Eating Blueberries has cleared up my psoriasis

Posted Thu 20 Jun 2019 19.22 by gw247

Aloe vera Nutrition Facts link that I forgot... GW

Posted Fri 21 Jun 2019 09.45 by warren1
widespread psoriasis for 30years

Susan hi. The fact that your psoriasis is getting paler is a promising sign. Looks as if your skin is going the right direction. If you look at previous posts on this thread Phil has answered the question about dryness and flaking which some have experienced. Sure let us know how you go, Warren

Posted Sat 6 Jul 2019 06.14 by Pheder85

Hi, 34 years old, new sufferer since February 2019. I've suffered with P on my face since February. I must say it has been very mild and a slow spread so I have been lucky in that sense. I started eating 50g (about 20 to 40 number) of Blueberries everyday since last Sunday (now 7 days in). However this week I have had a massive breakout where most of my forehead has flared up and my cheeks. It has subsided a little these last couple of days, so I am hoping this was a worse before it gets better scenario. Fingers crossed. Also does anyone have problems with eating strawberries? I ask because I have never been a big strawberry eater, but totally unrelated, I have developed a pallet for strawberries the same weekend I started on the Blueberries. So I am wondering if they may have sparked an outbreak. I am so hoping the blueberries work for me, I am definitely going to give them 3 months of everyday use, maybe even 6. Because I am a big fan of the taste. I am more of a lurker/ reader of pages like this, so I would not usually comment. But this page has been so inspiring and uplifting I just had too :). I am so pleased for everyone who has been helped by these miracle little purple powerhouses. Thanks Pheder85

Posted Sat 6 Jul 2019 07.30 by michaelS (edited Mon 8 Jul 2019 16.13 by michaelS)

Just an update on the status of my psoriasis. To give a bit of background (or see previous messages), I went on an elimination diet 5 months ago, before finding this forum and starting eating blueberries daily. The diet is pretty restrictive: gluten free, dairy free, very low on grains, no nightshades, no coffee, no alcohol, no or super low sugar, no meat (only fish), lots of veggies and fruits. The diet has definitely been working, but it’s a very slow healing process. Initially, new pale, psoriasis-free skin started showing up in the center of my spots and the clear skin has been expanding in most cases. Some spots are slower to heal than others. I started having fresh blueberries about 8 weeks ago. I usually have half to one cup a day. In the beginning I thought I saw accelerated healing. Now, 8 weeks later, I have many pale, smooth spots, but I have not seen the massive clearance others have seen. Granted, this has been an extremely stressful and depressing period in my life due to family/work issues and financial hardship. Also, lately I have been violating my diet occasionally due to emotional distress. I will continue with the blueberries and the diet, as I suspect it might take a little more time for me. I have plaque psoriasis from the waist down and guttate psoriasis from the waist up. Fun stuff.

Posted Sat 6 Jul 2019 08.37 by Tinks999

For anyone that the blueberries don’t work for google lush dream cream it went viral a few years back and i tried it after the blueberries and it really worked for me, I just wish I had taken a before after photo I actually couldn’t believe it. The good thing is it isn’t too pricey and they do free sample pots. Carole did you ever try it? Cheryl

Posted Tue 9 Jul 2019 16.20 by michaelS

For those of you who have good luck with blueberries, do you eat other fruits that might be considered high in natural sugars, mainly fructose (grapes, cherries, apples, pears, etc.)? I am interested in whether fruit sugar exacerbates psoriasis symptoms, although that might vary from person to person. I know where the low FODMAP diet fans stand on that.

Posted Wed 10 Jul 2019 08.52 by Dorothy

I'm so happy to see how many people have had their psoriasis clear up through eating blueberries. Sadly, it didn't work for me. I've had it for 20 years, and a few years back someone recommended blueberries, so I ate them for weeks (no other diet changes) with no alteration at all.

Posted Mon 15 Jul 2019 23.01 by warren1 (edited Tue 16 Jul 2019 09.00 by warren1)
widespread psoriasis for 30years

Hi All, From memory Phil posted that approx 70 percent of those who replied on this thread found blueberries helpful to alleviate the desease of psoriasis. Some have not been helped. I have read recently of those who have studied the effectiveness of taking blueberries that they were much more potent when taken alone or with water, and much less effective when taken with milk, see link below. Those who have studied these tests advise that blueberries should be taken at least 1 to 2 hours before or after other food, so that the potency is maximised. This is the same with certain medicines too. Could this possibly be a help in our understanding as to how we should take blueberries effectively. Many are taking blueberries in cerial with milk, which may be tasty but may not be effective. Please do web searches for yourselves on this matter. See especially 'The surprising truith about blueberries and milk' regards, Warren

Posted Thu 18 Jul 2019 05.02 by gw247 (Link to another Nutrition Facts' 5 minute video concerning some studies of diets using berries as medicine.) I hope everyone continues to treat themselves with blueberries even if they aren't cured. It seems that there's other healthy reasons to eat lots of fruits and berries. Chances are that becoming healthier reduces stress and that should help reduce flare ups as well as inflammation. I've lost almost 30 lbs and nowadays tying my shoes is less stressful. :) I aim to lose an ounce every day. I have increased my physical activity which seems to take my mind off of the itching for hours at a time. My Aloe Vera plants are growing/multiplying and applying their leaves' gel is helping to ease my inflammation and itching. (and FREE!) I have less than 10% of my body affected by psoriasis, and I am thankful to be in the mild category. Best to all! gw

Posted Thu 18 Jul 2019 09.18 by susanleannep

Hi Everyone, its 4 weeks since my first post and 6 weeks in total on blueberries. I am seeing quite a marked difference. I'm generally careful with a vegan, gluten free diet, but I do fall off the wagon now and then so by no means perfect. I've had a couple of sunbed sessions in the last week as I'm off on holiday in a few days but thats the only real change other than the daily 20 or so blueberries. Something is definitely working and the massive plaque on my right elbow is the palest its ever been. I'm definitely keeping going! Will update if it clears completely - right now I'm pretty confident! Glad I found this thread...

Posted Thu 18 Jul 2019 19.43 by RoosterRoo

I have also recently heard of the benefits of eating blueberries and have started eating roughly 20 per this space!

Posted Sat 20 Jul 2019 16.01 by Eatmorechocolate

I have been looking at psoriasis incidence across the world and was struck by the difference between Norway, maybe 11%, and Sweden less than 1% Why, when they have very similar genetics and I thought, diet. I then looked up the top 10 foods for each. Guess what? Sweden had foraged berries at no 5 and Lingonberries at 10. Norway mentioned NO berries at all. Apparently Swedes eat LOADS of lingonberries. As well as bilberries, blueberries and others. Is this coincidence? I am going to try adding lingonberries and other northern berries to my blueberry diet.

Posted Sat 20 Jul 2019 21.12 by Tjack

Been watching this discussion for a while, long term sufferer of psoriasis with over 90% coverage at one stage. 31 year old male. For those of you who aren't having any changes in your skin with the blueberries or are finding progress slow. Add some Frozen summer fruit mix from any of the big stores to your blueberries and watch the magic happen. Must be summer fruits that contain blackberries, raspberries, black and red currents the healing power of the currents especially are the magic little healers. Good luck to you all.

Posted Sat 20 Jul 2019 21.32 by Eatmorechocolate

Thanks Tjack I have not noticed a change in the first week of 15-20 blueberries a day. But I will now try your suggestion and up my overall intake

Posted Sun 21 Jul 2019 09.47 by Frenchman49
49 years old, pso since 2011

Disappointed after a few months: I took blueberries every day and it almost cured me within 8 weeks, But my guttate psoriasis has come back now despite a healthy life and blueberries every day. I don't smoke, don't drink alcohol, eat little sugar and very little gluten. I also sunbathe everyday (the hot sun of the south of France used to make my pso fade but it is less effective now). So Tjack, your post gives me hope, I've just bought two bags of frozen berries and I'm going to have some evrey morning. Good luck to all fellow sufferers

Posted Sun 21 Jul 2019 18.01 by pso what

Hi Frenchman45, Hang in there and continue with the blueberries. Many youtubers who follow the medical medium protocol (mostly lots of celery juice and wild blueberry smoothies) describe something called a "healing crisis" where their skin gets worse before it gets better.

Posted Mon 22 Jul 2019 14.55 by Frenchman49
49 years old, pso since 2011

Thank you Pso what, I am determined to continue but as I said I started taking blueberries in January and it worked quite well, I had the healing crisis you mention during week 3 and by mid March my pso was barely visible. Then I was preoccupied by different problems (work, money, children) and I was less serious with my diet (I had wine a few times and I forgot the BB now and then). Now that I have solved my personnal problems I'm back on track and I have decided to have blueberries and other berries every morning for breakfast, without mixing with other food, to make it more efficient. I'll do this as long as I can. As for the other meals, I'll just try to have a healthy diet but not too frustrating. See you later..

Posted Sun 28 Jul 2019 19.06 by gw247

SURPRISE...I had a heart attack. The doctor put in stints and said I had a 90% blockage that would have killed me. I thought I was a heart healthy 66 year old. Once off the table I have had no pain since. I must be the the only vegan the hospital has fed. I did get some good berries. Perhaps I will get lucky with my psorIasis yet.

Posted Mon 5 Aug 2019 09.04 by Frenchman49
49 years old, pso since 2011

Hello gw247, I'm glad you survived! If you had not lost weight perhaps you would not be here anymore!! Hopefully you will get a complete check-up to avoid other serious problems... Take care.

Posted Mon 5 Aug 2019 22.29 by gw247

Thanks Frenchman45 I'm also glad that blueberries are anti-heart attack food. I have appointments with my Nurse Practitioner and my new Heart Doctor. I don't think I'm qualified to post any more nutrition advice, although, I'm now only buying organic fruit. For now I'm going to skip my dermatologist appointment, at least until I rethink all the medicine prescribed to me. I did notice my lisopril blood pressure medicine was reduced by 50%. I'm hoping to lighten up mentally also.

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