. I have spent hundreds of pounds on skin products this year, but psoriasis and other autoimmune diseases should really be tackled by healing within rather than on the outside. It’s not a skin disease, it’s an autoimmune disease. Do YouTube searches for natural healing psoriasis and type #psoriasis and #psoriasisdiet on Instagram tags and you will find a lot of great information. Having my skin clear on my face for two weeks has made me feel like myself for the first time this year and restored my confidence. I don’t see myself as being cured or ever will be, I know I can have a flare up anytime, but I really do believe I can control this through diet and not have to go down the steroid creams, medication etc route

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