Eating Blueberries has cleared up my psoriasis

Posted Tue 11 Dec 2018 17.00 by NotHavingIt

I've been eating blueberries since I read this forum in October and also drink green tea. I started with the 20 blueberries, but added more. I figured that was a negotiable number with sizes of blueberries and that everyone is different, so probably not one size fits all. I also figured blueberries were a healthy food. I started eating a half cup a day and then increased to a cup or a cup and a half of blueberries. I buy frozen blueberries and thaw them in the microwave if I don't want to wait for them to thaw. I also bought a bag of dried blueberries and keep them in my suitcase to eat when I am away from home. My feet are better than they have been in a couple of years. I am so pleased I found this forum when Googling natural alternatives. I had one doctor that was trying to convince me that that only choices were biologics or Methotrexate and I refused them both. This was the right choice for my situation. I really feel like something triggered the inflammation and it is a vicious cycle of the skin trying to heal itself in the area by producing replacement skin. Seems to me the blueberries might send a message that this area isn't inflamed, so it doesn't need all of the skin build up. For whatever the reason, the blueberries are working for me. I also put Vaseline all over the bottoms of my feet night and day and where Features socks that are running socks that are padded in the foot pressure zones and they are not high content cotton, so they don't pull the moisture out of your feet. I had tried many different steroid ointments creams etc. that were prescribed and they just made the cracks worse, so with this forum and my own routine I am very pleased with the results and I'm going to continue with the blueberries, besides as a bonus they are a low calorie breakfast or a late night snack. As an added note, is it possible for the new postings on this forum to be listed at the top of the thread instead of having to scroll through the whole forum to read the new posts?

Posted Tue 11 Dec 2018 17.32 by Tim

Thanks for the new postings. I’m always checking this forum for info. I’m still eating a cup a day. I havn’t had the miracle cure some people experience but there is definite improvement. I recently found out that wild blueberries pack more nutritional punch than regular ones. Here in Toronto I can only get the wild ones frozen. I’ve also been experimenting with apple cider vinegar. Dab some on the plaques once a day...really helps a lot. You have to use the unfiltered cloudy version.

Posted Fri 14 Dec 2018 22.52 by Jumpimgjive

This is intriguing and sounds too good to be true, having both psoriasis and psoriatic athritis I’ll try anything at this point, watch this space .......

Posted Fri 14 Dec 2018 23.42 by Chrissie NW

It is too good to be true, it’s incredibly unbelievable , I’ve had 50yrs of this skin disease and since Sept I’ve been clear it is a miracle, take the Blueberries as The Bluebeery Man says 20 per day it does NOT work for everyone as we are all different but stick to it. Chrissie

Posted Sun 16 Dec 2018 10.21 by psoriasisbeth_

Hi all I began eating blueberries two days ago now, but was just wondering if people with guttate psoriasis have had success with this?

Posted Mon 17 Dec 2018 15.56 by Mana

Hi guys Just wanted to find out , which blueberries would you recommend to eat . Ive heard that the high bush blueberries are better or would any blueberries be fine ?

Posted Mon 17 Dec 2018 21.19 by pdr321
A long sufferer of plaque psoriasis who found an effective treatment after 27 years (blueberries). I have now been clear more than 5 years.

TomHp - good to hear about your progress, you've gone both barrels on psoriasis and cut out many things form your diet. The thing is you don't need to, at least that has been my experience, and the experience of many others on this forum. Cutting so much from your diet at once means that you won't know what is really working. All I did was to add blueberries to my diet and bingo job done! I eat pretty much anything I want, and I'm still clear over two years later. psoriasisbeth - some sufferers with guttate have reported a positive result on this forum. All - if you wish to search quickly through this forum for particular words like guttate, just use the magic Ctrl F browser search function. Up to 17/11, not counting posts since, 72% of all reporting sufferers on this forum have been helped by blueberries. Mana -I've only ever eaten blueberries from the supermarket, never frozen. Typically imported from South Africa or South America, and sometimes Europe. ALL work fantastically for me :-) I hope you all experience clear skin like me, and the others who have benefited. All the best, Phil

Posted Sat 22 Dec 2018 19.40 by Bonnie.Staffs

First of all hi to Phil and thank you for recommending fresh blueberries. I will bear that in mind. I've been eating frozen blueberries – excellent in porridge – because a) they're cheaper than fresh and b) I can't get to the supermarket every day, so frozen are easier to keep a supply of. After just over a month I can't say that I've noticed a huge improvement. However, reading through all the forums about blueberries, Ensilar, Methotrexate and so on, I'm encouraged to not give up hope. Giving up hope would mean trying Methotrexate again. I used it for three months last year and I think it worked quite well, but I just don't like the idea of taking a strong drug long term. I'll persevere with blueberries and a generally healthy vegetarian diet, and post back in a month or so. Happy Christmas everyone!

Posted Mon 31 Dec 2018 15.30 by pdr321
A long sufferer of plaque psoriasis who found an effective treatment after 27 years (blueberries). I have now been clear more than 5 years.

Hi Bonnie, I've no experience of eating blueberries that have been frozen, always eating fresh myself. A punnet usually keeps in the fridge for up to 5 days I find. I would have expected you to notice a change after a month, but certainly worth trying for longer. From what I have read freezing blueberries should have no effect on their anti-oxidant properties at least. Why blueberries work for some and not others remains a mystery. It could be because of the type of psoriasis you have, as well as other lifestyle factors. Perhaps one day someone will research this and we will know more. Good luck, Phil

Posted Mon 31 Dec 2018 15.48 by NotHavingIt

Frozen blueberries work just fine. I just thaw out a bowl a day. If I’m in a hurry I put them in the microwave for a short period of time. You could thaw them overnight in the refrigerator. They are just more convenient and cheaper. Where I live fresh are not going to be available except in the summer. Frozen blueberries are good, too, and they can be also added to smoothies.

Posted Mon 31 Dec 2018 16.03 by Flake

For me, frozen seems to be working a little. At 3 x 400g bags for £5 at Tesco it seems to be the best deal I’ve found. I was surprised to hear the berry medley worked so well, definitely not doubting what Phil is saying but I counted exactly 6 blueberrries in the medley, on both recent occasions I’ve eaten them so perhaps a synergy between various different berries (blackberry maybe?) boosts the effects. I’ve been eating a 400g bag every day for over a month, there’s been an improvement and noteably it hasn’t worsened which I would have expected it to at this time of year. Again, cannabis is excellent for inflammation and auto immune disease, and a balm I made recently is clearing my inverse psoriasis up really well. All the best.

Posted Tue 1 Jan 2019 10.53 by pdr321
A long sufferer of plaque psoriasis who found an effective treatment after 27 years (blueberries). I have now been clear more than 5 years.

Hi Flake, 6 berries seems a bit short in the medley, are you eating the smaller version of the pot? If you have the time to read this thread you will see confirmation of the blueberry theory. I do believe that blackberries are also good. However I don't eat the medley every day, but do eat fresh blueberries. No doubt about it, blueberries have completely removed the symptoms of my psoriasis, as others also attest on this forum. Good luck, Phil

Posted Tue 1 Jan 2019 11.31 by Flake

I’m not doubting it at all Phil, my symptoms have improved over the last month or so and I’m expecting things to get better still, because of the 400g per day of blueberries I’ve been eating. I was just surprised so little blueberries were in the medley (I had the 2 portion medley) but I did try a second tub and had exactly 6 blueberries again, they also both had 2 blackberries in each, which is why I thought perhaps there was a synergy effect of the other berries possibly boosting the benefits of the blueberries. I supposenit could work like an entourage effect of all the anti inflammatory goodness in the berries. I’ll keep eating blueberries and I’ll update in another month’s time. Hopefully with an even bigger change!

Posted Tue 1 Jan 2019 12.39 by pdr321 (edited Tue 1 Jan 2019 12.41 by pdr321)
A long sufferer of plaque psoriasis who found an effective treatment after 27 years (blueberries). I have now been clear more than 5 years.

...perhaps portions are becoming smaller then. I've not eaten a medley for a couple of weeks now, just the blueberries alone. You are probably right about the combined anti-inflammatory effect. In actual fact it did take surprisingly few blueberries to clear me, and I probably now eat more than I need. It was 4 x medleys a week for a month, followed by a truly amazing and almost ridiculously fast recovery. It was almost as if i just shed my diseased skin like a snake. The company I worked for at the time moved offices to one of those dull edge of town areas where there was nowhere to go for lunch but Tesco. By pure chance I made a lunch selection that transformed my life. If this hadn't happened I would still be in a wretched state. I hope that you and others who also read this will have the same result. Phil

Posted Tue 1 Jan 2019 19.27 by NotHavingIt

I eat either straight blueberries or a medley of blueberries, raspberries, and blackberries. In the US they sell big frozen bags at Costco. They are all anti-inflammatory, so I just try to have blueberries more often to try to stick with the blueberry theory. Seems to work.

Posted Tue 1 Jan 2019 21.35 by angela r
4 years

Wow this thread has had me mesmerized all night and I found it by chance or was it fate? I had to come off acitretin in September as I started to experience bone pain due to long term use. Two weeks later I started light treatment for 8 weeks. Nice clear skin but not for long. The flare up is unbelievable and I had an emergency appointment at dermatology yesterday where she prescribed ciclosporin. I was going to start it today but thought no I'll wait until tomorrow. Truth be told I didn't want to start it at all with all the side effects I'd read about. I'll be going straight up to ASDA tomorrow for my blueberries and report back in a month. Wish me luck

Posted Wed 2 Jan 2019 20.45 by pdr321
A long sufferer of plaque psoriasis who found an effective treatment after 27 years (blueberries). I have now been clear more than 5 years.

Wendy - thank you for this information, interesting to read. Flake - I went to buy a medley in Tesco today, I counted 18 blueberries.

Posted Wed 2 Jan 2019 23.07 by Kbear718

Hi, I’m new on here. I stumbled across this and have been eating blueberries for about two weeks now. I have missed a few days here and there. Plus it’s winter and for some reason my skin is the worst during this season. So I’m sure the results won’t be as perscise as expected. But it’s just another lifestyle change to get used to. I’ve had Psorasis for about 3 to 4 years. It was mostly just a small patch on my scalp, but over the last year it’s spread, and is all over my body. And I’ve recently been struggling bad, cause when I use cleaning products I tend to get really bad flare ups. And my dermatologist thinks I’m allergic to them. Which is frustrating. I feel like I’m being lazy if I say “I can’t clean that cause it makes my Psorasis flare up.” I just can’t accept that as my fate. Plus the itching is just uncontrollable. That’s my biggest issue and I can only take Benadryl at night so I basically suffer all day trying not to scratch. I have some really low moments especially after I’ve had a flare up. Where I just yell at my husband that I don’t want to have kids cause I don’t want them to have a chance of having this same issue. I don’t want to bring another being into this life to suffer like I am. Cause it hurts when it’s dry and it itches like something is crawling on you and people look at you like you’re contagious. Heck when it was just on my scalp I was embarrassed cause it looked like I had horrible dandruff. My shoulders were always covered in white flakes. Anyway. I’m really hoping that this works. So I can stop using all the topicals, and feel like myself again. I’ll try to post again in a month to share my progress.

Posted Thu 3 Jan 2019 07.47 by Jeannette50

Wendy-thank you for your post - great info. Hippocrates is often quoted : let food be thy medicine. While online this is often refuted it is something I believe in. NHS is great for acute mechanical fixes, but poor with prevention and nutrition - you only have to look at their historic dietary advice which has had a serious impact on our rates of diabetes. Online I see that bacterial infection is often noted in psoriasis but do not see any mention of that in this forum (I have only just joined)? I have mild-moderate scalp psoriasis and have been using Listerine (against bacteria) and organic coconut oil for moisturising (also spot moisturise with Vaseline) with some success. About to embark on more serious use of blueberries. I don't entirely agree with an earlier comment that several skin conditions cannot coexist as many can be linked to poor skin nutrition. My own psoriasis came after a scabies infection then a year long series of skin inflammations on different parts of the body. All gone now bar scalp. Also my psoriasis is not actually itchy - how common is this? Thanks again- great forum.

Posted Thu 3 Jan 2019 08.31 by Jeannette50

Thanks Wendy will check that out.

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