Eating Blueberries has cleared up my psoriasis

1 Posted Wed 27 Mar 2019 08.37 by Chrissie NW

Hi James , read my article just below yours, I was a long term sufferer it’s my Anniversary this year which is 50 yrs , very few people had P and the looks from people was shocking, no creams and meds like today, so you just plod on, but now with Sir Phil the Miracle,Magic Blueberry Man I’m clear since Aug/Sept and wore shorts for the first time in 40yrs last year, amazing, please persevere, we are all different I have them for 7-8 weeks some 4-5 weeks, no food that’s red and I’m afraid this includes RED WINE which I do miss there is such a lot to learn, even down to what you wear. FRESH BLUEBERRIES NOT FROZEN where you live is difficult to get them, where I live in Wales in between two Mountain Ranges near Snowdonia that’s in the middle of nowhere a round trip of almost 52 miles for my blueberries, have faith James, don’t make excuses I hope you have read the success on this Forum it’s incredible, some Psoriasis it does not have success but the percentage of the success rate of blueberries makes a person get up, get moving and get to the supermarket, if it’s a success you will be a different man, believe me, good luck James and please persevere for at least 7-8,weeks and watch what you are eating also no red wine, no ciggies( if you partake) just watch what you eat, let us know how you get on. Chrissie NW

Posted Wed 27 Mar 2019 14.24 by RN

Hi everyone, I’ve surfeited from psoriasis in my nails and small patches in the scalp and lower back. I stumbled across this topic when researching potential solutions for my teenage daughter who is showing symptoms of psoriasis on her back and scalp. Anyway long story short, I had started eating blueberries regularly this year and had noticed an improvement in my nails although I hadn’t linked the two. Since reading the article I’ve increased the amount I eat, circa 30 a day and my nails are in great shape now, only one left to heal. My toenails which were very bad are fully clear now and the patch at the very bottom of my back is gone. Still some in my scalp but no big issue. I’m normally skeptical but honestly I think it’s worth a try.

Posted Wed 27 Mar 2019 16.04 by gw247

Warren & Chrissie, I thank you for your response. I need to go to the supermarket. I wonder what I should avoid. I'm a vegan and will have to avoid high calories, because of my weight; high carbs because of my diabetes; tomatoes and peppers because of my psoriasis; salty foods to avoid high blood pressure. (tomatoes are only good if you salt them) I try my best to buy organic, when the food is known to be Genetically Engineered here in the USA. I sure could use a vegan daily diet, which is how I somehow discovered this site. I live near a large blueberry farm. I'm going to try athlete's foot cream, (terbinafine hydrochloride 1%), daily and use coconut oil mixed with lavender oil more often and see how long I can avoid using my steroid cream. Thanks everyone for allowing me to tag along!

Posted Sat 30 Mar 2019 12.48 by raja123

Hi All My update , I have been on blue berries for three weeks , I am also doing diet(cut down sugars, dairy and gluten) . I see some improvement , definitely psoriasis has calmed down, however there is no dramatic improvement yet , I will keep doing Blue berries and will do a post again in 4 weeks . Thanks Raj

Posted Sat 30 Mar 2019 16.49 by Kelly90

Hi Raj, I'm also been on the blueberries for 3 weeks. And same as you, the psoriasis has calm down. No big diffrents, but its in the right direction. Hi Warren, thanks for your reaction. Some days I look at it for a few times. In 'my eyes' it looks like it changed in the middle (not a big diffrent, more that it slowly fades, and looking more calm). Still have the flakes, but not so hard and rough like 2 weeks ago. Its feels and looks more flat. Kelly

Posted Mon 1 Apr 2019 09.52 by warren1 (edited Mon 1 Apr 2019 09.53 by warren1)
widespread psoriasis for 30years

Kelly and Raj, It is looking good, be patient. At 4 weeks i had no improvement. 4-6 weeks less scaling and fading. After 6 weeks massive clearance. Kelly, when i was in hospital years ago using dithranol paste my psoriasis changed from the middle out. The Consultant said that it was a clear sign that it was going to go. And it did. Now from the inside out the blueberries appear to do same thing. We must remember that Psoriasis is the slow over production of skin cells so to reverse that naturally it makes sence that a natural way will also take time. it's looking good. Warren

Posted Tue 2 Apr 2019 05.42 by Tallchris

Morning team First time poster here! Am 43 year old male and have had psoriasis about two years. Not as bad as you lot on here, I probably have about ten spots around my body ranging from pound coin size to about two inches across and it's on my scalp too. Have had a spray from the doctors which isn't working and really don't want prescription stuff..... My blueberry experiment starts today..... will keep you all updated. Hope it works. Am starting to get a bit worried!!!

Posted Tue 2 Apr 2019 14.29 by Kelly90

Hi Warren I understand that the skin needs time to heal. When you have psoriasis, then there are too many new skin cells created, (and exfoliates the new skin). If its now up to healing (ohh, I hope so!), it need the time to create a 'new' layer of skin. Normally when you have a good skin, it takes a month. But I know I have to be patient. Thursday its my 4th week. The texture of my skin is still the same (you know what I mean, some call it a snake skin lol), BUT it isnt that white and flaky anymore, and it feel more flexible/soft/flat. I still have high hopes. Hi Tallchris, good luck! Kelly

Posted Tue 2 Apr 2019 16.33 by Gee

Hi I am on my second week on blueberry.... I do not see any new patch so far. I need some tips for my scalp. its really flaky most of the times. I have to rush to washroom to get it out during my work. :( .. I am trying avocado mask with some olive oil , coconut oil , yogurt. over the weekends. some time I add in oats, some time rinse scalp with apple cider vinegar.... but is there anything else which can help?

Posted Tue 2 Apr 2019 16.47 by warren1
widespread psoriasis for 30years

Gee please see preceding text. 50/50 liquid paraffin/ soft white parafin and wash out with Johnston's baby shampoo each morning. As used as standard treatment City hospital. Warren

Posted Tue 2 Apr 2019 16.57 by warren1 (edited Tue 2 Apr 2019 17.04 by warren1)
widespread psoriasis for 30years

Kelly hi, When I was in hospital several times, the nurses were trained to brush the tips of their fingers over the surface of the skin to feel if it was flat. When there was no longer a raised area they concluded the psoriasis was gone. It makes sence as psoriasis is the accumulation of dead skin cells on the surface. The texture of the skin will not return to the same shade as the existing skin immediately but will gradually fade in. The skin at the bottom of the psoriasis is new skin, usually pinky in colour. Hope this helps, i sense a very strong desire for this to work, by your text. God bless, Warren

Posted Wed 3 Apr 2019 03.51 by Gee

Thanks Warren. I will buy that .can you confirm if I have to use this 50/50 mixture of the paraffin night before? And shampoo morning? Gee

Posted Wed 3 Apr 2019 09.22 by warren1
widespread psoriasis for 30years

Yes 50/50@ night, wash out morning. you may have to go to your GP to get a prescription. It is the purest moisturiser. it's like liquidised Vaseline. ( apply lots and use a towel under your head at night) best wishes Warren

Posted Thu 4 Apr 2019 00.44 by ateeq

Hi everyone I was on here a few months ago ...i was eating a punnet/box of blueberries a day minumum sometimes two - i did this for a while and then didnt see any change so i stopped/went on downward spiral Im guessing i was about 5 weeks in - maybe I had burnout from eating so many blueberries :) My diet was terrible though and i was smoking constantly at the time. I have quit smoking over the couple of months and this week started an alkaline juice diet . next week i will start eating blueberries again and will stick to the minimum 6 weeks or so that this needs - Once I can go back to eating 'solids' i will start eating blueberries again I am back in the game !

Posted Thu 4 Apr 2019 08.23 by Kelly90

Hi Warren, I understand theres a chance my skin wont be the same color as normal, but thats no problem. But for now, I can still see its psoriasis. Only more flat, because its not that flaky and hard as it was. Now its a light layer. But the texture of my (psoriasis)skin are still with grooves/stripes (if you understand what I mean, I dont know how to say in English). I still hope my skin will change :-)

Posted Fri 5 Apr 2019 05.35 by Tallchris

Blueberries are moreish aren't they? Took a punnet to work on Wednesday and snaffled the lot. Did the same yesterday! Am going to take a small pot with my dose in today. Otherwise I'll end up looking like one. Day four today 👊

Posted Fri 5 Apr 2019 16.23 by Kelly90

Hi Tallchris, They are lovely. Before I start eating blue berries everyday (thats 4 weeks now) I never eat them. But now, I eat them a lot! Never knew I would eat them that much. Not only for the psoriasis, but like them more then I thought. Hi Warren, two days ago I send you about my skin. That I still saw psoriasis, only more flat BUT not new skin. But now I really see that a (new) layer of skin is comming! Its not that much, just some little spots, but I see it and I can feel it. And yes, its in the middle. Its now my 4th week. I hope the healing process begins :-) Kelly

Posted Sat 6 Apr 2019 02.02 by NoelB

Completed my 3rd month now and things still seem to be stalling. Dramatic improvement in month one but just stable since then. Will keep you posted.

Posted Sat 6 Apr 2019 16.13 by Lyn

Hi, I found this chat a month ago and started on blueberries and have stuck with it. I'm seeing a lot of improvement. I've had this,,,red patches, itchy scales, tired feeling for many years. Flare ups happen and I was really going crazy. I tried coconut oil, ointments, D3, several natural supplements, vitamins. My diet wasn't great. I crave sweets. I'm cutting out the pastries and much of the gluten. I drink too much coffee and smoke cigarettes. Can't seem to stop that. I will stick with blueberries and see what happens, because I do see a difference in one month of blueberries. Thank you all for sharing your experiences!

Posted Sun 7 Apr 2019 17.08 by gw247

I had decided to eat more blueberries regularly the week before finding and joining this thread. A popular nutritionist Dr. Gregory, (google Nutrition Facts for his five minute fact filled videos), His video on blueberries is convincing of their many benefits, even in powdered form. I began my blueberry quest while once again treating my obesity, diabetes, and high blood pressure by a day of fasting following with two weeks of vegetables, fruit, and some walnuts and almond butter, (and lots of water). I understand that loosing weight is confirmed to help psoriasis too. This has made me lose almost ten pounds, which I know from experience is the easiest 10 I'll lose. I've never had any "flares", since my mild psoriasis has never cleared, only grown or slowly progressed, so I've never known any "triggers". Itch relief is never for longer than hours. Dietary advice concerning not eating nightshades or red food seems to me to be antidotal, and difficult to find facts to back it up, except that 52% of members of the National Psoriasis Association members have been polled as agreeing with the anti-nightshade clan. I am not going on a multi year personal trial of it for proof, I may survive 6 weeks. These two weeks I have eaten red watermelon and red plums. Warren1's advice included that: An awful lot of the diets, Pagano included warning against Tomatoes, My research on those alkaloid foods is as inconclusive as the diet is restrictive to me and I will need further proof than a poll. I apologize for my negative thoughts, and I do appreciate others reading and trying to be helpful. I think I'll go eat my other almond, buckwheat, blueberry waffle, to start my week 3 and celebrate my weight loss. gw247

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