Eating Blueberries has cleared up my psoriasis

Posted Mon 25 Mar 2019 20.12 by Kelly90

Hi Frenchmen45, What good that the blueberries helped. I eat them now for 18 days I know it may be different for each person until they see some difference. After how much time did you found out that the blue berries gave some effect? Kelly

Posted Tue 26 Mar 2019 07.25 by Frenchman49
49 years old, pso since 2011

Hi Kelly, After about 4 weeks I saw some improvement. Then it gradually progressed. I would say that from week 6 I was sure that it worked for me. From my experience I would tell you to be patient and if possible eat fresh blueberries (not frozen). Good luck to you!

Posted Tue 26 Mar 2019 07.45 by warren1
widespread psoriasis for 30years

Kelly hi Exactly the same for me. As I have read this threat for last 8 months 4-6 weeks seems to be a trend. Warren

Posted Tue 26 Mar 2019 10.02 by Kelly90

Thank you Frenchmen. I eat fresh blueberries everyday. I like the fresh one. I will be patient, because I know that not everybody will or can be clear in 2 weeks. I hope after a few weeks, I have also a good/better result. Hi Warren, I read all the stories on this forum. And yes, most of the people react after a month that they see the diffrents or are (almost) clear. So I have no reason to stop already. Its good that I like blueberries too, so I have no reason to give up. Lets hope I have also a good result after 3 weeks. Did you both (still) know, if it start to healed from the inside/middle? When I look to my elbow, I see it's lighter and flatter in the middle. Less flakes there, and not that red anymore. Sometimes I think, is it healing? Or is that something I just wanna see? Haha Kelly x

Posted Tue 26 Mar 2019 10.15 by warren1
widespread psoriasis for 30years

Kelly, Kelly, Kelly , great news. That is just the way mine was. Your fifth paragraph describes how my skin was after 3-4 weeks and this progressed to massive clearance 6 - 8 weeks. From my experience things are looking good, keep going. Warren

Posted Tue 26 Mar 2019 15.23 by Andrew

Hi Frenchman45, really pleased for you, I’m a week into eating a small punnet of Blueberries everyday but at present my Psorias is getting worse. I have really healthy diet even more so now since having blueberries for breakfast. However I do have GnT most nights which I’m sure will slow down any progress I might make? Really hard to kick the booze but I’m determined to get rid Psorias once and for all as it has plagued me since 2003. So did you much and have you stopped?

Posted Tue 26 Mar 2019 15.56 by Frenchman49
49 years old, pso since 2011

Hi Andrew, I like red wine (and my country is almost a vineyard!) but I don't drink anymore because I have noticed that my skin gets red immediately, and I can get new spots within a few hours. I have decided that when I am completely cured (hopefully) I will sometimes allow myself one or two glasses. Perhaps you could drink much less to see if it helps... Bon courage!

Posted Tue 26 Mar 2019 17.15 by Chrissie NW

Hi Sir Phil,Warren & anybody else who knows me. Fantastic news, went to the hospital to see my Dermo Consultant and he still can’t believe my skin and that it is Blueberries that has cleared me after, wait for it 50yrs from when I started with P he took photos today to show the Students I said to him you must tell them that no drugs/ creams has cleared me it’s the Blueberries he now does not want to see me till January 2020 I can’t believe it. Also all the new people on Sir Phil’s Site, please do not drink alcohol at all, I have drank all my life, having been in the industry for 40yrs, but I stopped when I joined this Forum and stopping the alcohol was a huge contribution to why, with the Blueberries I have been clear since August 2019, I am still eating blueberries everyday cos I love them when I started the Blueberries it took me 7-8 weeks, due to me being covered head to foot, nothing on my face and red raw, so don’t give up if it’s not cleared in 4 weeks just carry on like I did. Well I have gone on a bit I could talk for Wales, so good luck to all our New Members. Chrissie. North Wales p.s. Phil , Warren the shorts will be in use again this year !!!!!

Posted Tue 26 Mar 2019 18.07 by gw247

Yesterday I visited my GP for blood tests, since my last test showed my potassium was too high. I fasted and since I need to lose weight, I looked for fruit. Blueberrys. Later I found this thread. More blueberries. I hope it works, especially before I'm prescribed my third round of steroid creams. I'm concerned about diet in general. I'm 66, obese, vegan with mild psoriasis, mild hypertension and mild type two diabetes. I hope to plant tomatoes this spring, along with a blueberry bush and find a healing diet that allows drinking dark red wine. We'll see. ;) I hope to report, all clear in 6 weeks, and 6 pounds lighter. (232lbs)

Posted Tue 26 Mar 2019 18.17 by Gee

Hi Everyone This forum motivated me to try some thing for my psoriasis. I started to eat blueberries starting today march26th. I have scalp psoriasis and its flaky and irritating from time to time. doc recommended the light therapy, but I cannot afford that. I have dark red and brown spots on my skin from psoriasis. Please advice if this blueberry work miracles for my scalp. I am 32 yrs old female.

Posted Tue 26 Mar 2019 18.19 by Gee

Hi ALL Also if there is any shampoo for hair you recommend that can heal the irritation and flakes. I am from Canada..

Posted Tue 26 Mar 2019 19.47 by Chrissie NW

Hi Gee the best I have use for the scalp is T Gel don’t know if you can buy it in Canada, also a friend of mine who has P in the scalp used Head & Shoulders Dandruff Shampoo made by Proctor & Gamble hope you can get either Chrissie N W

Posted Tue 26 Mar 2019 20.03 by Gee (edited Tue 26 Mar 2019 20.03 by Gee)

thanks Chrissie. for the advise .. will get head and shoulder and try.

1 Posted Tue 26 Mar 2019 20.42 by warren1 (edited Tue 26 Mar 2019 20.43 by warren1)
widespread psoriasis for 30years

GW Yes good that you have started on blueberries, hope they work for you. You mention Tomatoes, when you mention them I see a red light.... stop. An awful lot of the diets, Pagano included warning against Tomatoes, I have been in hospital and known many and the one thing that flares up psoriasis is Tomaoes. To take blueberries and tomatoes at the same time is like using both the accelerator and break together. Warren

Posted Tue 26 Mar 2019 20.47 by warren1
widespread psoriasis for 30years

NW In City hospital they put 50/50 through hair at night and wash out with Johnston's baby shampoo in morning. After several nights the flakes are gone. The above is the best that I had until I met Mr blueberry man ..Phil through this thread. Warren

Posted Tue 26 Mar 2019 20.59 by warren1
widespread psoriasis for 30years

Chrissie hi, All these dermatologists need to do is look and see. Psoriasis gone. Wounderful news. I get the vibes that you feel as I do how brilliant it is to get relief from this nasty desease Psoriasis. When I went to dermatologists it was just same old thing each time .... try methotrexate. Which I refused. I was using Dermovate steriod which has a scary potency. Which even some of my GPs refused to give me on script. But Now it is so different i sometimes run the park run and my legs have no Psoriasis. This is great even though I came to the point with psoriasis that I just didn't care what people thought. I feel free, I would thank you for taking time to encourage me to continue with blueberries. I would give both Phil and you a knighthood Lol You seem a nice person Chrissie. God bless Warren

Posted Tue 26 Mar 2019 21.55 by Chrissie NW

Hi Warren, thanks for your reply and I was just like you having everything thrown at me, which must of the time I refuse and the Dermatologist at the time just turned round and said to me well, there is no more I can do for you I just got up and walked out, he left two months later, thank goodness, but as we know , I would say commission for getting us on the nasties, but I still refused although I am clear he tried extremely hard to get me to use Enstillar, I’ve read up the the steroid potency is horrific it’s an aerosol foam and costs £78.00 per canister, so good commission to add to his salary on two cans, but this new man just ok then I will see you in Jan 2020. Glad you are still good and running my goodness, legs out, I think that does your legs good with both you and I wearing trousers all the time through P on the legs it’s good to get the air and sun on them. My Doctor won’t give me Dermovate and Betnovate ( that was taken off the market about 20yrs ago) but I see it’s back now.. Anyway keep eating the Blueberries and your legs out and THANK YOU & Phil for being excellent listeners and what I would called “ my friends” Take care. Chrissie ( and you are a nice person as well Warren)

Posted Tue 26 Mar 2019 21.59 by James

Hello Everyone, I had occasionally visited this forum a few times and noticed this thread on Christmas holiday. Was completely bathled by the power of blueberries success stories on some people. Tried to take blueberries daily, but didn't last long, only a week or so as to be honest i find this ridiculous that something so pure and simple can work when doctors prescribe dangerous treatments with serious side effects and no guarantees it will help long term (and probably often makes ir worse). I was diagnosed with psioriasis roughly 1,5 years ago. What started with small patches on the scalp, got to the point where the whole body is covered with small red patches, escpecially on the legs, back. I am using elecon, moisterizer and dermovate on and off with hopes to treat it. Though its better, i am still covered and don't know what to do anymore. I'm afraid to continue using these steroid treatments, as i already notice bleach skin areas, and skin thinning. I'l try to believe blueberries can help me, stop using steroid treatment and switch to blueberries exclusively, will let you know about my progress. In the area where i live, it's pretty hard to get fresh blueberries, does the frozen ones have the same benefits for psioriasis?

2 Posted Tue 26 Mar 2019 22.09 by Chrissie NW

Hi GW247. Please grown two three four Blueberry Bushes do not have tomatoes. I was told by a very old lady who I met while travelling Turkey many years ago and she came to me as my P was shocking as the heat was 95 /105 degrees and she said to me do not eat tomatoes, red peppers in fact anything red including meat and I’m sorry RED WINE this lady was right I was in my 20’s and on my return home I did as she said and my skin did go better, so it is good advise from a very old Turkish Lady I am now four years older than you and from being 30yrs old the Blueberries have cleared me since August last year for 40yrs I have never been clear and last year I wore shorts fantastic, so please Knick the red goods off your shopping list. Good Luck and eating the Blueberries it took me 7-8 weeks so persevere.

Posted Wed 27 Mar 2019 05.41 by Andrew

Hi Chrissie, I’m so pleased for you. No doubt you are feeling amazing. You Phil and Warren are really inspirational. I’ve got my diet sorted I just need to kick the booze habit.

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