Eating Blueberries has cleared up my psoriasis

Posted Tue 15 Jan 2019 13.58 by Frenchman49
49 years old, pso since 2011

Bonjour à tous! As we say here in the South of France I read this thread last night, and again today, it sounds unreal, and I'm afraid I might end up disapointed again, but I will try. I started this morning. My pso is not thick but spread on my arms, legs and torso, on my scalp too. My back hurts regularly, and I used to think it was due to tennis or too much house building but now I wonder if it is not PA...... I still don't understand if frozen blueberries are ok (I don't understand eveything in English...) and do you think we should buy organic blueberries? A little thank you for now, hopefully an enormous one within a few weeks! Christophe

Posted Tue 15 Jan 2019 13.59 by pdr321 (edited Tue 15 Jan 2019 18.33 by pdr321)
A long sufferer of plaque psoriasis who found an effective treatment after 27 years (blueberries). I have now been clear more than 5 years.

Hi Izzy, I was covered extensively nearly all over my body with plaque psoriasis, it was quite severe, I was in a wretched condition. 10 days is not sufficient to see an improvement I believe. Some on this forum do seem to have had a remarkably quick response. My own experience was that I noticed nothing until about 3 weeks in, then a rapid recovery around a month along. For some it has taken longer though. It could be that you have begun at the point of a major flare up, so you might need longer, keep the faith and keep going. Certainly I would recommend getting enough sleep, eating sensibly and avoiding stress too. This can be difficult of course, thinking back to my student days. Keep us posted, blueberries may yet see you right, and good luck with your studies. Phil

Posted Tue 15 Jan 2019 18.31 by pdr321 (edited Tue 15 Jan 2019 18.34 by pdr321)
A long sufferer of plaque psoriasis who found an effective treatment after 27 years (blueberries). I have now been clear more than 5 years.

Hi Christophe, I've never used frozen blueberries myself, only ever buying them fresh. However some people on this forum have indeed reported success with them. From what I have read freezing them makes no difference to their properties. Bonne chance, Phil

Posted Wed 16 Jan 2019 10.42 by Frenchman49
49 years old, pso since 2011

Thank you Phil I took a few pictures of my body lats night, this way I will be able to compare objectively. I will report in two weeks. Christophe

Posted Tue 22 Jan 2019 14.52 by Frenchman49
49 years old, pso since 2011

Hello everyone, I had promised myself I would wait for at least two weeks before reporting but I can't help it, I probably need to feel like I belong to the group. I'm a bit lonely down here. I started seven days ago, I eat 40 grams of blueberries twice a day. On Thursday night I noticed that my back felt less stiff. Then Saturday and Sunday my skin was really dry, it felt like cardboard, like if I had been sun burned, and new spots appeared in different places. It seems to me now that it is calmer, but the new and the old spots are all here, happily jamming... I am now sure that I have PA, I did not know it because when pain sets in little by little you do not realise it. Now that it is somewhat fading I can tell there was something wrong. Maybe I'll be able to play tennis again, which would be very nice, I could even play wearing shorts!! Something does not seem logical to me: if things get worse at the beginning, how can my PA improve and my skin get worse at the same time? Having said that I won't complain if things are not logical but end up rebalancing my gut flora, my health, and then my skin, I'll be more than happy. I think it is going to work, but there still a voice saying "it is impossible, this has to be a joke". I still feel cursed for some reason. I know that I've only had psoriasis for seven or eight years, which compared to many is not so much, but I know that the damage is important not only for suferers but also for the people they live with. If I could really get rid of this disease, I would not be the same husband or the same father any more. Cheers dear fellows Christophe

Posted Tue 22 Jan 2019 17.53 by Jeannette50

Hi Frenchman, you really need to address your diet too - by trying a few things. Going organic is a good start. Cutting out dairy has helped some. A big thing though is to ensure you have optimal Vitamin D levels (add in magnesium), vitamin B12 and B9. Don't go by the accepted levels research optimum levels. As for topical relief/treatment: organic coconut oil, vaseline (not organic I know) is good for some, rosehip oil. Vaseline and coconut oil cleared a small patch I had on my arm. I have for now stopped any topical meds for my scalp which has settled to a few scabs and grittiness which I am attempting to clear using a few crushed aspirin with my ginger shampoo (ginger shampoo from body shop - also quite calming),

Posted Tue 22 Jan 2019 19.31 by pdr321
A long sufferer of plaque psoriasis who found an effective treatment after 27 years (blueberries). I have now been clear more than 5 years.

Hi Christophe/Jeannette, Christophe - it's too early to see any results, and also you are probably looking for an improvement every day, which is understandable but agonising too. I can tell you that I was not aware of any change until about 3 weeks along when I started to get quite itchy. I remember looking at my psoriasis at that time and thinking to myself that it looked at bit better. But I discounted those thoughts thinking it was impossible. Of course I had no idea at the time about what was happening to me, and I was not looking for an improvement every day. Of course it's unfortunate if you are actually getting worse at this time. But it's too early to write blueberries off, please give them a month at least before you discount them. Now on the subject of diet, I think that there is nothing special that you have to do. That is as long as you have a reasonably balanced diet to begin with. I don't eat organic food, I don't take supplements, I don't exclude dairy or caffeine etc. This will shock many I know, but it is the truth. The beauty of blueberries is that I just added them into my diet, that is all. Now if you do have a bad diet, and consume lots of sugar, smoke and drink too much alcohol then this is going to be a problem. My sugar consumption is probably average, I do drink alcohol, but not much and certainly not every day. I seem to get on alright with wine and the odd aperitif, I have the impression that beer is not so good for me. I hope this information helps, and keep going. Phil

Posted Tue 22 Jan 2019 21.08 by Jeannette50

Hi pdr321, I was working on the premise that everyone is different and attacking it from different angles will likely give more people the likelihood of success. I am eating blueberries daily- for about 2 weeks now. I was diagnosed with scalp psoriasis by GP and will not go to our only dermatologist here as I know he will prescribe a topical steroid. BTW my GP says that my own (fingertip) diagnosis (given the dry flakiness combined with bumps and greasy scalp) of mixed psoriasis and seb derm is quite likely. P is an autoimmune disease that given the complex nature of the immune system the cure won't be the same for everyone. As many on this site have had success with vitamins and dairy free approaches I thought it helpful to mention as many as I remembered. I do not cut out dairy but I am taking various vitamins. On one arm and legI have a couple of minor patches which looks just like rough skin but a Derm I saw some months ago for something else (prior to the scalp starting) said these were psoriasis - so I guess severity is very variable. The dry scalp flakes and biggish bumps seem to have almost gone but the greasiness remains along with small gritty bumps that feel like they are around the follicles. I am washing hair daily, I know this may make it more greasy but it feels so awful I just have to wash it. I forgot to mention I also do the turmeric and pepper drink -but with milk, I actually like it! Interesting study on vitamin D and involvement (autoimmune) in skin issues:

Posted Tue 22 Jan 2019 21.36 by Jeannette50

Good call Wendy.

Posted Tue 22 Jan 2019 22.25 by pdr321 (edited Sat 2 Feb 2019 01.15 by pdr321)
A long sufferer of plaque psoriasis who found an effective treatment after 27 years (blueberries). I have now been clear more than 5 years.

Thanks Wendy, Your words are well received, and I am open to other points of view. Indeed not everyone is the same, and yes diet is important for overall well being full stop. My view is that when making so many changes at once, then it will not be clear what is working, and what is not. One point I really wanted to get over was the simplicity of the blueberry treatment. I have previously tried the agony of various diets. they were tough, and some helped, though my psoriasis was always there at some level. Perhaps Christophe will need a combination approach to diet after all, though I would like to see him phase in other changes. Perhaps I should also do this for other reasons (point taken), but I know that for me at least for now, for my psoriasis, blueberries are effective on their own. Best regards, Phil

Posted Tue 22 Jan 2019 by Jeannette50

Hi Wendy, I have an issue, not with scientific research but the failure of Pharma to selective publishing of that research. Ends up Doctors are often prescribing on inadequate information but Pharma make their money on the basis of this manipulative process which as we know serves Doctors and their patients badly.

Posted Wed 23 Jan 2019 00.50 by Jeannette50

BTW the review link I posted above is titled: Vitamin D and the skin: Focus on a complex relationship: A review

Posted Wed 23 Jan 2019 07.38 by Frenchman49
49 years old, pso since 2011

Hello, thank you for your replies Jeannette, I already eat mostly organic, and I don't eat much sugar. I have decided to follow Phil's advice, I won't change my diet and I'll take blueberries as long as I can, besides I like them. Thank you Phil, I think I was not very clear (it is not my native language): I am quite optimistic and I really intend to carry on. The fact that new spots appeared is a good sign to me, for I understand that many had an episode of worsening before it started to heal. I just meant that I am used to being disappointed, that this disease has a psychological impact. I 'm determined to be positive, and as you said I need to be more patient. Thanks again

Posted Mon 28 Jan 2019 14.46 by sfk2k

All those who had a positive result. I wanted to ask, if u are near the age of 50, because it seems to be the case. Correct me if I am wrong. Could it be that by that age, the immune system has weakened, therefore, the auto-immune responses were easy to stop. Regards

Posted Mon 28 Jan 2019 15.16 by Chrissie NW

Well, I disagree, I’ve had Psoriasis since I was 19 yrs old and I’ve only been clear three times and I am now 70 yrs old, I was clear from August last year and still clear and that was Phil, The Magic Blueberry Man with seeing that post on the forum I would be still suffering with Psoriasis, so to me we know the immune system plays a massive part, but I don’t think age as anything to do with it and I was worse in the younger years of my life. One thing I do believe in, is it’s definately heredity and misses a generation, I also believe anything red, peppers, tomatoes, red meat, red wine, strawberries I do not touch so diet does play a part that what I have experienced and as we all know we are all different and things work for some and others can be disappointed. Chrissie NW

Posted Mon 28 Jan 2019 21.32 by Jeannette50

You Know Chrissie NW, I really do not think the scientific bods will ever be able to finesse treatment for immune decay as it is so complex and individual. We are not intended to live as long as we currently do. If we manage to continue to live long lives then evolution might kick in. In the meantime we can use what we 'know' from forums like this and test out various ways to help ourselves- this is very positive to my mind.

Posted Tue 29 Jan 2019 15.47 by Bonnie.Staffs

Progress report after two months of daily blueberries. Still a lot of red patches, but many of those are smooth and where my skin is still flaky it's a lot less flaky than it was two months ago. I can live with this. So I'll continue with the daily blueberries, which I enjoy anyway. I'm hoping there will be a gradual improvement, and more so when the weather is warm again. Incidentally, I'm 66 years old, have had psoriasis since I was about 35. I follow a vegetarian diet, drink a little alcohol from time to time and try to minimize sugar intake. It's never easy to think I'm doing all the right things, so I like what Phil has to say: don't change anything, just add blueberries.

Posted Tue 29 Jan 2019 17.37 by Chrissie NW

Hi well I’m 4yrs older than you and had P for 50yrs, but ive have clear since Aug and still clear with taking blueberries, keep you skin well moisturised, if I have the odd red patch come and put a little Vaseline on and it works a treat anyway, keep eating blueberries I’m still eating them everyday, so good luck. Chrissie NW

Posted Tue 29 Jan 2019 18.03 by Bonnie.Staffs (edited Wed 30 Jan 2019 15.10 by Bonnie.Staffs)

Thanks Chrissie NW, that's very encouraging. And thanks for the tip about moisturising. Just to reply about Double Base: yes, I've used that and it's great but recently I've been using Cetraben, also on prescription and I find it a little less greasy.

Posted Tue 29 Jan 2019 19.42 by Chrissie NW

Bonnie u forgot to say I use Doublebase Moisturiser on prescription, Ive never check in the Chemist if you can buy over the counter, of all moisturisers I have used over many many years it’s the best your skin is like silk, try and see if you can get it. Chrissie NW

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