Eating Blueberries has cleared up my psoriasis

Posted Thu 7 Mar 2019 08.02 by Kelly90

Thanks Jon. I hope mine will be easing too. How long do you eat blueberries now? X

Posted Fri 8 Mar 2019 00.25 by Blubbery

1- Blueberries are a good source of Vitamin K. There are stories all over the internet about successes with Vit K, Vit D, and Magnesium. 2- Blueberries are rich in manganese. 3- Blueberries may impact gut health/inflammation. Once you start reading these articles, you get sucked down a rabbit hole full of terms like lipopolysaccharides and intestinal alkaline phosphatase. I don't know why this worked for some of you, but my hubby who HATES blueberries is trying this! Will report back in 6 weeks or so!

Posted Fri 8 Mar 2019 21.38 by warren1 (edited Fri 8 Mar 2019 21.45 by warren1)
widespread psoriasis for 30years

Hi Phil, This is Warren, remember me? Sorry that I got out of the way of posting. I have no excuse, only that life is so busy. Just to let you and Chrissie know that I am still doing extreemly well. This is now 7 months after I started blueberries at 20 a day August 2018 and my skin is 98% clear. Apart from a couple of minor flares due to strep throat my skin is brilliant. I am so glad that I ever read this thread, it has changed my life. I have come from a red angry 90% covered psoriatic body to clear skin. I could now go to the swimming pool and no one would bat an eye lid. This is No myth. It worked for me. I am living proof of Phils wounderful discovery. sorry again for losing contact, Warren Northern Ireland

Posted Fri 8 Mar 2019 23.28 by Kelly90

I'm hoping for the same result Warren. What a difference that would be. I'm only on day 3, so it will take a while before I can say something about it. But if this can heal it, then it would be great! Im happy it worked for a lot of you.

Posted Fri 8 Mar 2019 23.40 by Chrissie NW

Hi Warren, great to hear from you, I’m like you ive been missing I was fed up with the thread people talking about other things, chemicals, diet, immune , and a lot of fall outs, this site us clearly labelled the “ Blueberries Cleared my Psoriasis “ By Sir Phil so that is what it’s for, so I disappeared, get enough of that at the Hospital. Anyway I’m good as well I’ve stared getting a few little red blobs now and again, but after 51yrs with Chronic Psoriasis I can cope with what comes now, I still take my 20 plus blueberries a day and coping nicely am so pleased that you are still good, Sir Phil has had excellent results with his blueberries, it’s incredible and I will never forget him he has changed my life and the quality, I never went out due to P all over me, red raw, had to hide my skin., long sleeves, trousers last year shorts yes shorts on for the first time since my 20’s pretty remarkable. Anyway Warren keep going and let’s hope it’s tee shirts and shorts again. Chrissie North Wales .

Posted Sat 9 Mar 2019 00.58 by Cal

Hi Warren, glad you're staying clear. I see you're from NI. I'm just outside of Belfast. Been started the blueberries a couple of weeks and hoping for some results soon. Keep healing 👍🏼

Posted Sat 9 Mar 2019 23.44 by raja123

Hello All, I am 40 year old male with P on elbows ,knees , most part of the lower legs . I have recently saw new spots on my stomach . I have been definitely careless on my eating habits . I drink 4-5 cups of coffee with creamer , eat decent amount of sweets and fast foods .Not a big drinker though . I have been stressful lately . I have started eating blueberries since 3/7 (2 days) and I would like to share my progress . I have stopped dairy , sugar and wheat products in the last two days . Taking Vit d and fish omega oil , I will post my progress by end of month.

Posted Sun 10 Mar 2019 10.21 by Kelly90

Hi Raja123, Exciting. I'm curious what your result will be end of the month. I am on day 4, so for any result I have to wait (and be patient).

Posted Tue 12 Mar 2019 21.25 by pdr321
A long sufferer of plaque psoriasis who found an effective treatment after 27 years (blueberries). I have now been clear more than 5 years.

Hi Chrissie/Warren, Good to hear from you both, and good to hear that you are both still doing well, as indeed am I :-) I've not been looking at this forum quite as much as I used to. At times it's gone a bit off-piste, and some people seem to have got quite angry. But I am so pleased that you are able to enjoy life as you deserve. I've even joined a gym and am trying to get fit, there is no way I would have done that previously. Let's hope we get another good summer, so good to be able to wear what we want after all the years of hiding away. I hope this doesn't come across as insensitive to those that still suffer. But if nothing else this shows the result of eating blueberries for us at least. All the best, Phil

Posted Wed 13 Mar 2019 08.48 by Stan

Hi Phil, You did a good thing sharing the magic blueberries, thankyou. Don't worry about the few people who take a negative turn. I'm on day 3 will report back later. Ive tried so many different ways to reduce the impact of psoriasis and it's clear what works for some doesn't always work for others. If the blueberries work I will be over the moon. A simple natural remedy and they even taste good, perfect. How did you ever discover that they worked for you? Cheers Stan

Posted Fri 15 Mar 2019 14.58 by warren1 (edited Fri 15 Mar 2019 19.14 by warren1)
widespread psoriasis for 30years

Phil hi, You have been of great help in changing the lives of so many fellow psoriasis sufferers, me included. It is possible to have a link to your own group then you could have greater control. If some understood that this is a simple, healthy remedy and controlled their input that would be unnecessary. let's hope it dosn't come to that Kelly 90, Please be patient it took me 4 weeks, and advice from Chrissie, to see slight improvement. From 6 weeks on it changed to a massive improvement. Chrissie hi, I am the same as you 98%clear but still a little remaining to remind me of the bad old psoriatic days. snap. Cal Really hope the blueberries work for you. I too live near Belfast, Bangor by the sea. best wishes, Warren

Posted Sat 16 Mar 2019 by Kelly90

Hi Warren, I will try to stay patient. It's definitely not a punishment to eat blueberries. I see it as a (everyday) healthy snack. Today is day 10. It looks pretty calm, but I still have some weeks to go. I still believe in it 😊!

Posted Tue 19 Mar 2019 11.25 by Andrew

Hi all and Phil, I have Psorasis on my scalp, I’m my ears, lower back, knees and on my shin. It’s a nightmare. I’m on day one of taking blueberries but I’m really hopeful that they will help. I have fairly good diet but I do drink alcohol. I am so fed up with my skin I’m willing to try anything so blueberries here we come.

Posted Fri 22 Mar 2019 16.56 by Lauz329

I just wanted to thank you for your recommendation on blueberries! I started with guttate psoriasis around mid January which literally spread from head to toe. I tried a few steroid solutions but I really didn’t like the idea so decided to try and heal naturally. I started the blueberries 2 weeks ago and this morning woke up with half cleared already! I’m so grateful, thank you 😊

Posted Sat 23 Mar 2019 11.33 by warren1
widespread psoriasis for 30years

Lauz329 Yes I was the same. wounderful news, and so quick too. Also I told a man named Billy from Belfast about Blueberrries. He had really red, hot psoriasis all over his face. I saw him 3 weeks later, last Thursday ....amazing All gone. Warren

Posted Sat 23 Mar 2019 12.48 by Lauz329

That’s great news! I’ll forever be recommending the blueberries! The bonus is they’re amazing for us instead of the nasty steroid stuff!

Posted Sat 23 Mar 2019 13.34 by DianeC (edited Sat 23 Mar 2019 14.11 by DianeC)

Hi Everyone! I posted a reply back on July 1 of last year. At that time I was amazed that by having gone blueberry picking and eating them everyday for weeks the itchy plaque on my elbow cleared up! Now I only had that single spot and I can't begin to know what most of you are going through but I had to let you all know just how well blueberries has worked for me. After a while though going into the holidays and over the winter I stopped eating blueberries. Guess what?...the plaque came back. So for the last 6 weeks I've been eating organic blueberries (they are much more expensive this time of year) at least 5 times a week and my plaque is once again gone! ETA: I've only eaten FRESH blueberries. I think that could make a difference and I feel that for most it's a long term commitment. Eating them for a few days or a week is not really going to show much in the way of results. One has to stick with it and depending on your condition it could take many weeks or months. I noticed a poster who was curious about scientific studies on this. I agree it would be interesting to see but who will pay for it? I'm in the US and no pharmaceutical company will go the to the expense of a large scale study on this unless it will benefit them! Money and the bottom line is what motives these large corporations here ....that's just the way it is and another reason my mainstream primary care physician would never mention blueberries or any other natural or holistic treatment. One needs to see a holistic or integrative doctor here and they usually don't take insurance which is another factor many have to deal the in the US......the VERY high cost of health care!! Good luck to everyone!

Posted Sun 24 Mar 2019 06.05 by warren1
widespread psoriasis for 30years

Diane C. Your experience proves that blueberries a work for you. as they did for me and so many others. The intresting thing is that they worked on plaque psoriasis, which is the most common as it worked with me on errothermic psoriasis and with others with guttate.I just wounder if Phil has composed stats on the type of Psoriasis helped? this is an amazing discovery Warren

Posted Sun 24 Mar 2019 06.21 by warren1 (edited Sun 24 Mar 2019 06.28 by warren1)
widespread psoriasis for 30years

Diane C and all, I have an idea. The psoriasis association have stated on their website, of which this thread is part, that since 1968 they have given millions of pounds toward research grants and they also sponsor PHD students to research into possible cures for psoriasis. Could they not take the obvious info from this thread and allocate some research. The above may appear simple but to me it is an obvious way forward.. I am sure Sir Phil would supply his collated stats to give a head start. Psorias Association please read this. for info. see Psoriasis Association/Research Warren

Posted Mon 25 Mar 2019 08.23 by Frenchman49
49 years old, pso since 2011

Hi everyone, On blueberries since january 15th: my skin is almost normal. I went to the beach yesterday and I could feel that nobody noticed anything. I played beach racket just wearing swimming trunks without worrying about my skin. This brings me HAPPINESS. The relief is shared by my wife and my daughters: they admit that this time I have really found something natural which works for me. My guttate psoriasis was not thick but it was spread on my torso, my back, buttocks, arms, legs, scalp. I had dandruff all the time. It has been fading very slowly for weeks. It still shows in some places if you are very close. This is because it is either not completely healed or it needs to be tanned (white stains) but I'm sure it is still improving, I'm not impatient anymore, if it still improves it will be bonus, but I am already satisfied with the result. I am convinced that FRESH blueberries are more effective for me. My case shows that if some heal in 3 to 6 weeks, others may need three months. But three months is nothing when you have been waiting for years and years. Phil: THANK YOU FOR THIS GIFT

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