Eating Blueberries has cleared up my psoriasis

Posted Mon 13 May 2019 14.01 by EmmaBee

Hello everyone, I'm now about two months into taking blueberries and it has changed my life in so many ways. My guttate started to disappear within 4 days of starting the blueberries, I am now only eating blueberries 3-4 times a week and still completely clear for two months now. For years I could not wear skirts or shorts because my lower legs were so bad, but now I wear them almost everyday with confidence now that I have my familiar skin back to normal. Love love love and I can only hope that it does the same for anyone who tries it although we all know it can affect people differently. My coworkers are still shocked that all it took was blueberries to clear this awful psoriasis, at least for me. I wake up everyday still thinking this may be a dream, but the results are real!! I'm so blessed to have found this forum and the suggestions that have been posted. It has changed by confidence in the best possble ways. Good luck to all and best wishes for your success no matter what method you try!!

Posted Mon 13 May 2019 22.22 by michaelS

EmmaBee, have you made any changes to your diet? Do you eat dairy, gluten, grains, eggs, sugar, nightshade vegetables? How about wine or alcohol in general? Glad to hear BB are doing the trick for you!

Posted Sun 19 May 2019 05.58 by delriley

I have been eating half a punnet of blueberries a day for the last five months but sadly l have had no miracle cure.....but glad they have worked for alot of you...l will keep trying...maybe it will just take longer for me..

Posted Fri 24 May 2019 19.25 by Beach123

Hi. Do you have a special diet you follow?

Posted Mon 27 May 2019 20.47 by Margyb

Thank you Sir Phil, Chrissie and Warren for your continued advice and support to everyone on this forum. I joined about 4 weeks ago when searching for a more holistic approach to a bad bout of GP which has covered me from the neck downwards and also in my scalp. My doctor has prescribed doublebase emollient and was a little concerned when I declined steroid ointments as I’ve used them for over 35 years. Ive been trying the blueberries for nearly 3 weeks now and although it looks like it’s getting worse I’m going to persevere. I’m also using coconut oil in my scalp and dr organic aloe Vera shampoo and conditioner which has really soothed the itching. This forum has given me so much confidence to find a healthier solution to the steroids. Thank you again 😊 x

Posted Sun 2 Jun 2019 18.01 by ShelleyLou

Hi all Just thought I would give and update on the progress. It’s been a month and now my skin is looking so much better. I can’t believe this is down to eating blueberries. I’m not completely clear but a definite improvement with new skin coming through. Hope this helps anyone starting out on the blueberries keep going I certainly will be and hoping to be completely clear soon. So pleased I read your post Phil my skin has not been this good in years.

Posted Tue 4 Jun 2019 04.41 by warren1
widespread psoriasis for 30years

Lyn, Emmabee andShelleyLou Great to read these success stories, especially coming into the summer when Psoriasis can prove extreemly difficult in the dry weather. I have been on blueberries 10 months and there is no return it has truely changed my life too. When i get a strep throat it seems to override the blueberries for a short time and i get a minor flare up for a short time but nothing like before. Then its back to approx 90%clearance. Sometimes i get a bit lax and dont take blueberries for a few days and my skin itches and shows signs of wanting to flare, immediately start on the blueberries again and it calms down again. I dont know what Phil's stats are like, from memory it was approx 70%who persisted showed great improvement. i just wounder if a good part of the success rate is linked with inflamatory type psoriasis, as some with plaque type dont do so well. In taking blue berries i watched a u tube video that gave info that blueberries also reduced blood pressure. My blood pressure was always a bit high, but i ignored it to be honest. Recently i went to my doctor and to his and my surprise my bp was normal 120/80. amazing. Also when u research mental alertness bluberries alwas comes up in the list of advised foods. Many thanks to Phil and Chrissie, your advise has vastly improved my quality of life. Taking blueberries has changed my psoriasis from a major horrible 40 year condition to a minor and controlled one. Sorry for not being on this site more often, life is so busy with many pressures. God bless, Warren

Posted Tue 4 Jun 2019 13.27 by Ken dodd

I have only just joined the group and having suffered with plaque psoriasis on my elbows for a couple of years have recently changed my diet. Iam a self employed painter and decorator so I've cut out bread, processed meat and crisps which has been a bit difficult but introduced sardines, blueberries, strawberries and grape's into my diet I can't believe the difference it has made to my psoriasis each morning when I go to the bathroom the psoriasis has virtually gone !. Iam still putting on the dovebet gel as well but I can't wait to go on holiday shortly and not be embarrassed wearing short sleeved shirts,t shirts.. Ken. ( A very happy psoriasis sufferer. )

Posted Tue 4 Jun 2019 21.02 by Nico

Hello to everybody! I would like to share my experience with you all. I have psoriasis since I was very young. no treatment goes well on my skin. but I did not give up with this disgusting disease. I have been searching for all sorts of articles about this disease and I found out something interesting that Psoriasis: it is an autoimmune disease and that all people with autoimmune disease should not eat mushrooms and dairy of any kind (so without cheese, milk , yogurt, etc.). Drink plenty of water, no alcohol and rest. I tried all the above. I have nothing on my skin now. I am a happy been. Just try you as well. I hope you will be soon.

Posted Sat 8 Jun 2019 01.09 by Lyn

I went on a two week vacation, driving over 2,000 miles. Some days I wasn't able to get blueberries, but I am home and back to my regular routine. Still doing very well and so thankful. So glad to hear the other good reports, and as far as diet goes, now I am just eating sensibly and the only change at all, really is the addition of magical, wonderful blueberries! Thanks for your encouragement, Warren and all the others who have been so supportive. I feel very grateful to have found this wonderful group.

Posted Sun 9 Jun 2019 06.41 by warren1
widespread psoriasis for 30years

Lyn hi, Phil and Chrissie encouraged and helped me and in turn its a pleasure for me to seek to help others, like yourself. I have found that blueberries definately work for me. In fact the only thing that has worked in 40 years. Now that my psoriasis is 90/95% better i sometimes miss blueberries the odd day but if i leave it too long i can feel and see the psoriasis ready to return. But that is easily sorted, just start again. My diet is rubbish, coke crisps chocolate buns buscuits burgers etc. yet my skin remains good. i do eat 3 good meals a day but in between is the rubbish snacks. i feel that i have eaten rubbish in the past as a comfort/pleasure to take my mind off my dreadful psoriasis. Maybe i will now change that for my general health sake and wellbeing. When my psoriasis used to flare it was desperate. I often phoned the psoriasis association helpline seeking help, guidance, information about treatment. I was like desperate Dan but they were always very helpful. But But But Now since 1st August 2018 through this very thread my psoriasis is almost completely clear, Life is easer and i feel much better, not only physically but also mentally. And its all because of one person having the genuine desire to help others overcome this Horrible disease through Blueberries. Again forever thankful to you Phil. Warren

Posted Mon 10 Jun 2019 10.15 by Melody

I tried blueberries for 4 weeks and nothing has changed. I have had psoriasis for 40 years, currently having a flare up. I tried enstillar foam recently, and it worked for a short while, but then came back with such a force, its very depressing as it seems to be more like rash this time round. tiny spots are joining together, and it does feel itchy. So not sure where to go next, I am going to try Psorisoft cream from HillVital, will keep you posted!

Posted Mon 10 Jun 2019 10.53 by warren1 (edited Mon 10 Jun 2019 10.55 by warren1)
widespread psoriasis for 30years

Melody hi, In my experience blueberries definitely work. I think that it may prove worthwhile to keep taking them for a further 6 weeks to see if results come. In my case a strep throat has sparked a few flare ups over the past year. This temporarily overcame the effect of the blueberries. But not as severe as before. The last time that I got a strep throat I went immediately to my GP got antibiotics, killed the germ, and my skin returned to a fair condition. That may be worth a try. Also in the Summer Psoriasis tends to dry which can induce flare ups. I remember in the warm months my skin flared and it was so important to moisturise. In my experience once the skin flares up it can be rough, I was told pre-blueberry revelation,that during a flare to use much moisturiser and some steroid. I found Dermovate the best. It may work for you, but that is a Doctors decision.I remember that my flare ups usually lasted about 4-6 weeks. then like someone flocked a switch, they receded and went away. I trust that the above is a help, the helpline at the psoriasis association is usually a great help too. I often spoke to Laura who is very knowledgeable and was a life line for me in Psoriatic distress. Whilst Blueberries have been a life changer to me and many others, it is not for all. It may be worthwhile to continue for some time more. My heart goes out to you, I was once in your shoes. God bless, Warren

Posted Mon 10 Jun 2019 11.17 by Melody

Hello Warren, Thank you for your kind response. Ok, well I will keep on with the blue berries then, I like them anyway. How do you know when you have a strep throat? And whats the best moisturiser you have found? I have also been prescribed Silkis as the doctor said steroids were not good for long term use, however I have been using Dovonex for years, so it doesn't matter anymore to me. Thanks for taking time to answer. Dawn

Posted Mon 10 Jun 2019 14.59 by warren1 (edited Mon 10 Jun 2019 20.52 by warren1)
widespread psoriasis for 30years

Dawn hi, A strep throat is basically a germ or an infection in the throat, you would need a doctor to take a look. The best moisturizer is 50/50 from the doctor, It is the best. It is used in hospital 3 times a day but it is like Vaseline... extremely messy. Having said that it could be used at night, The best cream moisturizer that I have found is cetraben cream, I have used it 5 times a day during flare ups. I understand what some flare ups are like, they can be really nasty. Why not give Laura a ring at the psoriasis association 01604 251620 she is very knowledgeable about steroids, creams etc, and could help you, Sure keep at the blueberries and see how you go. Warren

Posted Thu 13 Jun 2019 11.20 by xcherylx

Hi folks i am new to the group and i'm glad to gave found people i can relate to, defo going to try the blueberries, i have yried everything else, spent a fortune. Ive been hospitalised for the tar treatment, been on methotrexate, neotigisin, tried herbal remedies etc. I have been off my steroid creams for about 2 months now after about 25 years of using them, i see a big difference in my psoriasis now as i assume my skin has stopped craving the steroid creams, still not as clear as i would like but its a start, so heres hoping it will get better with time

Posted Thu 20 Jun 2019 03.26 by pso what

I've been vegan, dairy free, gluten free, almost fat free for the last 6 weeks and have been eating blueberries for the past 3 1/2 weeks. I have only had psoriasis for the last 2 years, but it is pretty severe, (Face, arms, ankles, oozing on neck) After 2 weeks on blueberries, I've noticed plaques on face are a lot smoother and in the last few days, noticed that my chin are a lot smoother.

Posted Thu 20 Jun 2019 09.49 by warren1
widespread psoriasis for 30years

3 and 1/2 weeks and you can see improvement. It took me 4-6 weeks. Encouraging signs indeed. Your skin appears to be going in a good direction. Working from inside out takes time, please let us know how you go. Warren.

Posted Thu 20 Jun 2019 13.36 by susanleannep

Hi Everyone, I've been stalking this thread for a while... Had Plaque P since I was about 14 (now 40) and tried most things... I went vegan, gluten free, sugar free and nightshade free on Boxing Day. March time there was a big improvement, but it all returned with a bang soon after (I'm guessing stress around a house move was a big factor). Not as strict with the diet these days, but I read this thread a fortnight ago and have been on the blueberries since. 20+ a day. I've had major flaking (ewww) since I started, but it is definitely looking paler and flatter than it was. I'm very hopeful this is the start of even a little healing.... Fingers crossed and good to know there's others like me out there and going through the same things! Holiday in July so hoping to look a little less like a leper by then :)

Posted Thu 20 Jun 2019 19.21 by gw247

I'm still eating blueberries and itching..... I have found that blueberries did not improve my scalp or groin but... I have used a post shower rinse of 50/50 aloe vera liquid / cider vinegar, delays my itching for a few extra hours. I am growing aloe vera and using it directly from the leaf is even better and FREE. I thought I'd add this aloe vera study's link from Nutrition Facts even though it's by no means a cure. Best wishes, GW

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