Eating Blueberries has cleared up my psoriasis

Posted Fri 22 Feb 2019 20.15 by Maxine

To 'oh no not again' For your nit picking info i said i was 'mostly veggie' - I dont eat red meat and rarely eat chicken or fish. I didnt say i was a vegetarian at all! 95% of my meals are veggie based ok? and I healed my Psoriasis from doung everything i stated in my post. So along with 'know it all Wendy' i bid you farwell and hope that everyone genuine on here finds their cure. Be better not bitter!

Posted Fri 22 Feb 2019 21.51 by Cal

Hi Holly, I hope this works for you. I've just started blueberries about a week so its too early to say if ive had any benifit. I'll try to do a monthly update, best of luck and super healing to everyone.

Posted Sat 23 Feb 2019 12.59 by Cal

Hi, Had anyone's P gotten worse when taking blueberries? I've been taking them just over a week and my condition has got progressively worse. Not sure if I should stick at it as it's very bad on my scalp and I'm extremely self conscious of it in public.

Posted Sat 23 Feb 2019 13.10 by joe
50%-ish psoriasis coverage, scalp, elbows, shoulders, back, stomach, calves, toes

Hi Cal, I've been eating about 40 blueberries in a bowl at lunch time every day since Sunday Feb 10th 2019. I've not seen any dramatic improvement or worsening in my skin yet to be honest. My own psoriasis is quite stubborn, slow moving and not noticeably reactionary to anything other than sun UV whereas I notice that other people report flare ups and quick deterioration / improvement symptoms.

Posted Sat 23 Feb 2019 13.30 by TomHp

Hi cal, My psoriasis got a lot worse before it improved, although to be clear I changed my whole diet rather than just add blueberries. Tom

Posted Sat 23 Feb 2019 13.34 by pdr321
A long sufferer of plaque psoriasis who found an effective treatment after 27 years (blueberries). I have now been clear more than 5 years.

A worsening of psoriasis is has been reported a couple of times with blueberries. It might be coincident with a flare up, or if you have stopped medication. I recommend that you persevere for a month if you can bear it. I saw no improvement until about my third week in. Then a rapid recovery at around a month along. For some it has taken longer. Good luck, Phil

Posted Sat 23 Feb 2019 14.22 by Cal

Hi Phil, thanks for the advice and support. I'll stay the course for a month. I'm also taking diclofanic which is an anti inflammatory as I have PA. I wonder should I stop or reduce the diclofanic in case it is counter beneficial to the blueberries?

1 Posted Sat 23 Feb 2019 18.50 by OhNo_NotAgain?

"To 'oh no not again' For your nit picking info i said i was 'mostly veggie' -" Maxine: There is not a lot of point to argue about exactly what words you wrote on 30 jan. It is not particularyl relevant and I am sure not of interest to the majority of people using these forums to hopefully benefit from and share accurate personal experiences. Unless you go back to edit your post, it says "I cut out ALL sugar and alcohol, bread and pasta and went veggie - so many tasty dishes,,,,," No mention at all of eating fish and chicken or use of the word "mostly" anywhere in that post. Sorry.

Posted Sat 23 Feb 2019 22.48 by Ds101

Hi guys, so I'm a 30 year old p sufferer with fairly bad guttate. I've had it since I was 13 where it started on my face and was mis diagnosed by my gp for about 4 years treating a fungal infection before they realised it was psoriasis, ive been using dovabet ointment for as long as I can remember with cocois and different moisturisers. I've managed to clear my face and and most of my arms but the rest is still fairly bad. I want to start trying this but wanted to question if there is issue with continuing dovabet and moisturiser while going eating the blueberries or should I just drop all creams while trying it?

Posted Sun 24 Feb 2019 00.19 by pdr321
A long sufferer of plaque psoriasis who found an effective treatment after 27 years (blueberries). I have now been clear more than 5 years.

Hi Cal and Ds101, Your questions about continuing with meds and blueberries are not the first. What can I tell you, when I started on blueberries I was free from meds, and it worked for me. So if you continue with the meds and blueberries, and see no results after a month then what? You would then either give up on the blueberries, or then perhaps go back to square one, ditch the meds and try again. It's up to you, whatever path you choose I wish you success. Phil

1 Posted Mon 25 Feb 2019 14.51 by Hollyyamber (edited Mon 25 Feb 2019 17.11 by Hollyyamber )

No sure if I'm 100% correct here but further googling about blueberries and psoriasis it states there are two types of blueberries and for the best benefits we should be eating wild blueberries where as cultivated you would have to eat ALOT more to get the same benefit. So could possibly be the reason some are not seeing a result or a slow result? Apparently if they are dark blue inside they are the wild ones and more of a white colour are the latter. Does anyone know much more about this? And people who they have worked for so you know what type you ate?

Posted Mon 25 Feb 2019 19.05 by pdr321 (edited Mon 25 Feb 2019 19.09 by pdr321)
A long sufferer of plaque psoriasis who found an effective treatment after 27 years (blueberries). I have now been clear more than 5 years.

Blueberries as purchased from Tesco have completely cleared me of psoriasis. They are usually imported from South America or South Africa, and sometimes Europe. I am sure they are cultivated and work a treat, for me anyway.

Posted Tue 26 Feb 2019 12.55 by Ron

I started on blueberries on 7th January this year after reading this post but it's coincided with a course of PUVA that I started on 25th January .. my Psoriasis is most definitely clearing up. I've had PUVA before but this time, it does seem to be clearing more quickly. Now whether it's down to blueberries, the PUVA treatment or indeed a mixture of both, only time will tell. The PUVA treatment lasts 12-weeks whereas I can continue eating blueberries long after that. I get my blueberries from Sainsbury's or Tesco .. Sainsbury's always seem to be from Chile or Peru. Anyway, I'll report back in a couple of months time with my progress .. and here's hoping it stays away this time!

1 Posted Wed 27 Feb 2019 21.43 by PsoriasisIsntSkinDeep

Hello. I’m new to this. I’ve had psoriasis for 14 years and in the last 4 it has been severe: 90% body coverage. I find it wonderful that so many have gained so much from this particular chat however I am somewhat perturbed. We all here clearly understand the cause of psoriasis outbreaks, and none here would consider such toxic medical treatments were it not considered appropriate. I currently take Apremilast which definitely helps the more painful aspects of my P (itching, broken skin) though the treatment is not without side effects. I struggle therefore with the proclamation that blueberries will defeat the genetic abnormality that we all share. Have I tried it? Of course. My skin is a serious source of anxiety for me. Did it do anything? No. I am therefore worried that you are perpetuating a myth, an idea upon which some may be fixated. It’s unhealthy. Your experiences are valued, but please don’t diminish the extent of one’s illness (and P is an undeniably debilitating illness) by suggesting that a bit of fruit might cure it. I’m sure the NHS wouldn’t be paying circa £500 per month for my current medication if a fruit-based diet were the cure. Your good intentions are appreciated and admirable. But I would urge those still restricted to topical or UV treatments, to push for specialist intervention / biologics if you want a longer term solution...alongside blueberries, if you so fancy.

Posted Fri 1 Mar 2019 14.04 by Frenchman49
49 years old, pso since 2011

My update after more than 6 weeks: I took frozen blueberries (after thawing them in my fridge overnight) twice a day from january 15th to february 15th and I saw a little improvement, but extremely slow, and not life-changing. I thought I had to carry on and be patient. Then, because I went to my sister's for four days, I bought fresh blueberries. It occured to me that maybe it would be more effective to only eat 20 blueberries a day but fresh ones. It has been two weeks now, my back skin has improved, there are still patches but they are less visible. Last night I went to an Italian restaurant and had a big creme pizza, which I hardly ever do, today my skin is drier and a bit red. I'll continue to avoid pizza and over eating. Globally the evolution is slow and positive, I am still hopeful, but it is like a saw-tooth diagram. If my skin starts healing more frankly within two weeks, it will mean to me that my guts really started to heal with the FRESH BLUEBERRIES. Indeed the way I see it the gut gets back to normal within approximately 3 weeks and the skin starts healing. I will report again later.... Thanks again Phil for letting us know what worked for you and thus giving us the opportunity to at least try

1 Posted Sat 2 Mar 2019 19.59 by pdr321 (edited Sat 2 Mar 2019 21.34 by pdr321)
A long sufferer of plaque psoriasis who found an effective treatment after 27 years (blueberries). I have now been clear more than 5 years.

Hi PsoriasisIsntSkinDeep, I am sorry that blueberries have not helped you, they don't help everybody, and all types of psoriasis. The last time I added up the responses on this forum they had helped about 72% of those that had reported back. Your words do trouble me though, this is not a myth as many have testified (read above), and I don't see how the seriousness of the condition has been diminished by this forum. A bit of fruit has indeed removed psoriasis from my body. I had 27 miserable years with the condition, and if I had not started eating a bit of fruit I would still be draining NHS resources. I agree that this treatment sounds unbelievable, but I and others are living proof of the results. I have never stated that sufferers should not seek specialist intervention. To be honest I used to think that natural remedies were a waste of time, but I can't deny the results. This forum tells sufferers about my personal experience, and contributors also report. All are free to make their own minds up, but you are wrong to diminish this forum just because it did not work for you, for which I am sorry to hear. BTW, the NHS will never tell you to eat blueberries, they only follow NICE guidelines. You are more than welcome to use the NHS resources that I and others have freed up. Phil

Posted Tue 5 Mar 2019 18.34 by NoelB

Just completed my second month on the blueberries and improvement seems to have stalled except in one area (right knee) that is now almost clear. I still consider the improvement overall to be dramatic so will continue and update again in a month.

Posted Wed 6 Mar 2019 21.37 by Kelly90

Hi Everyone, I'm new here. I have about 20 years psoriasis. It had the first 17 years only on my elbows. The last 3 years is there are multiple spots to come (legs, back, chest, everywhere). Tried different ointment, cream, and also light therapy. Blueberries for psoriasis I had never heard of. And I prefer something healthy and natural, so this seems to me a good option. I hope after a few weeks may be just as happy as most of you. X

Posted Thu 7 Mar 2019 01.44 by Jon81

Good luck Kelly, mine seems to be easing after a few weeks x

Posted Thu 7 Mar 2019 01.57 by Jon81

PsoriasisIsntSkinDeep Of course they would give you anything. GP's get a commission on the medication they supply. Up to a fifth of their salary is made up from medication commission.

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