Eating Blueberries has cleared up my psoriasis

1 Posted Thu 3 Jan 2019 08.43 by angela r
4 years

This thread may be "way too long" but it has helped me to decide not to go onto ciclosporin until I've tried it. It is testament to people's success or failure. Thank you to those who have contributed.

1 Posted Thu 3 Jan 2019 10.31 by Flake

The berry medley I bought was the 220g variant from Tesco, unsure if this is the small or large but I wouldn’t be surprised if the supermarkets vary their products by region. I won’t be buying it again, if Blueberries are the way forward I’ll concentrate on eating just those, the 400g bags from Tesco work out to be £1.66 each when bought as 3 for £5 so not terrible. The reason this thread is so long is because it’s popular, a direct result of there being a buzz around a possible solution for many sufferers. Forums are for discussing and that’s what’s going down right here in this thread. The failings are with the software which is ancient and should be updated to include page breaks. If anyone is struggling to navigate perhaps try on the keyboard hitting CTRL+Page Down to scroll quicker or END to jump to the bottom. Could also try doing a search (CTRL+F) for a specific keyword. All the best.

Posted Thu 3 Jan 2019 11.23 by Jeannette50

Absolutely Flake, this thread is excellent and there is science behind the anti-inflammatory aspects of blueberries. Re finding things on this page - folk can easily select edit then find to search for particular key words which I always find useful.

Posted Sat 5 Jan 2019 12.01 by izzyg

Hi everyone, I can't believe that I have found this thread. I'm 22 and have plaque psoriasis on my arms and legs, and also have scalp psoriasis - and it is currently driving me insane! I am currently on dovobet, but am considering talking to my doctor about getting referred to a consultant for methotrexate, but after reading this thread I think I might try this first! Thank you all so much for posting all of experiences! I will start today and keep you all posted. Izzy :-)

Posted Sun 6 Jan 2019 22.31 by rosemerry

Hey everyone, I have had psoriasis for about ten years. It has steadily gone from mild to moderate and lately severe. I have tried every natural remedy under the sun and dutifully began eating blueberries the moment I read your thread. I hardly dare say it but it's working! I've got real skin in areas that have been red and sore for a decade! Thank you so much for sharing your discovery and stories. I'm already feeling much better in myself, despite the itching, which has got worse, particularly on my scalp. Good luck to everyone suffering from this condition. I'll spread the word everywhere I can.

Posted Mon 7 Jan 2019 10.21 by Ron (edited Mon 7 Jan 2019 10.22 by Ron)

Well I'm new to this forum, I stumbled across it when googling about Acitretin actually making my psoriasis worse. I've stopped taking them and am seeing the dermatologist later this month. I saw this thread earlier today and have just got back from the supermarket with a large punnet of blueberries .. I hope it's successful for me as it seems to be for others but I'm of a mind that I'll literally try anything that isn't dangerous. So far, I've have had two courses of PUVA and one course of PUVB .. both cleared the psoriasis but when the PUVA stopped, the psoriasis started to come back within days. It stayed away a little longer with the PUVB treatment but still came back. So .. I'll give the blueberries a try and report back with my results.

Posted Mon 7 Jan 2019 12.56 by psoriasisbeth_

Those of you who have had success with this: did you not notice any change at all for a good couple of weeks? I have been eating blueberries for around 3 weeks now and psoriasis is far itchier than normal; I am noticing a few spots becoming 'normal' in the middle but only one or two.

Posted Mon 7 Jan 2019 13.45 by Salty Backpack

I would say it took a month for me to see results. Slowly but surely it is getting better :)

Posted Mon 7 Jan 2019 19.43 by pdr321 (edited Tue 8 Jan 2019 00.02 by pdr321)
A long sufferer of plaque psoriasis who found an effective treatment after 27 years (blueberries). I have now been clear more than 5 years.

Kbear718 - I understand your concern about passing psoriasis on to your children. I also had the same concern, though was already a parent before I realised that this might be a real possibility. I discussed this with my Consultant at the time. I did not inherit the condition which is one factor I believe, in my case it may be down to some kind of environmental damage. My consultant reassured me somewhat as she explained that the chances of me passing it on were not all that high. She did quote a figure but I honestly can't remember it now. Of course since that time I discovered blueberries, and have been clear for over 2 years now. I do get the odd spot usually around Christmas, but I put that down to overindulgence. My daughter is now 9 and thankfully does not have the condition. For me it began when I was 23. If she does get the problem I now know what to prescribe of course, and so feel quite confident about her future. I do hope that you also benefit from blueberries too, let us know how you get on. Do try and avoid cleaning products if you can with protective clothing. Izzyg - it would be nice to hear that blueberries work for you, I hope that you do not have to go through the years of suffering that many on this forum have experienced. rosemerry - good to hear about your progress, keep at it. psoriasisbeth - before my psoriasis cleared I did go through a period of itching, like my skin was coming back to life. this is a good sign and this problem should disappear along with your psoriasis. Keep at it, The improvement was not gradual for me, but rapid from around one month along. For some it has taken longer, but if you are seeing an improvement then this is very positive.

Posted Tue 8 Jan 2019 20.23 by Jeannette50 (edited Wed 9 Jan 2019 00.17 by Jeannette50)

While on the blueberry route are folk still using topical (natural or orthodox) treatments? Would also like to ask folk how they deal with plaques on the scalp. Online there is conflicting advice - 1/ remove plaques 2/ don't pick. I don't think it is possible to follow both of these pieces of advice! :D Many of my plaques are hard to remove - but feel I have to (scalp) or my hair will stop growing or fall out :( Also as my P is fairly recent can folk advise what is considered mild, moderate or severe P, especially of the scalp. Cheers - good luck to all on the blueberries, I started just 5 days ago.

Posted Wed 9 Jan 2019 22.19 by Welshsha

Good evening Its good to hear the blueberries are working for majority people I am 2 and a half weeks in i have noticed that it's less angry but having a few spots on my face appearing. I am experiencing terrible itching from head to toe for the last few days not even antihistamines are helping. pdr321 you had said that u experienced the itching , so I am hoping this is a positive for me, If it doesn't work for me then I have tried and have come to like blueberries and will continue to eat them. Good luck all

Posted Thu 10 Jan 2019 10.13 by Leechypie

Thank you so much. I will try this! Did you only eat fresh blueberries? It would be interesting to know whether it works in other formats such as an extract, juice or powder...for when they are out of season or cost as much as a small car :-) Best of wishes with your progress and thanks for the tip xx

Posted Thu 10 Jan 2019 19.31 by pdr321 (edited Thu 10 Jan 2019 19.34 by pdr321)
A long sufferer of plaque psoriasis who found an effective treatment after 27 years (blueberries). I have now been clear more than 5 years.

I spend about 12 pounds/month on only fresh blueberries from Tesco. A punnet usually lasts about 5 days in the fridge. I see this as a very small price to pay, compared with my previous life of misery and shame and social exclusion, much time wasted attending medical appointments, not to mention the nasty and sometimes mind-bending medication that I used to take. Think of the blueberries as the same as a pint a week at your local.

Posted Thu 10 Jan 2019 19.49 by Chrissie NW

Hi Phil I havnt been on for a while, I’m amazed at some of the messages, but absolutely thrilled that the thread is still getting positive results. I’m still clear, but had a few spots coming through with the excess over Christmas!!!! and I have had two of my closest diagnosed with shocking illness and I get extremely upset( bottle it) nothing worse to start the P off again, so I’m not surprised, but will get it under control, I’m still on the blueberries after 50 years with Psoriasis I’m a changed woman thanks to you. Trust Warren is still good. Regards Chrissie NW

Posted Thu 10 Jan 2019 20.55 by Welshsha

Hi all 2 1/2 weeks in and i am extremely itchy is this normal?

Posted Fri 11 Jan 2019 00.40 by pdr321
A long sufferer of plaque psoriasis who found an effective treatment after 27 years (blueberries). I have now been clear more than 5 years.

Hi Chrissie, Nice to hear from you, and I am very pleased to hear that you remain well. I do get the odd spot too, had a couple over the festive period, but they are just about gone now. I have remained pretty much clear as reported. A doctor would not believe that I am a psoriasis sufferer now. Sorry to hear about your friends, such a shock will of course not help, and I hope you have support at this time. I also hope all is well with Warren too. I must update the stats again, the success rate is pretty impressive still. All the best, Phil

Posted Fri 11 Jan 2019 00.45 by pdr321
A long sufferer of plaque psoriasis who found an effective treatment after 27 years (blueberries). I have now been clear more than 5 years.

Welshsha, not sure if the itching is normal, but I did have a period of this too. It's still quite early days for you, try and bear it, this should pass in time.

Posted Mon 14 Jan 2019 02.26 by Booboo90

I have recently been diagnosed with PPP, had it for about 5 months now. Although from what I’ve read not many have had luck with the Blueberries I’m going to give it a crack! Anything’s worth a try! Fingers Crossed and I will most definitely update you all!

Posted Tue 15 Jan 2019 09.18 by june

Hi has anyone thought of growing their own blueberries? I understand that you have to have the right soil type,if you haven't,you could always grow in a really large tub, adding the right compost mix,it's best to have more than one bush, because if you prune one bush ,it won't produce fruit the following year,so you have to rely on the other for fruit,I'm trying it this year

Posted Tue 15 Jan 2019 10.02 by izzyg

Hi everyone, I'm 10 days in and if anything my psoriasis is worse! (I am in a very heavy deadline period in my final year at university though so I'm sure that has effected it too). I am absolutely desperate for this to work. Phil - I seem to remember reading that you also had plaque psoriasis and it seemed to get rid of that? Which is why I'm hoping it will work for me. I was just wondering, I really hope you don't mind me asking, how spread it was for you/ how stubborn? I just want to know if perhaps mine is more severe to start with and that maybe why it's taking time? I hope everyone else is getting on well! Best, Izzy

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