Eating Blueberries has cleared up my psoriasis

Posted Mon 8 Apr 2019 00.57 by EmmaBee

I'm on week 3 and just can;t believe how clear my skin is. I'm still eating blueberries everyday my legs were the worst part of my body affected by guttate, I've been wearing shorts for over a week now as they have become so clear. I am over the moon happy with my progress and I hope anyone who chooses to try it will get good results to. I was on no medication when I started the blueberries. It is working for me like nothing I've ever seen before and mentally I feel pretty darn good about that!! And it feels good for once not to be depressed about this condition, my brain needed those blueberries too!!

Posted Mon 8 Apr 2019 18.23 by gw247

EmmaBee. You sound excited. Three weeks: That's great! I hope you'll continue posting. I love the blueberries also. gw247

Posted Tue 9 Apr 2019 18.24 by ri22

Hi, I came across this forum towards the end of February and have been eating blueberries daily since the first week of March. It's been about a month now and no results yet for me. But I know blueberries have a lot of health benefits so I will happily continue eating them hoping that my psoriasis may get better down the line. I will post again, maybe in a month, to let you know if I develop any results. P.S. I am so happy for all of you who have had their psoriasis clear up! :)

Posted Tue 9 Apr 2019 20.09 by Lyn

I started buleberries five or six weeks ago. I still have patches on my elbows, but they are healing. New skin in the middle of each red circle. The inside of my knee was the worst in appearance and it has improved a lot. No more itching and I am watching the trigger foods, but pretty much eating normally. I am amazed! So thankful to you all for sharing your experiences!

Posted Wed 10 Apr 2019 17.12 by Kelly90

Hi Lyn, im eating Blueberries for almost 5 weeks. I also still have patches on my elbow. If hold my elbow tight, then I see (very little) new skin, also in the middle. The difference is not much, but if I look back to photos by 3 weeks ago look, I see that it was not around yet. So thats my results for now (day 34). I dont know how your skin looked like after 4-5 weeks? Do u see now more diffrents then a week ago? (Maybe it gives me more hope haha. And then it means i have be more patient) Kelly

Posted Thu 11 Apr 2019 03.20 by Lyn

It's slow going. I didn't see much improvement for several weeks. The I noticed I was itching less, then another week or so I saw clear skin in the middle of some of the patches. Now the large spot on my knee is clearer than it's been in many years. The elbow patches are less red and bumpy. Still there, but I'm going to keep doing what I am doing..... veggies and lots of water,,,,,stay away from sugar and gluten....but I don't follow this very strictly, I allow to indulge, too. Good luck to you. Keep at it and let me know how it goes.

Posted Fri 12 Apr 2019 15.43 by Lyn

And the blueberries!!! I failed to say in my last post, BLUEBERRIES! Every day, half a cup or more. Fresh mostly, Frozen or dried, too. I keep them on hand all the time and the relief in my itching, stinging and red patches have all improved more than I ever expected. Thanks to Phil and all the others. It's not an overnight miracle, but it's an amazing improvement.

Posted Tue 16 Apr 2019 10.59 by Kelly90

Hi, My result are almost the same. Sometimes It looks like I see some little clear spots, but next day I cant see the anymore lol. The itching is okay now, not that much as 5,5 weeks ago, but i still have sometimes. I also reed alot (before I came on this forum) albout blueberries capsules. The most of that I found on English and American websites. I dont know if one of you tries capsules too? Or in combination with berries? In the begin (first 3 weeks) I had a lot of berries from Chili, they where tasty and sweet. But they changed them in a lot of supermarket, now they all from Marokko and Spain. It taste like water, so no taste. Looks like it has no power supply. Maybe that is one of the reason i have no results. I dont know. Kelly xxx

Posted Tue 16 Apr 2019 16.31 by gw247

Kellygo, nutrition (under 5 minute video) Since you asked, you and others might find this short video interesting: Dr. Greger, (How Not to Die), discusses testing the benefit of blueberries for fighting type 2 diabetes. A Harvard study, using powdered and frozen blueberries. (to prevent the test groups from knowing who was receiving the blueberry treatment), proves blueberries to have medicinal use. Three weeks ago I began daily fresh blueberries. Dr. Greger advocates everyone to eat blueberries, (or other listed berries), every meal, as part of a healthy, preventitive diet. I ordered some natural treatments which include Dr. Bronner's shampoo, oatmeal soap, followed by apple cider / aloe vera rinse, followed by jojoba / peppermint oil. (psoria$i$ seems to need pampering, lol). My best purchase is an aloe vera plant. I've used its leaves to squeeze their gel onto my itching skin. The rubbed in gel instantly cools the burning and stops the itching, for a while. It's a hell of a lot faster acting than tubes of steroid creams. I've grown these plants forty years ago and with basic care they multiply. (if I don't strip them bare). I need to repot the overgrown little four inch pot, which is growing two 8 inch tall plants and two baby two inch ones. The Whole Foods cashier said she treats her curly hair with it. (shiny hair!) Blueberries equal walking a mile? "Put it to the test". Best wishes, gw247

Posted Thu 18 Apr 2019 19.30 by MKA (edited Thu 18 Apr 2019 23.34 by MKA)

Hi All I’m so glad I’ve come across this page, I’m 33 and broke out with GP 3 maybe 4 weeks ago randomly, I’m normally a confident person but this has thrown me completely, I get so emotional and I sometimes feel so like my life has completely been ruined ( I know people have worse off conditions) but that’s how I feel! I think I’m fed up of the doctors saying Itl go away in a few weeks, good news is it’s jot permanent! If it’s not them can you explain why my GP is still here (rolling eyes emoji) I have changed my diet, stoping drinking, stoped eating meat, drink ten times more water and I don’t see a difference! The doctors prescribed me with exorex and told me it will be controlled in two weeks Im still on week one and my arms are itching so bad! Today at work I stumbled across this page and the first thing I do at lunch was buy a pack of blueberries! My sisters getting married in 7 weeks I really hope this works for me I have every faith in it! Your stories are amazing and I will continue to be positive and TRY not to stress! Will keep you all updated!

Posted Sat 20 Apr 2019 23.01 by Lyn

I do hope the blueberries work for you. I'm not on any medication, so I don't know how they interact. I'm not itching anymore. It's such a relief. I still have red patches on elbows, but the one on my knee is just about gone and the elbows are more pink than red and not so bumpy. Good luck and don't give up!

Posted Tue 23 Apr 2019 10.15 by MKA

Hi can anyone explain to me what gutate psoriasis looks like when it’s clearing??

Posted Fri 26 Apr 2019 01.14 by Clare

My doctor has giving me a lot of Diogenes eczema, dermititis, psoriasis, bacteria infection, my immune system was not very good. I think am getting well my itchy rash is clearing up slowly I think the more you look after yourself the health you will be I have suffered many years and it hurts the skin . I got anxiety too. I will buy some blueberry's tomorrow and buy them instead of apples and bananas.

Posted Fri 26 Apr 2019 11.17 by Scootch

Hello everyone, This is my first post after being a member for a little while. I've had psoriasis since I was a small child, I've been given topical steroids, coal tar, salycilic acid creams, Dovonex (which burnt my skin and caused an infection) as well as a raft of emollient moisturisers. My condition suddenly got a lot worse and spread across my whole body about 18 months ago with no obvious explanation, and continues to spread. My scalp is the worst it has ever been. I've made changes to my diet and am doing more exercise, but I hadn't realised that there are foods that are powerful anti-inflammatories like blueberries. I'm going to give them a try for a month and see if it makes any difference at all! (I started eating more kale and collard-type greens in the past few weeks and many of the patches on my chest are starting to get paler/flatter in the middle - coincidence?) Anyway, thanks for all advice posted here and I shall report back with my findings! Emma

Posted Sat 27 Apr 2019 10.54 by ShelleyLou

Hi all First post, and very nervous about discussing my P. Had for 20 years now and having a massive flare up. Reading about the blueberries has given me some hope, I’ve been on every medication available with only mild improvement over the years. So now I have a stash of blueberries and it’s only day two will see how it goes. Great to see so many positive results.

Posted Mon 6 May 2019 22.53 by gw247

I completed my 6 week blueberry trial. They taste good, so I'll continue eating them daily. Everyone should eat more super antioxidant health food. I restricted my vegan diet, not only in calories but I also ate no nightshades, wheat, peanuts, bla, bla. I did lose 15 lbs. I hope my "patches" do not flare up or expand, since I'm not using prescription lotions or cream. I'm growing aloe vera to use instead. (and scratch). My regular doctor mentioned that I might be experiencing side affects from my dermatologist's prescriptions, even while ignoring the possibility that her diabetes and high blood pressure medicine were more likely culprits. BTW: I hope no one has been restricted form posting. I check for posts daily. I thank everyone here and wish all the best. gw247

Posted Tue 7 May 2019 23.50 by Lyn

I'm still eating blueberries every day and the results are pretty amazing. I feel better, seldom have any itches. What a relief! I stay away from alcohol, but occasionally eat gluten or sweets. I will keep on doing what I'm doing because I am happy with the results. Hang in there, everybody. Good luck. I hope you have great success.

Posted Wed 8 May 2019 13.36 by MKA

Ive decided to eat healthy I take omega 3 fish oil I drink tuermic tea I don’t have the following alcohol, red meat, diary, sugar No chips and no pizza 4 homopathy tablets a day Exorex and moisturise I was given steriod cream but refuse to go down that path I have white rings surrounding my GP - not sure why this is happening I also am developing rash on and around my GP in some spots which I need to seek advice about My doctor said it will do just need patience- so let’s see how much patience is needed!

Posted Thu 9 May 2019 17.29 by michaelS (edited Thu 9 May 2019 19.58 by michaelS)

Hello everyone. I found this forum a few weeks ago. I live in California, USA. I have had plaque psoriasis for the last 30 years. It appeared aggressively for the first time at the age of 14-15 years old. It has always been pretty bad and —as you know from personal experience— it has affected my life terribly. Sun, sea water and bath salts seem to help a bit, but those are not always available and I surely don’t always have the time to tan, take baths or run to the beach. I started a pseudo-vegan diet 3 months ago (vegan+fish, gluten-free, no grains, no nightshades, no alcohol, no sugar, no coffee or soda) and my psoriasis spots now appear much flatter and turning white or pink in some cases. As for some of you with blueberries, I started seeing new skin forming in the middle of the spots and it kept growing. It is a very, very slow process. It looks better now than three months ago, however I am still covered. I started incorporating frozen blueberries in my diet 3 weeks ago. I have been having 1-2 cups a day. I don’t see an acceleration in my healing yet, but my skin started feeling very itchy in the last couple of days. I usually do okay with my diet, but I might indulge from time to time. It sounds like I have to give blueberries 5-6 weeks, so I will report back in a few weeks. This is a great place for us to share our experiences and potential remedies that we stumble upon. Take care and keep fighting!

Posted Sun 12 May 2019 18.58 by angela r
4 years

I'm afraid the blueberries did little to help me although I do love them and eat them regularly. I've read that the best ones for healing are wild blueberries (quite difficult to get in the UK but if you manage to then they're expensive). 30% coverage on my body plaque psoriasis. I started reading the Medical Medium book by Antony William about 5 weeks ago in particular he states that to start to heal the gut and the liver one must drink 16oz of celery juice each morning on an empty stomach. Totally sceptical as I was but at my wits end as I was so poorly I thought I may as well give it a go as nothing else had worked. Five weeks on my skin has improved so much its unbelievable. Still a way to go mind but I've not missed a day and I have more energy, better digestion and getting out and about. The next step is the liver rescue for me to see if I can heal more. Wish me luck. #feelingpositive

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